Washing your harvest


Ganja Guerrilla
Jul 14, 2024
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I am a washer. I wash all my weed, inside or out, as a matter of normal procedure.

4 months worth of pollen, dust, bugs, bugshit, foilars etc.......comes right off. I don't want to smoke any of that.

18 gallon tupperware filled to 15 gallons gets 1 quart of peroxide. I then submerge the weed and have these metal plant stands to weigh it down and keep it under. I'm not moving it so much here, just submerging. I'll let it sit for a few minutes after the air bubbles stop. Then I have another 2 totes filled with clean water. In the clean water I move the weed around gently, then final rinse and hang in the other clean water tote.
I didn't always do a wash but once I got turned on to it and actually did one..whoah...I'll always wash.

What difference did you notice after using a wash?

Do you get more flavour or less harshness?

I did one outdoor grow that that I finished off with a wash, but honestly, I don't remember any difference.
I think it's healthier and that alone makes it taste better to me. It's also another aspect of my grow I can control. Especially for outside weed. It's not for everybody but then again some folks don't wash their vegetables either. :)
I want the weed I ingest to be a free of dust, foilars, bugs and bug shit. Makes my weed different in that respect, than weed from the dealer.

If you did a wash on outside weed........ what did the water look like when you were done? That's 5 months of whatever on them. The first time I ever washed, that alone convinced me. I also wash all my inside weed too. I'm sure I've smoked plenty of unwashed weed in my time but after washing, I'll never not wash.
I think it's healthier and that alone makes it taste better to me. It's also another aspect of my grow I can control. Especially for outside weed. It's not for everybody but then again some folks don't wash their vegetables either. :)
I want the weed I ingest to be a free of dust, foilars, bugs and bug shit. Makes my weed different in that respect, than weed from the dealer.

If you did a wash on outside weed........ what did the water look like when you were done? That's 5 months of whatever on them. The first time I ever washed, that alone convinced me. I also wash all my inside weed too. I'm sure I've smoked plenty of unwashed weed in my time but after washing, I'll never not wash.

It's been on my mind as something I want to do.
My room is a dust magnet for some reason. Before every grow I dust everything and I know during the grow dust had to be on the plants since it's on just about everything else after a grow.
I use Jungle Rain Clean Leaf to clean the plants while they're alive but I don't use it after pistils show and in fact I don't even spray water on them at that point.

Plus I've seen others wash a harvest and the before and after water was quite convincing. Amazing how filthy weed is after chop. Clean water turned a gray and brown dirty soup.
I know for a fact I'd be washing anything I grew outdoors with all the crap blowing around out there.

You're using H2o2...Have you ever tried lemon juice? I think I've seen lemon juice used as the cleaning agent too
It's been on my mind as something I want to do.
My room is a dust magnet for some reason. Before every grow I dust everything and I know during the grow dust had to be on the plants since it's on just about everything else after a grow.
I use Jungle Rain Clean Leaf to clean the plants while they're alive but I don't use it after pistils show and in fact I don't even spray water on them at that point.

Plus I've seen others wash a harvest and the before and after water was quite convincing. Amazing how filthy weed is after chop. Clean water turned a gray and brown dirty soup.
I know for a fact I'd be washing anything I grew outdoors with all the crap blowing around out there.

You're using H2o2...Have you ever tried lemon juice? I think I've seen lemon juice used as the cleaning agent too
I tried the lemon juice but did not notice a difference between that and the peroxide.
I am a washer. I wash all my weed, inside or out, as a matter of normal procedure.

4 months worth of pollen, dust, bugs, bugshit, foilars etc.......comes right off. I don't want to smoke any of that.

18 gallon tupperware filled to 15 gallons gets 1 quart of peroxide. I then submerge the weed and have these metal plant stands to weigh it down and keep it under. I'm not moving it so much here, just submerging. I'll let it sit for a few minutes after the air bubbles stop. Then I have another 2 totes filled with clean water. In the clean water I move the weed around gently, then final rinse and hang in the other clean water tote.
I didn't always do a wash but once I got turned on to it and actually did one..whoah...I'll always wash.

I tried once on indoor and didn't notice any diff.
I've washed a few batches and I've washed the swollen heads right off as well. Gentle swishing is required.I do Peroxide 1st 5 gal bucket 3/4 full then baking soda & a squeeze lemon in the 2nd with plain water in the last.

Next time it will be distilled water in the last bucket, water with minerals leaves a taste. Its smoother smoke but it does lose some kick and it kinda greys out, where the original color is lost.
I'm thinking room temp water is better than cold. Cold gets things brittle and more likely to wash away heads. Might be an idea to dip and swish in bubble bags anyways.
Its smoother smoke but it does lose some kick and it kinda greys out, where the original color is lost.

I disagree with all of that fwiw...... :)
If cold tap water presented a problem.....what would happen to all those plants in a heavy October rain? As for bubble bags. I heard all these tales about washing weakening the weed so I poured out my wash buckets through my bubble bags just to see if there was any truth to that. My bags were empty when done. Nothing came off those plant.
Of course if you scrub too hard you could damage your plant......but it would take some effort.
I disagree with all of that fwiw...... :)
If cold tap water presented a problem.....what would happen to all those plants in a heavy October rain? As for bubble bags. I heard all these tales about washing weakening the weed so I poured out my wash buckets through my bubble bags just to see if there was any truth to that. My bags were empty when done. Nothing came off those plant.
Of course if you scrub too hard you could damage your plant......but it would take some effort.
When we use bubble bags we use ice cold water & ice to make the trich's brittle so the break off and we can collect them. Cold water has no benefits I can see in bud washing, rain is not cold, comparatively ,rain I'd say is room temp water and hail being cold. I've washed the little heads right off my buds so just a word of caution, it does and can happen. I've always used cold water, next time I won't and most house water has minerals in it & will leave residue when it evaporates, distilled or RO won't.
It's been on my mind as something I want to do.
My room is a dust magnet for some reason. Before every grow I dust everything and I know during the grow dust had to be on the plants since it's on just about everything else after a grow.
I use Jungle Rain Clean Leaf to clean the plants while they're alive but I don't use it after pistils show and in fact I don't even spray water on them at that point.

Plus I've seen others wash a harvest and the before and after water was quite convincing. Amazing how filthy weed is after chop. Clean water turned a gray and brown dirty soup.
I know for a fact I'd be washing anything I grew outdoors with all the crap blowing around out there.

You're using H2o2...Have you ever tried lemon juice? I think I've seen lemon juice used as the cleaning agent too
I use a plastic squeeze lemon with 1 cup baking soda, in about 3.5 gal water
I am a washer. I wash all my weed, inside or out, as a matter of normal procedure.

4 months worth of pollen, dust, bugs, bugshit, foilars etc.......comes right off. I don't want to smoke any of that.

18 gallon tupperware filled to 15 gallons gets 1 quart of peroxide. I then submerge the weed and have these metal plant stands to weigh it down and keep it under. I'm not moving it so much here, just submerging. I'll let it sit for a few minutes after the air bubbles stop. Then I have another 2 totes filled with clean water. In the clean water I move the weed around gently, then final rinse and hang in the other clean water tote.
I didn't always do a wash but once I got turned on to it and actually did one..whoah...I'll always wash.

I wash outdoor with peroxide. Indoor I use it as a tool to fight mold/mildew.

My indoor only gets a bit of dog hair or my hair on it. Washing doesn’t really help with that. 🤷‍♂️
When we use bubble bags we use ice cold water & ice to make the trich's brittle so the break off and we can collect them
I make 120 to 150 grams a year. I think I get the process.
Let's recap.......in your world
1) your tap water is cold enough to make bubble hash
2) your rain is at room temperature (regardless of ambient temps when it's raining)
3) You claim that water from your home will leave minerals on your plants
4) In spite of your need for clean plants you add lemon and baking soda (that's a better residue?)
5) You scrub your plants so hard, you remove trichs
6) you admit you are not successful with your method

Based on your own performance you probably should not be critiquing the process that I use, with which I've had nothing but success with.
What's the issue?.....old man misery????? Crusty old dirtbagness??

I make 120 to 150 grams a year. I think I get the process.
Let's recap.......in your world
1) your tap water is cold enough to make bubble hash
2) your rain is at room temperature (regardless of ambient temps when it's raining)
3) You claim that water from your home will leave minerals on your plants
4) In spite of your need for clean plants you add lemon and baking soda (that's a better residue?)
5) You scrub your plants so hard, you remove trichs
6) you admit you are not successful with your method

Based on your own performance you probably should not be critiquing the process that I use, with which I've had nothing but success with.
What's the issue?.....old man misery????? Crusty old dirtbagness??

The temp of the water is not what breaks the heads off. It’s the vortex of the water. They become more brittle and easier to remove when they are cold.
I make 120 to 150 grams a year. I think I get the process.
Let's recap.......in your world
1) your tap water is cold enough to make bubble hash
2) your rain is at room temperature (regardless of ambient temps when it's raining)
3) You claim that water from your home will leave minerals on your plants
4) In spite of your need for clean plants you add lemon and baking soda (that's a better residue?)
5) You scrub your plants so hard, you remove trichs
6) you admit you are not successful with your method

Based on your own performance you probably should not be critiquing the process that I use, with which I've had nothing but success with.
What's the issue?.....old man misery????? Crusty old dirtbagness??


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