Sweet, thanks tobh.

Gotta get this place in order, and get on it down the line.

Hard to work around the active little one lol.
Toddlers are fun, eh? Mine seems to be entering the terrible twos. She's really trying to learn just how far she can push the limits.
just wait for the four-nagers then the 6-going-on-30s. eventually they stop breaking shit just because they have no motor skills and transition to breaking shit because they're assholes that want to kill their parents.
just wait for the four-nagers then the 6-going-on-30s. eventually they stop breaking shit just because they have no motor skills and transition to breaking shit because they're assholes that want to kill their parents.
Hahaha, fuck me I ain't ready

First thing she did in apartment was run around and then got into a bag of sugar and dumped it all out lol
Probably a little drier than that. After transplant I wait for the block to feel alarmingly lightweight, but should still feel slightly damp on the bottom. And no, if you have to rehydrate a block I prefer to dunk them to full saturation to reduce or eliminate hotspots of dry salts in the wool. The only exception I would make to that is when using the Hugo because they can be a massive pain in the ass when they're fully saturated.

A 3 or 4" block I dunk in a bucket of nutrient solution to feed. It's hard to fuck up the 3" cubes though, they just root so much faster than anything else I find.

I just check on them once a day and if they feel suddenly weightless, give them a dunk. Repeat until they're rooted enough for the slab
Awright. So when it feels like it's time to water wait another day.

Hmmmm....this has me thinking. I couldn't tell from the picture but those thick ass roots don't seem to have many secondary and tertiary roots coming off the main ones. Do these drier than normal conditions kill off young roots and the mains get all the energy hence why they're as thick as they are?
Awright. So when it feels like it's time to water wait another day.

Hmmmm....this has me thinking. I couldn't tell from the picture but those thick ass roots don't seem to have many secondary and tertiary roots coming off the main ones. Do these drier than normal conditions kill off young roots and the mains get all the energy hence why they're as thick as they are?
Nice observation, sounds plausible.
Awright. So when it feels like it's time to water wait another day.

Hmmmm....this has me thinking. I couldn't tell from the picture but those thick ass roots don't seem to have many secondary and tertiary roots coming off the main ones. Do these drier than normal conditions kill off young roots and the mains get all the energy hence why they're as thick as they are?
The feeder roots are probably there inside the wool, outside the wool not so much. Unless you're keeping the blocks in a humidity chamber.
But yeah drier conditions will promote the main fibrous roots to focus on growing out and down looking for water rather than producing feeder roots, which is the whole point really. Once you have the wool reasonably rooted out and start keeping it wet, it'll produce feeder roots galore.
Hahaha, fuck me I ain't ready

First thing she did in apartment was run around and then got into a bag of sugar and dumped it all out lol
dude.. mine decided to take a couple large containers of sugar and put them in everything in the pantry a couple weeks ago. somewhere to the tune of $500 worth of dry goods meant to last months, wasted. they got food coloring and water, and mixed it with all the pasta. they opened any canned good that had a pull tab -- not fully, just enough to break the seal.

if they weren't four and six, i would've kicked their asses then kicked them out of my house. my wallet's asshole is still recovering from that act of financial sodomy.
Awright. So when it feels like it's time to water wait another day.

Hmmmm....this has me thinking. I couldn't tell from the picture but those thick ass roots don't seem to have many secondary and tertiary roots coming off the main ones. Do these drier than normal conditions kill off young roots and the mains get all the energy hence why they're as thick as they are?
another day might be too long, tbh. once they have roots established like what you saw, they can suck a block dry within 18 hours, if not faster. if it weren't for the temps i'm running at currently (average 71F -- not great but one light was burning up until today), i would've likely needed to be watering twice a day before the slabs.

there are a lot of secondary and tertiary roots, you just don't see them. right now the clones are just generating a shit ton of major "pipelines" for lack of a better term. even the roots that were showing had very fine filaments on the outside -- they looked almost like velvet-fuzzy in person. so I'm sure the blocks are full of finer hair-like roots and the bigger ones are just the main arteries for the topside plant material.

when harvest comes i'll snag some pics of the root systems. they end up like a bed of thick roots, similar to what you see in RDWC.
I'm gonna try rooting a few clones in blocks then, once they have roots starting to bust out like yours, I'm going to roll the blocks in myco like I'm applying panko and bury them in their home pots!!! I'll water them in with a nice shot of AN Voodoo Juice to really get the community going.
just wait for the four-nagers then the 6-going-on-30s. eventually they stop breaking shit just because they have no motor skills and transition to breaking shit because they're assholes that want to kill their parents.
As the father of 2 boys, a very soon to be 4 year old and an 8 year old, i can say i 100% agree with this....

My 4 year old just breaks shit cause he thinks its funny.....
Then hell tell you "you're a fucken douchebag" and kick you in the leg, nuts, gut, ass, anywhere he can reach man. Hes a demon.
As the father of 2 boys, a very soon to be 4 year old and an 8 year old, i can say i 100% agree with this....

My 4 year old just breaks shit cause he thinks its funny.....
Then hell tell you "you're a fucken douchebag" and kick you in the leg, nuts, gut, ass, anywhere he can reach man. Hes a demon.
dude. i thought my daughter was evil. still not 100% convinced she's not. but when she was younger, she was a real mean person. then her brother was born. at least the girl listens now, and is pretty damn solid for a six year old. she cleans, isn't terribly destructive, but entirely too smart for her own good.

my son? that little shit couldn't care less about consequence or punishment. he's gonna do whatever he wants, when he wants, and to hell with you if you tell him otherwise. kid has some massive cojones for someone that weighs 40lbs and is less than 4' tall.
Yup! It's the age of " How far can I push this and come out alive"
my shrink used to tell me that. doesn't change the fact i want to football kick a child more often than not.

EDIT: because this is a public forum and is indexed by search engines, i do not condone nor engage in child abuse. any parent should recognize this is humorous and nothing more. fuck off if your sensitivities have been offended by this comment; that's why my kids will beat your kids up because my kids aren't being raised by a sensitive bitch.
After my last grow I cut one of the unislabs apart to see what was up with the roots. This was after a 3 week veg and 10 week flower.20220206_173913.jpg

On side you can see how the whole slab is full of root mass.20220206_174832.jpg
looking at where things are now, it's gonna be in a couple weeks i'm doing the strip again lol. should've named the thread tobh's candy shop of horrors :ROFLMAO: er, whores. whichever 🤷‍♂️
looking close at the first pic, you just stabbed the irrigation hose into the 3" delta, yeah? or how were you mounting those?
I used rainbird stakes stabbed into the wool, naked ended line attached to the stake. No drippers or anything. Nothing on top of the wool either, left it to go green. Didn't seem to hurt anything. Ran caps the Gros before this and got sick of cleaning them.
I used rainbird stakes stabbed into the wool, naked ended line attached to the stake. No drippers or anything. Nothing on top of the wool either, left it to go green. Didn't seem to hurt anything. Ran caps the Gros before this and got sick of cleaning them.
that's right... you're a gentleman and a scholar, i don't care what @Mr.GreenthumbOG says about ya
That’s plain untrue🤣. I have said nothing offensive about Mr dirt. Missed a lot in your thread, Looking good in here.
i never said you said anything bad :ROFLMAO: turn of phrase is all, i know you're a solid cat and i was running out of ways to bring the gang into the show, so a roll-a-toe-under-the-bus approach seemed fair game
I've been doing it in veg "successfully" too if I may

Or at least I think.

It's only a few nights after it's already grown the fuck back in, and "bushier", lol.

Looking forward to doing it properly when going into flower, gonna strip my flower area tonight if I get time.

Took an hour or so stripping 6 plants.

Labor, hmm.
Don't get me wrong, I'm probably one of the most passionates around here for growing plants, but holy hell so much going on and trying to maintain these, moving shit that's trying to flower out into the sun during the lights off cycle, lmao.

These bitches need to be stripped


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I've stripped the flower a few times before move
Yeah dude, rockwool. Rockwool and crop steering.
Definitely one of the next growth methods to learn, feel pretty comfortable with coco and salts now.

are you almost out lol?

look forward to you're next run.
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