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Nice I’m addicting to growing as well good therapy - unfortunately I smoke joints by myself after work - and a few dabs during work between me and the wife I’m a ounce a week on flower and 4/5 grams a week of wax - but NO pain killers from pharma !
Between my wife and i we smoke like 1.5-2 ounces a week and 5-7 grams of wax a week, its getting out of hand lmao. I need to take a T break for a week or so.
My father in law is the same way, he would smoke more, he just usually forgets he packed a bowl cause he found hobbies to occupy his time instead of smoking all day.
I am sorta like that. I might hold the bowl in my hand while I go about whatever I was doing. I don't forget. I just get involved and wait until I finish doing what i am doing before taking another hit.
I do nothing without a joint or my seahorse with me.
I may not complete the joint or even hit the horse but I am like a kid and the herb is my security blanket.

My go-to gear is an aluminum dugout and a disposable vape pen. I pretty much have the disposable pen in my pocket at all times.

I've got the seahorse and a dry herb vape, a volcano style e-rig and an assortment of other gadgets. Oh, I don't use them much but I like my solo pipes too. One is the electric version and good for moonrocks. The other has the butane lighter built in.

Good Sunday morning all.
A couple weeks ago, it started to seem like a weird exodus took place from my favorite web forum!
It got sort of quiet over there.
I have an idea what went on, but don’t know the details, nor do I need them. I’m just happy to find where everyone went to.

I hope you’re all having a nice weekend.
Busy and hot here in the central sierra foothills, everything is growing rapidly both food and entertainment.
Good Sunday morning all.
A couple weeks ago, it started to seem like a weird exodus took place from my favorite web forum!
It got sort of quiet over there.
I have an idea what went on, but don’t know the details, nor do I need them. I’m just happy to find where everyone went to.

I hope you’re all having a nice weekend.
Busy and hot here in the central sierra foothills, everything is growing rapidly both food and entertainment.
Welcome to Bud Builders TomH!
Welcome Tom,

I have to let you know posting here means you will be removed over there. We'd love to have you, just being honest. You gotta pic your spot.

You are welcome to change your name here - We have no problem with posting on both forums.
Morning Tom!
Truth is, we were all banned for having joined this site. Seems a certain forum owner believes he controls us all.
As for me, I was out of town for a couple of days, came home, no warning nothing, just banned.
I have to say tho, I love it here! We took the cream of the crops on all fronts 🥰
Happy you have joined us! 🥰
Good Sunday morning all.
A couple weeks ago, it started to seem like a weird exodus took place from my favorite web forum!
It got sort of quiet over there.
I have an idea what went on, but don’t know the details, nor do I need them. I’m just happy to find where everyone went to.

I hope you’re all having a nice weekend.
Busy and hot here in the central sierra foothills, everything is growing rapidly both food and entertainment
Good Sunday morning all.
A couple weeks ago, it started to seem like a weird exodus took place from my favorite web forum!
It got sort of quiet over there.
I have an idea what went on, but don’t know the details, nor do I need them. I’m just happy to find where everyone went to.

I hope you’re all having a nice weekend.
Busy and hot here in the central sierra foothills, everything is growing rapidly both food and entertainment.
Welcome TomH. The nutshell version is we're all collateral damage. Site owner at the old place took it personally when the core of his old crew left and set up a different forum. I think you'll find this place a much better place to hang out in.

Welcome aboard! ... Gramps.
Good Sunday morning all.
A couple weeks ago, it started to seem like a weird exodus took place from my favorite web forum!
It got sort of quiet over there.
I have an idea what went on, but don’t know the details, nor do I need them. I’m just happy to find where everyone went to.

I hope you’re all having a nice weekend.
Busy and hot here in the central sierra foothills, everything is growing rapidly both food and entertainment.
Welcome sir.

I want to say my piece. I was a member over there for almost 10 years and have really seen some great ones come and go, but the total knowledge base that has arrived here at bud builders is as good as it gets imo
Hola @TomH and welcome home. Lot of comments from some real honest and genuine members so far but I just want to step in moment. I can't take the feelings of guilt anymore. Peeps here mean too much to me and my heart hurts. Ok yall here it is.

It is my fault. All of it. iLogical was all over me in private from day 1. For who knows what reason he just seemed to like me. He reached out through IM and we chatted and I didn't think anything of it. I don't want to make this a long story but it spanned over 12-13 months that he messaged me like 20-30 times. Ugh this is embarrassing to say the least and tougher to say than I even thought but whatever I have to get it off my chest.

Bottom line is I'm straight as an arrow and when I mentioned "in the place with no name" that I was getting married 4/20/2024 he went ape shit on me. Like dude and I were in a relationship or something. I was like wtf man I don't go that way, never have, don't have issue with what anybody does or doesn't do but back off. Whelp apparently he had other ideas and said that he was going to perma-ban me and everyone I liked unless I gave him a chance. Like wtf in the world? I had no idea what to do and my lady was like who on earth is this guy. I didn't think he would actually act on it though. I mean we can all tell it happened for the better but I'm hoping you all will understand and forgive me. Whoop there it is.

..and that is why they call me Coco Lopez 🤣
Morning Tom!
Truth is, we were all banned for having joined this site. Seems a certain forum owner believes he controls us all.
As for me, I was out of town for a couple of days, came home, no warning nothing, just banned.
I have to say tho, I love it here! We took the cream of the crops on all fronts 🥰
Happy you have joined us! 🥰
Dean1963 is looking for you and really bummed you got banned. Seems he is seeking your guidance to fim cut using your scrog method.
Dean1963 is looking for you and really bummed you got banned. Seems he is seeking your guidance to fim cut using your scrog method.
Yeah, I have seen his posts. Breaks my heart but not much I can do. You have to run fifty posts over there before you can msg anyone. I just keep hoping someone tells him or I can finally get to him. He was right in the middle of the whole process.
Hola @TomH and welcome home. Lot of comments from some real honest and genuine members so far but I just want to step in moment. I can't take the feelings of guilt anymore. Peeps here mean too much to me and my heart hurts. Ok yall here it is.

It is my fault. All of it. iLogical was all over me in private from day 1. For who knows what reason he just seemed to like me. He reached out through IM and we chatted and I didn't think anything of it. I don't want to make this a long story but it spanned over 12-13 months that he messaged me like 20-30 times. Ugh this is embarrassing to say the least and tougher to say than I even thought but whatever I have to get it off my chest.

Bottom line is I'm straight as an arrow and when I mentioned "in the place with no name" that I was getting married 4/20/2024 he went ape shit on me. Like dude and I were in a relationship or something. I was like wtf man I don't go that way, never have, don't have issue with what anybody does or doesn't do but back off. Whelp apparently he had other ideas and said that he was going to perma-ban me and everyone I liked unless I gave him a chance. Like wtf in the world? I had no idea what to do and my lady was like who on earth is this guy. I didn't think he would actually act on it though. I mean we can all tell it happened for the better but I'm hoping you all will understand and forgive me. Whoop there it is.

..and that is why they call me Coco Lopez 🤣
All I can say is, thank you! But truthfully we were banned for daring to join Moe’s forum.
So, a closet wanker ey? Oh M Gee!
Sorry Bubs, I’m sitting here with tears running down my face choked with laughter.
That shit is straight up stranger danger!
Truthfully I’m sorry that happened to you, it’s just the more I learn, the more shocked I get!
Well hello, a new forum to play on, cool. Nice to see you are going sponsor free. I saw the Farm had almost a full board of Viparspectra sponsored posts the other day . I gotta say I'm grateful to SF for providing me with lights and tents but it gets boring with so many people posting sponsor obligated threads. Anyways the cold north east is here with Dusk and Qnight saying hi
i have thought that same thing a few times and i was one that was sponsored
Good Sunday morning all.
A couple weeks ago, it started to seem like a weird exodus took place from my favorite web forum!
It got sort of quiet over there.
I have an idea what went on, but don’t know the details, nor do I need them. I’m just happy to find where everyone went to.

I hope you’re all having a nice weekend.
Busy and hot here in the central sierra foothills, everything is growing rapidly both food and entertainment.
Welcome TomH!

The details are somewhat mundane. But the bottom line is that only one or two of us intended to leave The Farmer. We were banned because ~someone~ had himself a hissy fit and decided people should be banned for being members of this site.

Now we're stuck here, and people have been warned not to "cross paths" with Moe, Aquaman or Mosh, because they're devious and dangerous. So be on your guard for their devious ways.
Welcome TomH!

The details are somewhat mundane. But the bottom line is that only one or two of us intended to leave The Farmer. We were banned because ~someone~ had himself a hissy fit and decided people should be banned for being members of this site.

Now we're stuck here, and people have been warned not to "cross paths" with Moe, Aquaman or Mosh, because they're devious and dangerous. So be on your guard for their devious ways.
What got me wondering over the past week was when a very large group of very experienced and helpful people suddenly disappeared, then suddenly there were some unflattering things being said, I thought it went over the edge.
People have fallings out all the time, how one conducts ones self in such case separates the wheat from the chaff!
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