ViparSpectra KS3000 - 5x5 Solo Cup run #2

We back to actually growing got the pH corrected, environment more within range and more consistent.

All the new growth coming in nice and green.

Been doing Mg foliar along with my spray for humidity.

Gotta get another humidifier last one shit out


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Right around 80 Degs LST
60 Rh
Waiting for baby to take a nap so I can do stuff


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Completely shved my lemon balm down you'd mostly be seeing dirt moreso than green just 3-4 days ago.


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Have genes as well just got em mixed up don't know what's what don't really care lol. currently.

Maybe uncle bucks, some kind of punch

And a deleted scene did pop up if labeled right.


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Stressed these out during veg and made them throw single leafs. - fucking around with light schedules - trichomes are on some of the leafs, going to veg a little longer in the 5x5 along with some solos and then flower.

Before I initiate flower I'll probably do 2-2 again briefly and see what happens, again.


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Lights were off for 2 hours, just came back on at 10:00

Time to water again

Maybe tonight I can finally put solos down in the 5x5


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top two are 100% coco,
middle is 99.9% perlite.
Bottom left - 50-50ish coco/perl
Bottom right - 30/70ish coco/perl

Mainly Wanted to see what the roots prefer, and compare growth rates.

Working on a little drip system.
Also, see how it varies (watering) with the different ratios of coco/perl
Ok, night.

I spent more time in my mind,sitting around, then grow stuff

finally got some seeds in cups.


gonna do some more.


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so not to get of topic but briefly reading the first page or 2 is there a chance we would have to give back the lights they gave us ?
no worries all is open here

they can pry them from my cold dead hands, lol.

not to sound like a shitty person - i wanted to do things right and good, and see where things go, thought a sponsorship was kinda cool, as long as the products were worthy.

SF hasnt even messaged me, VS doesnt really reach out to me either, and VS didnt uphold their end of the contract with me either technically - supposed to have received 2 more items per the "contract"

that contract is not legally binding or anything like that afaik, and even so, i highly doubt they are willing to pay lawyers $1000s to receive their under 1000$s items back.
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well im not even really sure why they offered me the light my grows never were that great but so far i love the light
and would be the ass im known for if they wanted the damn thing back lol not worried about the spider farmer stuff
well im not even really sure why they offered me the light my grows never were that great but so far i love the light
and would be the ass im known for if they wanted the damn thing back lol not worried about the spider farmer stuff
that fuckin signature lol

yea VS seems cool, but i heard some shady shit from other sponsorsees like sending stuff out first and then being like hey, sign this contract.

otherwise, the ks3000 is cool so far lol.
im loving my ks3000 to me there is lil heat at all, not sure if u saw my thread in never never land lol
grizzly crinkle around 6 week of flower , i just cant seem to ever get any tall plants lol
im loving my ks3000 to me there is lil heat at all, not sure if u saw my thread in never never land lol
grizzly crinkle around 6 week of flower , i just cant seem to ever get any tall plants lol
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height can do with spectrum as well.

grow a plant under blue. itll be short and thick, grow a plant with reds, itll elongate more.

and looks like youre topping and training them for a nice even canopy as well.

theres a few things you can do to encourage vertical growth
i just cant seem to ever get any tall plants lol
I was sponsored by VS too but havent heard anything from valerie, she told me "everything will be fine, have a lovely weekend" that was when all the shit hit the fan like 2 weeks ago.

As far as not getting tall plants, thats because autos usually dont get very tall. Photoperiods are where its at imo.
I was sponsored by VS too but havent heard anything from valerie, she told me "everything will be fine, have a lovely weekend" that was when all the shit hit the fan like 2 weeks ago.

As far as not getting tall plants, thats because autos usually dont get very tall. Photoperiods are where its at imo.
didnt notice he was growing autos too?, yup.

im not worried about it, i didnt do anything to get banned, was out of my control.

still plan to grow with them and post about em, here.
height can do with spectrum as well.

grow a plant under blue. itll be short and thick, grow a plant with reds, itll elongate more.

and looks like youre topping and training them for a nice even canopy as well.

theres a few things you can do to encourage vertical growth
those are autos and no topping but lots of lst i also grew this strain a few months ago with no lst under the spiderfarmer sf4000
I was sponsored by VS too but havent heard anything from valerie, she told me "everything will be fine, have a lovely weekend" that was when all the shit hit the fan like 2 weeks ago.

As far as not getting tall plants, thats because autos usually dont get very tall. Photoperiods are where its at imo.
even my photos dont get tall i cant get a plant over 3 ft tall be trying 3 years photos or autos
even my photos dont get tall i cant get a plant over 3 ft tall be trying 3 years photos or autos
Im not fond of tall plants inside anyways, makes it hard to keep them out of the lights, and they usually end up needing support.
I find about 3 feet is good for my space. Could probably go 4 feet in my 4x4.
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