
Temp - 77.1°
Humidity - 65%
VPD - 1.11 kPa
DLI - 27
Leaf Temp - 75°

Dragged my sick ass out of bed and cleaned up some of the canopy and underside. Didn't get it to my satisfaction but I was feeling woozy half way through it. This flu is kicking my ass. Did a Covid test. Negative.

Reset the light timer to 12/12. Repositioned the oscillator fan. Raised the lights to lessen the DLI and give the plants a chance to get into flower. From there I'll slowly ramp up the DLI until week 7 then I'll slowly start dropping DLI until harvest.

Watered them by hand AGAIN, because my irrigation part is still in transit. They took 6 gallons and barely ran off. Once I setup the auto irrigate I'm going to set it to 20% runoff.

I still need to hang the tent heater. I need to stay on top of it these next couple weeks so that stretch doesn't get too crazy. Going to run the heater on lights off to try and raise lights off temps a little higher than lights on to try and decrease internodal lengths in stretch. It's an experiment. We'll see if it works or not.

11182023 Flip.jpg

Temp - 77.1°
Humidity - 65%
VPD - 1.11 kPa
DLI - 27
Leaf Temp - 75°

Dragged my sick ass out of bed and cleaned up some of the canopy and underside. Didn't get it to my satisfaction but I was feeling woozy half way through it. This flu is kicking my ass. Did a Covid test. Negative.

Reset the light timer to 12/12. Repositioned the oscillator fan. Raised the lights to lessen the DLI and give the plants a chance to get into flower. From there I'll slowly ramp up the DLI until week 7 then I'll slowly start dropping DLI until harvest.

Watered them by hand AGAIN, because my irrigation part is still in transit. They took 6 gallons and barely ran off. Once I setup the auto irrigate I'm going to set it to 20% runoff.

I still need to hang the tent heater. I need to stay on top of it these next couple weeks so that stretch doesn't get too crazy. Going to run the heater on lights off to try and raise lights off temps a little higher than lights on to try and decrease internodal lengths in stretch. It's an experiment. We'll see if it works or not.

View attachment 30595

hope ya feel better soon man!
I did my best to keep the room the same temp day/night until flower and I think it helped with spacing and stretch.
Antidotal but I will do it again with next seeds and see if it is similar.
Get well man~!👊

Temp - 76°
Humidity - 64%
VPD - 1.10 kPa
DLI - 31
Leaf Temp - 75°

It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted and the girls have filled the net in stretch for the most part. I left just enough room for them to stretch which wasn't a lot as I've been running my little tent heater on lights off and raising the temp a couple of degrees higher than lights on temps. Looks like it worked because they didn't stretch as much as they did last time when I ran them together with the other cultivars. I'm guessing they have maybe a few more days to a week of stretch left but I'm also seeing pre pistil so flowers should be forthcoming in the next week or so.

I finally got the last piece to my irrigation system and put it all together and ran it. I was kind of disappointed in how much water the circulator, the little ring that goes around the main stem and distributes water around the plate, emitted. My little pump could water the entire media when I was using the DIY watering rings in around 5 minutes. Unfortunately it's not strong enough to put out a stream of water that fills the plate, maybe it's because I have 2 extra pots using water than I did last time so water pressure isn't as strong with more pots to water. I'm going to have to go from a 264gph to 800gph pump and see if that fixes the issue. On hand water the plates themselves work great. Just gotta get the water flow dialed in.

I also installed the two power heads in the reservoir to keep the nutrient suspended in the water so that it doesn't settle to the bottom.

After I had posted the last time I was pretty sick and decided to hang the oscillator on rope ratchets temporarily and when I got better I'd fab up a shelf but the ratchets are working pretty good so I just left them. I like that I can adjust the fan height with them so that when the colas start going vertical I can raise it a little more and get that nice gentle sway of colas going!!!😀

I did a quick leaf cleanup as it was getting pretty thick in there but will be doing a more thorough job in the next few days then let them run to harvest.

I bought more EMT to make another set of horizontal tent poles. I'm going to use it to set up the other net as a trellis for the verticals.

The 3rd light that SSHZ sent me is on its way and will occupy the space in front where the net isn't filled. By the time the flowers are button size that area should fill in somewhat but I'm pretty happy that the space I left for stretch filled pretty much to my expectation.

I'm going to stop using the heater in the next few days now that flower is starting to set in. Maybe the colder lights off temps will spur faster flower formation. Stay tuned!!!


Temp - 81.4°
Humidity - 59%
VPD - 1.50 kPa
DLI - 31
Leaf Temp - 79°

WOOHOO! Thanks @SSHZ!!!!🥳🤩

Light just arrived about an hour ago. Perfect timing as flower is just about to start and the added photons will be much appreciated!!!

I already hung it and I'm now testing to see how much extra heat I'm going to have to deal with. So far it seems to have sat on 82° but I need to let it settle as it's only been about a half hour that I turned the light on. I want to see what the average constant temperature is because it's dropping ever so slowly so we'll see where it lands.

I pushed the other two lights further back so that there's more light for the edges back there now that I have plenty for the front part of the tent with my new light!!!

Again @SSHZ, Thank You so much for the light!


Temp - 81.4°
Humidity - 59%
VPD - 1.50 kPa
DLI - 31
Leaf Temp - 79°

WOOHOO! Thanks @SSHZ!!!!🥳🤩

Light just arrived about an hour ago. Perfect timing as flower is just about to start and the added photons will be much appreciated!!!

I already hung it and I'm now testing to see how much extra heat I'm going to have to deal with. So far it seems to have sat on 82° but I need to let it settle as it's only been about a half hour that I turned the light on. I want to see what the average constant temperature is because it's dropping ever so slowly so we'll see where it lands.

I pushed the other two lights further back so that there's more light for the edges back there now that I have plenty for the front part of the tent with my new light!!!

Again @SSHZ, Thank You so much for the light!

View attachment 32234
82f sounds fine to me, my 2x4 is stuck at 79/80f would like it to be 85F or just under
Just realized I wasn’t getting notifications on your thread man.

My apologies, it’s been corrected. 👍

Temp - 76°
Humidity - 64%
VPD - 1.10 kPa
DLI - 31
Leaf Temp - 75°

It's been almost 2 weeks since I last posted and the girls have filled the net in stretch for the most part. I left just enough room for them to stretch which wasn't a lot as I've been running my little tent heater on lights off and raising the temp a couple of degrees higher than lights on temps. Looks like it worked because they didn't stretch as much as they did last time when I ran them together with the other cultivars. I'm guessing they have maybe a few more days to a week of stretch left but I'm also seeing pre pistil so flowers should be forthcoming in the next week or so.

I finally got the last piece to my irrigation system and put it all together and ran it. I was kind of disappointed in how much water the circulator, the little ring that goes around the main stem and distributes water around the plate, emitted. My little pump could water the entire media when I was using the DIY watering rings in around 5 minutes. Unfortunately it's not strong enough to put out a stream of water that fills the plate, maybe it's because I have 2 extra pots using water than I did last time so water pressure isn't as strong with more pots to water. I'm going to have to go from a 264gph to 800gph pump and see if that fixes the issue. On hand water the plates themselves work great. Just gotta get the water flow dialed in.

I also installed the two power heads in the reservoir to keep the nutrient suspended in the water so that it doesn't settle to the bottom.

After I had posted the last time I was pretty sick and decided to hang the oscillator on rope ratchets temporarily and when I got better I'd fab up a shelf but the ratchets are working pretty good so I just left them. I like that I can adjust the fan height with them so that when the colas start going vertical I can raise it a little more and get that nice gentle sway of colas going!!!😀

I did a quick leaf cleanup as it was getting pretty thick in there but will be doing a more thorough job in the next few days then let them run to harvest.

I bought more EMT to make another set of horizontal tent poles. I'm going to use it to set up the other net as a trellis for the verticals.

The 3rd light that SSHZ sent me is on its way and will occupy the space in front where the net isn't filled. By the time the flowers are button size that area should fill in somewhat but I'm pretty happy that the space I left for stretch filled pretty much to my expectation.

I'm going to stop using the heater in the next few days now that flower is starting to set in. Maybe the colder lights off temps will spur faster flower formation. Stay tuned!!!

View attachment 32037
I’ve been trying to take advantage of the colder lights out temps. Basement can get to 16c but usually 17c-18c during work hours.

Hope we get good results.🤞
I’ve been trying to take advantage of the colder lights out temps. Basement can get to 16c but usually 17c-18c during work hours.

Hope we get good results.🤞
This run, with the added light and heat, I'm going to have to run them hotter than I like but once we get to week 7 I can start ramping down DLI and it should cool down the tent the last few weeks before harvest. I'm hoping the drop in DLI will land me around 75° - 77°.
This run, with the added light and heat, I'm going to have to run them hotter than I like but once we get to week 7 I can start ramping down DLI and it should cool down the tent the last few weeks before harvest. I'm hoping the drop in DLI will land me around 75° - 77°.
I keep checking leaf temps. If 25c or less I bump to 100%. If higher back to 75%. Never by a preset dimmer switch again. 🤬

But I’ve had more than one BBQ so I backed off after G$ & PC weighed in. Maybe week 6 in a few more days…
All caught up here lookin good bro - those all strawberry(Florida) ? I had a low clone rate as well she just finicky
I just turned my room up to 82 yesterday.
At flip I may let the lights out temp. start to dip.
I run room same day night now.
About 4-6 weeks in flower I start to lower day time temps to 76-78, and allow larger dips at night.
I did this last grow and it worked well for me.
Ideal grow temps under LED’s is 80-82 degrees...........it made a big difference in my grows when I realized it needed to be higher.
Need to convert that but thanks.

Think Aqua told me to go by leaf temps with 24c being perfect?I’ll double check that too.

Temp - 77.4°
Humidity - 59%
VPD - 1.32 kPa
DLI - 36
Leaf Temp - 75°

I've been busy building a small lean to greenhouse in the backyard so I'm pretty tired at the end of the day. I've been doing some leaf cleanup but I need to get off my ass and do a serious defoliation. The girls are showing definite pre pistil so I expect small buttons to appear next week some time. I also need to get in there and do some tucking as the branches are arching up to the light. 12/08 will be the completion of week 3 of flip. I'm also starting to see stretch slow down so I figure a few more days and I should be out of stretch. After week 4 I'm going to let them go vertical. If I time it right I should yield a nice field of colas with some nice chunk running along the netline.


Temp - 80.4°
Humidity - 57%
VPD - 1.49 kPa
DLI - 36
Leaf Temp - 79°

Defoliated the canopy a few days ago. The leaves all filled back in so I may need to do another. Flower buttons have appeared. 12/15 will be end of week 4 since flip. Flowers started to appear at end of week 3 so I'm going to start the clock there. I need to tuck some branches that are going vertical but in 4 days I'll put down the second net to trellis the verticals and let the plants grow vertical for the remainder of the grow.

The plants look a little droopy from being thirsty. In the picture I had just watered them so they should perk up in the next few hours or so. They are starting to increase water intake as I was watering twice a week, Mondays and Thursday but it looks like I'm going to have to add an extra day to the week. They must've been really thirsty because they sucked the humidifer dry. I checked on them this morning after lights out and the reservoir was empty and RH was at 41%! Mind you the last time I monitored the tent the humidifier reservoir was full and RH was holding steady at 60%. In 8 hours they pulled a gallon + of water out of the air that the humidifier had to refresh. When I had monitored them I kept getting the feeling that I should water but I was pretty beat from building the lean to green house so I decided I'd water them today. I guess they didn't want to wait!!!🤨


The lean to Greenhouse I've been working on. All the wood except for the doors was wood we had demoed out of the house we're currently rebuilding. Most of it was still in good enough shape to recycle so I grabbed what I needed and got to work! My GF got really nervous when I pulled out the Miter saw that I had cut my arm with!!!😂 She kept asking me if I had PTSD from the trauma!!!🤣 I will admit. As I was dragging it out and placing it in my work area there was still some dried blood in one spot. It kind of stopped me for a sec but I thought "Bah! Whatever......" and got to chopping!!!!

I already skinned it with some corrugated polycarbonate but I forgot to snap a pic. Maybe tomorrow I'll take a pic so you can see it skinned. I still need to run an electrical line to it for whatever supplemental lighting we're going to use along with a water line to make it easy to water or setup a drip system. The studs on the left leaning against the house will be used for a potting table in that exact spot that I will build so that there's a work area to be able to work the plants comfortably and have somewhere to store gardening stuff like pots, ferts, etc. Building the doors was a PITA because I don't have a perfectly flat surface to lay them down on when I assembled to keep them square. I was surprised they came out as square as they did. The window leaning on the wood pile will be used to make a cold frame to plant some herbs and greens

How does that LED appear to be working.......and does the quality appear to be good?
It's a good little light. I wish it had a little more spread but that's what bar lights are for right? I have it on 100%/13" off the canopy and DLI is at 33 for 18 hrs/775 umol/m2 dead center per Tent Buddy app.

Build quality is decent with barebones features. This light would work in a 2 x 2 veg to harvest. 3 x 3 would be veg only. Pretty much a basic, no frills COB style light. Doesn't have a dedicated heat sink unless you count the aluminum sheet that backs the COB board as a sink.

If I ever pull the trigger and get a dedicated bar light setup for the 5 x 5 I'll use this in one of the tester 2 x 2's I have.

Temp - 82°
Humidity - 54%
VPD - 1.72 kPa
DLI - 38
Leaf Temp - 79°

Gave the girls another haircut but this time I did a more thorough job so I'm OK with where they are at. Fed them 6 gallons of feed solution. Added some Hormex on this feed to soften the shock from the haircut I gave them. Changed the feed schedule to M/W/F as the girls are drinking faster. I mixed a full 5 gallon bucket and I still had to mix another gallon to get them watered completely.

Flowers are definitely forming and it looks like heating the tent after flip to reduce stretch is paying off. I was going to tuck them but the flowers are forming pretty fast so I'm just going to let them continue their vertical growth. Week 4 since flip ends in 2 days. I was going to wait until then to let them go vertical but I'm too tired and lazy to be tucking them. I'll probably lay down the trellis in a week or two if they start getting tall.


Greenhouse skinned and with some plants inside. It was 42° last night but the greenhouse averaged 58° with an incandescent bulb warming the space at night. I may spring for a 250w heat lamp bulb to see how balmy we can get it in there. Either that or I may put my tent heater in there as I'm not using it right now.

Greenhouse skinned.jpg
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