A Cornucopia of Delightful Cannabis Cultivars

I was debating about flipping them all day yesterday and ended up doing it, So today is day 1 of flower. In the past I have always been extra careful for the first 2 weeks but honestly what always gets me is the 4th week of flower for some reason that is when I have issues. This grow using cropsalt their feed schedule calls for part A and B of veg up until day 21 of flower so I am hoping this helps with my issues I think in the past when the plants started taking in more nutrients as flowering progressed I was over fertilizing and giving too much nitrogen around week 3. Will be interesting to see what happens in 30 days and see if I can avoid the nasty burn I had last run. The guide on the cropsalt site has an LED guide also and I've been following it but am a little reluctant to turn my lights up past 50 since I added this extra light in the tent. I have it at 700 PPFD/32DLI right now with the lights about 18 inches away and I think this is the highest I wanna go for at least a few weeks to see how they react. Last run they did not stretch like they should have and I believe it was due to light intensity being too high
Woke up this morning and took the dome off the clones for a few minutes and almost died when I saw every single root plug covered in fuzzy white mold. Made a h202 spray and sprayed the plugs to get rid of the mold. Was not expecting this, but hopefully they will be ok. I opened up 1 of the holes on the dome a slit to try and get some air circulation in there
Looking good in there man. Sounds like you got the air circulation thing fixed for those clones. I had that fuzzy stuff happen one time too on some clones and i just cleaned it off, increased airflow and they took off like gangbusters. Excited to see these girls bloom!
Looking good in there man. Sounds like you got the air circulation thing fixed for those clones. I had that fuzzy stuff happen one time too on some clones and i just cleaned it off, increased airflow and they took off like gangbusters. Excited to see these girls bloom!
Yeah I started to panic at first and then took a deep breath and started googling. At first I thought they were roots hahaha such a clone noob right now
Woke up this morning and took the dome off the clones for a few minutes and almost died when I saw every single root plug covered in fuzzy white mold. Made a h202 spray and sprayed the plugs to get rid of the mold. Was not expecting this, but hopefully they will be ok. I opened up 1 of the holes on the dome a slit to try and get some air circulation in there
Ive had this happen before too, i just sprayed everything with Safer Brand 3in1 spray, even sprayed the dome, the spray has sulfur in it which works wonders on bugs and fungus.
Ive had this happen before too, i just sprayed everything with Safer Brand 3in1 spray, even sprayed the dome, the spray has sulfur in it which works wonders on bugs and fungus.
I'll have to grab some of that. I have some stuff I won in the photo contest on the farm last dec I think it's called dr zymes eliminator I'll have to search my room and see if I can find it
I'll have to grab some of that. I have some stuff I won in the photo contest on the farm last dec I think it's called dr zymes eliminator I'll have to search my room and see if I can find it
Dr. Zymes works too, just dont over mix it, and test it on a leaf, see how they react and then go full send with it.
I turned 10 clones to dried out crispers in 12 hours accidentally just recently, i think it was the Zymes.
Woke up this morning and took the dome off the clones for a few minutes and almost died when I saw every single root plug covered in fuzzy white mold. Made a h202 spray and sprayed the plugs to get rid of the mold. Was not expecting this, but hopefully they will be ok. I opened up 1 of the holes on the dome a slit to try and get some air circulation in there
That’s why I put in the hygrometer. Then I just open the air vents as needed.
Yeah I started to panic at first and then took a deep breath and started googling. At first I thought they were roots hahaha such a clone noob right now
Everyone starts somewhere. I haven’t popped more than one seed, other than veggies, since I started clones. To easy once you find a way that works.

Today one person I was kind to just gave my wife to clones. Funny thing was I was giving another clone to my son’s friend, whose growing it to help his brother.

Hang in there. Most individuals are like us, helping and learning.
Once you learn to propagate, seeds start to look more like a hassle!! 😄

My time in LGO's got me spoiled as I had access to lots of different cultivar cuts. Most of the LGO's had pretty extensive mother rooms with a variety of cultivars. Not having to cull males makes growing much easier as I can position my plants under my net without having to cull back some of the males and have empty spaces under the net.

I just now finally am able to run cuts rather than have to go from seed as I've now established a small mother tent so runs should be shorter and annual yields higher!!!
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Once you learn to propagate, seeds start to look more like a hassle!! 😄

My time in LGO's got me spoiled as I had access to lots of different cultivar cuts. Most of the LGO's had pretty extensive mother rooms with a variety of cultivars. Not having to cull males makes growing much easier as I can position my plants under my net without having to cull back some of the males and have empty spaces under the net.

I just now finally am able to run cuts rather than have to go from seed as I've now established a small mother tent so runs should be shorter and annual yields higher!!!
that is the goal, I am using the 4x4 to grow these out but I don't plan on growing from seed for awhile. I will occasionally pop the seeds I have sitting around since I paid so much for them but growing from clone seems to be the fastest way to do it
that is the goal, I am using the 4x4 to grow these out but I don't plan on growing from seed for awhile. I will occasionally pop the seeds I have sitting around since I paid so much for them but growing from clone seems to be the fastest way to do it
Takes a second to establish but so worth it in the long run. Obviously if you like a lot of different variety then this will not be the answer but for those that have found a genetic they really like and want to produce it faster and in larger quantity this is, IMO, the best method.

On my next run I'm revamping my DIY auto water system along with running more plant sites. This will allow me to spend less time in veg and turn more product faster. I also want to see if putting the plants into flower earlier will give the plants more vitality in flower for bigger, fatter flower since they're younger and produce more growth hormones vs later in veg where they've reached a level of maturity and are leveling out or ramping down.
I went by the grow name Costanza for the past couple years but when I started a new profile on here I used my other alias from discord. It was my nickname growing up since I tend to be very neurotic like George
I remember you from The Farmer. I think you avoided banishment because you use a different name here.
I remember you from The Farmer. I think you avoided banishment because you use a different name here.
that was part of the game, I decided to change names to see how long it took them to ban me. Thought I would be able to change it right back to my original name but apparently I have to wait until November to do so.
Just adjusted my lights a little bit nearing week 2 of flower. I like to start off at 50% with my lights when I flip and gradually increase the first 30 days of flower. Right now at day 6 of flower I have the lights set to 875 ppfd 35DLI. By week 3 or 4 should be around 1100 ppfd and around 47DLI then the last month of flower I gradually lower it down a little and end up with around 800 ppfd and 34DLI. Not sure how correct this method is but it's been working well for me the past 2 runs after burning the shit out of my plants last summer
So last night I'm glad I realized something before it was too late. My electric bill has been absolutely insane the past year and I'm getting solar panels installed next month. One thing I did not think of is what happens when they hook it up to my breaker box and turn off my electricity so I got to thinking and I yanked my lights at 7pm when they went off and I'm keeping the tent dark for 24 hours until 7pm tonight and changing my time to 7pm to 7am instrad of 7am to 7pm so they can turn my power off during the day without screwing my plants up
So last night I'm glad I realized something before it was too late. My electric bill has been absolutely insane the past year and I'm getting solar panels installed next month. One thing I did not think of is what happens when they hook it up to my breaker box and turn off my electricity so I got to thinking and I yanked my lights at 7pm when they went off and I'm keeping the tent dark for 24 hours until 7pm tonight and changing my time to 7pm to 7am instrad of 7am to 7pm so they can turn my power off during the day without screwing my plants up
It will add some heat but dosen't have to be in the tent
Are you running CO2?
that's what Is screwing me up with the dli. I do not have a tank but I hung a co2 bucket in the tent last month and I have no co2 meter so I have no idea if the thing is even working or the ppm of the co2. This is why I was staying a little under the chart
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Well I had my first screw up of the grow. Since changing my light schedule I got a little bit screwed up with the watering schedule and neglected to water them last night since they still had some weight to them. Well I woke up this morning and before lights out at 7am opened the tent to wilted plants. I watered them lightly to fix them up a little but will water to runoff tonight when lights come back on
Well I had my first screw up of the grow. Since changing my light schedule I got a little bit screwed up with the watering schedule and neglected to water them last night since they still had some weight to them. Well I woke up this morning and before lights out at 7am opened the tent to wilted plants. I watered them lightly to fix them up a little but will water to runoff tonight when lights come back on
They do bounce back fast. Under is always better than over!
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