What's Cookin?

I'm a trained pan flinger if anyone wants to talk food, share recipes, cooking tips or advice etc. I got you.
What is the correct amount of ground flower per serving spaghetti sauce? 1g per serving sound about right?
Around these parts even the honey is hot. I don't consider blackened seasoing hot but maybe zesty with a cajun kick to it. We use it on chicken, shrimp, and fish.
A blackened mahi mahi sammy is about as good as it gets but tilapia and catfish also do well. Blackened salmon is good but it don't belong on bread. That's worse than beans in chili.😋

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Gotta get me sumdat hot honey!! I'll be rolling through Ft Stockton on my way to California. Do they sell that in the majors or is it something specialized?

That would be even better. Spicy would clear out the congestion and let you sleep better cuz you can BREATHE!!! 😄
Gotta get me sumdat hot honey!! I'll be rolling through Ft Stockton on my way to California. Do they sell that in the majors or is it something specialized?

That would be even better. Spicy would clear out the congestion and let you sleep better cuz you can BREATHE!!! 😄
I find that big jar at Costco but it seems hot honey is everywhere in the South and very popular after Nashville Hot Chicken got so popular.
Amazon has a lot of brands, even Danny Trejo has a hot honey out now but it's spendy compared to the jar at Costco. I only pay $15 for it there and get 2x the bottle size compared to the small $20 bottles on amazon.
man, late nights i get caught up looking at japanese knives. i won't buy em until the lady shows she can take care of expensive gear. she's ruined two pans from the $700 stainless steel cookware set I bought two years ago -- a cookware set that's supposed to last 20 years in residential use. like hell if i'm gonna spend $1k on a knife set and have her fuck them up too.
If you ever get the chance to buy them go with the ones made by Masamoto Sohonten. Those are the ones I have and they are amazing. I've never had to reprofile them and a few minutes on the wet stone was all that is needed to keep them razor sharp.
that rooster sauce is such a staple!!! last time i ran out i couldn't get any and bought this instead... turns out i actually like it better!!!

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Back up sources are a must on the Rooster sauce! It's so popular it's often sold out and the store has buying limits on the stuff like during the covid years and chicken wings! It's nuts!

Diamondback is my main backup and when I'm feeling sporty I go to a local hot sauce maker at the Farmer's Market and buy their offering.
I'd also like to get into making it. I think the recipe is actually basic and ez to do. Just need a lot of peppers

Gotta get me sumdat hot honey!! I'll be rolling through Ft Stockton on my way to California. Do they sell that in the majors or is it something specialized?

That would be even better. Spicy would clear out the congestion and let you sleep better cuz you can BREATHE!!! 😄
Valentina hot sauce and honey is our go to.
i have some german knives that my keeper bought me for christmas about five years ago that used to be amazing. made the mistake of letting a few people other than myself use them, and they're done for now. need them fully reprofiled because apparently being taught how to use a sharpening stick has been lost with time. my 10" chef's knife is a joke now, and the 6" slicing knife is the only one with enough of an edge that i can use it.

they're still better than most of what I try to use at other people's houses though. once you have good cutlery, and know how to use it, the difference using other normies gear is night and day.

man, late nights i get caught up looking at japanese knives. i won't buy em until the lady shows she can take care of expensive gear. she's ruined two pans from the $700 stainless steel cookware set I bought two years ago -- a cookware set that's supposed to last 20 years in residential use. like hell if i'm gonna spend $1k on a knife set and have her fuck them up too.
A good set of wet stones will bring the edge back. Steel is for day to day tuning up of the edge, but only effective for a while depending on use etc. I use 1000 and 6000 grit followed by leather strop. If the steel sucks it's not going to hold and edge long no matter.
If your worried about handling I'd go with german stainless like Wusthof classic because that shit takes abuse. There are also decent inexpensive knives like the Victorinox fibrox. I use them for my bread knives, filet and slicers and they do just fine.
Hoping to be making some venison chili in the next 2 weeks 🙏🏼
Fingers crossed that saturday ends the season for me lol.
My wife does venison in the slow cooker with an onion gravy. Seasoned nicely lots of pepper of course. Serves that with mashed potatoes omg Frickin delicious 🤤 Good luck on Saturday bud
Like oks delicious man!
When I took that picture the gravy had been simmering for about an hour. After I took the snap I added in some Chianti that I had opened and was drinking while I was cooking. Simmered for a couple more hours to reduce it down some more and ladled it over some al dente spaghetti. Topped it off with some Reggiano Parmesan grated off the block and some garlic bread.

Italian night at the Rulers Cooler!!!🤪

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