
Temp - 82°
Humidity - 54%
VPD - 1.72 kPa
DLI - 38
Leaf Temp - 79°

Gave the girls another haircut but this time I did a more thorough job so I'm OK with where they are at. Fed them 6 gallons of feed solution. Added some Hormex on this feed to soften the shock from the haircut I gave them. Changed the feed schedule to M/W/F as the girls are drinking faster. I mixed a full 5 gallon bucket and I still had to mix another gallon to get them watered completely.

Flowers are definitely forming and it looks like heating the tent after flip to reduce stretch is paying off. I was going to tuck them but the flowers are forming pretty fast so I'm just going to let them continue their vertical growth. Week 4 since flip ends in 2 days. I was going to wait until then to let them go vertical but I'm too tired and lazy to be tucking them. I'll probably lay down the trellis in a week or two if they start getting tall.

View attachment 33932

Greenhouse skinned and with some plants inside. It was 42° last night but the greenhouse averaged 58° with an incandescent bulb warming the space at night. I may spring for a 250w heat lamp bulb to see how balmy we can get it in there. Either that or I may put my tent heater in there as I'm not using it right now.

View attachment 33933
neat man

Temp - 80°
Humidity - 56%
VPD - 1.34 kPa
DLI - 38
Leaf Temp - 79°

Flower set has definitely set in and the flowers are stinking up the tent something awful. It has this really sweet aroma but it's so pungent that my eyes water when I open the tent. Verticals are starting to establish themselves.

So far the verticals don't need any trellising but I can see that these are going to get at least 10" tall. I'm going to wait before I lay out the trellis net so that it doesn't block any light to the flowers. I might have overdone it on the FIMming because there are TONS of flower sites. Some of them are a bit close and bunched up so I've been in there trying to cut out some of the leaf material for airflow but there are so many baby leaves it's going to be a battle for the next few weeks to keep the air flow going as these girls can grow leaves like no other. I noticed also that this cultivar, it being a Indica dominant hybrid, shows indica genetics in its leaf shape through veg but now that it's out of stretch and into flower the leaves have thinned to what look more like sativa style leaves.

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Temp - 82°
Humidity - 55%
VPD - 1.47 kPa
DLI - 42
Leaf Temp - 80°

Different perspective than what I usually shoot. Side flap view. Flower tops are starting swell up. When I was moving a few branches around my hands got really waxy. Not so much sticky although they were sticky but more waxy than anything else. The flowers themselves are getting really greasy. The aroma is VERY floral. Almost like a Lavendar smell.

This was the cultivar I found these brown shiny marbles of liquid in between some of the leaves at the base of the flowers on the last run where I did a tester of 3 different cultivars. Not sure what it was the last time but I think it was resin. Only thing is it wasn't gooey. It was watery. Terp marbles? If I spot any I'll try and snap a pic.

It's amazing to see a 4x4 or is that a 5x5 with 250 watts, flower like that? I figured my electrical would not handle 700 watts x 3-4 tents. So I got a 450 w, 320w,and a 260w to experiment and I was secptical about 260w Flowering cycle, but they all work to finish,amazing,SS
It's amazing to see a 4x4 or is that a 5x5 with 250 watts, flower like that? I figured my electrical would not handle 700 watts x 3-4 tents. So I got a 450 w, 320w,and a 260w to experiment and I was secptical about 260w Flowering cycle, but they all work to finish,amazing,SS
It's a 5 x 5. I have two 275w cobs and another 200w that SSHZ gave me so there's around 750w in the tent. They're not all at 100% but they're there if I need it. With the 200w I've been moving it from one side to the other every day so that the corners get some good light exposure. I'm hoping it has the same effect as using a light mover.

Temp - 79°
Humidity - 53%
VPD - 1.37 kPa
DLI - 42
Leaf Temp - 78°

Girls are really drinking water fast. Fed them 8 gallons yesterday. I haven't yet figured out how to set up an "every other day" schedule on the digital timer. I can set it up for M/W/F but if I set it up for Sunday it'll start the week over and water the next day. If I don't water them every other day they get mad and suck the humidifier dry! 😄 Ain't that like a woman? But it's more the wallet than the humidifier that gets sucked dry!!!😉 Just kiddin' LadeeZ!!!! Looks like I may have to resort to making fresh mixes for each feeding than mixing up one big batch for the next few weeks.

I've been using the auto irrigate but the 800gph pump, while an improvement over the 264gph pump, is still not up to the task. It waters but slower than I would like and it doesn't quite get the coverage I'd like. Eventually, with capillary action, all the media gets wet but I'd like to be able to saturate it on watering not on capillary action. Next run I'm going to add a diaphragm pump so that I can get the pressure that I need to be able to feed them the way I want and not have to worry that only the root ball is getting the brunt of the water. This is the pump I'm thinking of using.

Originally I wasn't going to use the pads that go under the Matrix plates but they help a lot in spreading out the moisture for more even watering so I'm going to keep using them.

Whenever I open the tent to work on something the GF said she can tell because the whole house smells like Lavendar and grapefruit. That's the new aroma developing. Grapefruit.

Looks like colas have staked their claim to their little slice of photon so now I just need to make it to harvest without them molding up or hosting some unwanted hitchhikers.

Of note.....no sticky traps. Why? No gnats. I've been pretty lucky in these last few grows to have almost zero gnats.

I'm guessing chop to be around the second week of February.


Temp - 80.6°
Humidity - 58%
VPD - 1.29 kPa
DLI - 42
Leaf Temp - 78°

Grow's pretty much on auto this last week other than having to mix up batches of nutrient. They've been drinking 8 gallons of nutrient solution pHed 6.4 to 6.8 with around 900 - 1000 ppm in the water. I've been feeding full strength CALi MAGic when I started seeing pre pistil appearing. This next feed I'm going to reduce CALi MAGic to 1/2 strength and do a half Grow half Bloom mix to raise K. It'll raise N also but it should be fine as I'm not going hard on overall PPM.


Temp - 79.8°
Humidity - 57%
VPD - 1.29 kPa
DLI - 42
Leaf Temp - 77°

Girls are cruising now just getting fatter and fatter by the day. Starting to see a little frost forming. Should get pretty sugary in the tent by the looks of it.

One observation that I'm seeing is that the flowers under the Blurple seem to fatten up a faster than under the white light LED's. I'm guessing because of the lack of green in the light spectrum but I'm not 100% on that. I need to do some research and start asking dumb questions!!!

Starting monday I'm going to start ramping down the DLI to harvest.


Trichs are starting to form.

01142024 flower closeup.jpg

Temp - 79.8°
Humidity - 57%
VPD - 1.29 kPa
DLI - 42
Leaf Temp - 77°

Girls are cruising now just getting fatter and fatter by the day. Starting to see a little frost forming. Should get pretty sugary in the tent by the looks of it.

One observation that I'm seeing is that the flowers under the Blurple seem to fatten up a faster than under the white light LED's.

The morphology of the spectrum
Err, affects of spectrum morphology, possibly.

Blue will keep buds compact too, red wil encourage elongation in the buds same way they do the the structure of the plant.

You have a nice even looking canopy, good job on that front too.
I'm guessing because of the lack of green in the light spectrum but I'm not 100% on that. I need to do some research and start asking dumb questions!!!

View attachment 39046

Trichs are starting to form.

View attachment 39047

The morphology of the spectrum
Err, affects of spectrum morphology, possibly.

Blue will keep buds compact too, red wil encourage elongation in the buds same way they do the the structure of the plant.

You have a nice even looking canopy, good job on that front too.
Which I think, sounds like would make them grow "more dense"

Temp - 81°
Humidity - 55%
VPD - 1.39 kPa
DLI - 38
Leaf Temp - 80°
Under Canopy - 79.5°/50%

Something new to chew on. I had an extra mini hygrometer that I compared accuracy to with the Therm-Pro hygrometer I have in the 2 x 2 and it was off by a couple of degrees lower and maybe 3% lower on humidity so close enough. I hung the probe off of the net under the canopy to see what the environment was like. Everything is looking good fumunda!!!! :LOL:

Girls continue to fatten up so not much to do on my end. My job at this point is Plant Bartender. I make sure they get the drink they want, when they want and keep the humidifier reservoir topped off. Hopefully I get left with a big tip at the end of it all!!!😁


Trichs are still building. Starting to see the pistils darkening slightly and starting to pull back in.

01232024 flower closeup.jpg
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