A Cornucopia of Delightful Cannabis Cultivars

If I waited until the house was paid off I would be 70 LOL.
I was not planning on getting solar but my electric bills went up from 125 per month to 280 per month and nothing has changed at all in my grow. someone is either tapping into my electric and stealing my juice or the 3rd party electric co I signed up with 3 years ago is being shady and doubling my rate. Either way not gonna deal with it anymore.
Whenever I would setup at a house I would tell the owners to find out when their meter reader comes by to read the meter and note the reading and the day you took the reading and compare it with the bill they send you. Many times I would catch the power company making errors or try overbilling the customer in hopes they won't be aware but you have to take readings the day they return for the next reading to have a basis for calculation of how many amps you pulled that month.
Whenever I would setup at a house I would tell the owners to find out when their meter reader comes by to read the meter and note the reading and the day you took the reading and compare it with the bill they send you. Many times I would catch the power company making errors or try overbilling the customer in hopes they won't be aware but you have to take readings the day they return for the next reading to have a basis for calculation of how many amps you pulled that month.
Yeah I think something shady is going on. My neighbor pays half of what I pay and he grows too
Pics from last night at day 19F. Frost is coming in big time, especially on the newer strains. The old haze is slow to bloom but shes steady and growing more pistils by the day. Starting to get some funky smells and discovered a couple dreaded balls on a small spot on the lower canopy of the lemon drip, these damn gg4 hybrids always give me anxiety with their intersex tendencies plus their were a bunch of small shoots bunched up getting less light so that might have been it also. It figures because that lemon drip has the most intoxicating lemon starburst smell I've ever smelled in a plant, you would think you are actually smelling a piece of candy its unmistakable Either way the 2 were removed along with all the little shit branches that wont amount to much, gonna keep a close eye on this one. The 2 chocolate marshmallow are the frostiest in the tent those are the 2 in the top right. Both have a mint smell to them with CM A having the best structure and most frost I think A is gonna be clone I end up running on the next one along with the best pheno of Sawa and wolfman. I started my bloom powders at day 19 last night at 1/4 strength. Gonna feed again at 1/4 then give plain water and then up feed to 1/2 next week then repeat and up to 3/4 the following week. 20230627_065722.jpg20230627_065623.jpg20230627_065630.jpg20230627_065636.jpg
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I narrowed down the pheno hunt last night. My keepers are Sawa pheno C, Chocolate Marshmallow Pheno B, Hazelnut cream, and Wolfman.
Was getting nervous as these clones were getting huge and I only have a spare 3x3 to grow them in until these 4x4 is finished in the beginning of August so I had no choice but to narrow it down a little bit. I chose the 4 for a few reasons, the Sawa C was the best pheno of the 3 structurally. She has nice thick side branching with shorter internode spacing than the other 2. She has no frost yet which is disappointing but hopefully once she starts getting a good dose of PK she will start producing some trichs. The Chocolate Marsh B this was a tough one both plants have a similar minty smell to them and A was the first plant out of 11 to frost up at day 12F and while pheno A has more bud sites, I like the way B is stacking her buds and getting thicker instead of stretching and I think shes the winner of the 2. The 2 others were selected because I only ended up with 1 female of each and I don't feel like running more reg seeds of these next run while the other 5 were given to a few friends with promises that if for some reason these plants turn out to be superstars they will be giving me back a few cuts to run again. I just started giving cropsalt bloom A and B last night. Started off at 1/4 strength and plan on upping it to half next week and 3/4 by week 5 trying not too overdo it on this one, in the past I had issues with burn and lockout at this point so being extremely cautious with the feeding from this point on.
Woke up this morning an hour early but glad I did because the plants were thirsty and 12 hours from now would've been dropping big time at light on at 7pm tonight. Still adjusting to this light cycle with my watering. The Sawa plants are deceiving they all have zero frost but after grabbing a leaf this morning on Sawa C I got the most pungent sour tangerine scent from her so I guess she is doing her thing maybe the older genetics have to do with it all of the older strains I've grown have all frosted up later rather than sooner like the newer cookies hybrids that seems to be in every new cross the past 6 years. Those hybrids have spoiled me
Instead of starting a new journal when this one is finished, I am just gonna keep adding to this one.
11 in 4x4 are at day 24F. the 4 clones in 3x3 are Sawa tangerine pheno, Chocolate Marshmallow mint pheno, Hazelnut cream and Wolfman.
I have 3 seedlings that I just added to the 3x3. This is a strain that I've been wanting to grow for some time now but keep putting it off so I forced myself to germinate more because if I wait until the 11 are finished to start more then I will change my mind and never grow these out. I am hoping its the same strain that went by the same name in the 90s that I had in my late teens. It was from my friends uncle a 1 legged biker named Pig. This strain holds nostalgic value to me since Pig is no longer with us and I've been waiting to learn a little more and get more experience under my belt so I do her justice. Here is a link to the strain page https://en.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/1979_Xmas_Bud/Humboldt_CSI/
Took them all out of the tent and did one more check to make sure I didnt miss any Intersex traits and make sure I got all the crap buds that will just waste energy and any new bud sites that have grown since clean up. here is a pic of the wolfman haze and frosty Gary Poppins.


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Day 28 decided to dust off the good camera and take some pics. Still no clue how to use this camera so the pics suck but I'm learning. Here are a few shots at day 28F. Everything going well so far, started getting some burnt tips so I lowered my nutrients back down to 1/2 strength. Most of the plants seem to like 3/4 but the wolfman is not a fan and prefers a light feeding. Lots of frost in the tent and you can tell how far genetics have come just by looking at each plant in this tent the older hybrids have zero frost on them and the buds aren't as developed. The new stuff created in the past 5 to 10 years frosted up very early and the buds are more developed, its gotta be that gsc genetics in these, as much as I talk shit on the polys it sure is nice to see the buds develop so fast and look so pretty but I'd be a fool to think those frosty new strains will be much better than the strains that still had some Cbd % in them before they bred it all out in favor of higher thc. We will see in about 2 months but I think the wolfman ans sawa plants are gonna rival the rest.

Whenever I would setup at a house I would tell the owners to find out when their meter reader comes by to read the meter and note the reading and the day you took the reading and compare it with the bill they send you. Many times I would catch the power company making errors or try overbilling the customer in hopes they won't be aware but you have to take readings the day they return for the next reading to have a basis for calculation of how many amps you pulled that month.
My grandpa was getting 8 dollar electric bills for about 2 years until Ameren caught on, then they tried to hit him with like a 3k charge to pay for the electric he had used but didn't pay for. He told them he wasn't paying for their mistake. Miss that old man.
My grandpa was getting 8 dollar electric bills for about 2 years until Ameren caught on, then they tried to hit him with like a 3k charge to pay for the electric he had used but didn't pay for. He told them he wasn't paying for their mistake. Miss that old man.
I just paid 550 to pay the rest of my bill off so I could switch companies. The old company had me locked in at 18.9 cents per kw. I called them and the lowest they would go is 13 so I paid off my crazy bill and went with another company at 8.6 per kw. Just seems like a racket.
I just paid 550 to pay the rest of my bill off so I could switch companies. The old company had me locked in at 18.9 cents per kw. I called them and the lowest they would go is 13 so I paid off my crazy bill and went with another company at 8.6 per kw. Just seems like a racket.
They give you a choice of power companies you want to use?
They give you a choice of power companies you want to use?
yeah but its tough because there are so many of them and you don't know who to trust. My luck this 8.6 cents per kw goes right back up to 18 with this new company when my contract ends, I really just need to bite the bullet and buy solar panels. One of my buddies has 8 panels on his roof and 6 more on the side of his yard and gets a little money back each month, I would be happy to break even
yeah but its tough because there are so many of them and you don't know who to trust. My luck this 8.6 cents per kw goes right back up to 18 with this new company when my contract ends, I really just need to bite the bullet and buy solar panels. One of my buddies has 8 panels on his roof and 6 more on the side of his yard and gets a little money back each month, I would be happy to break even
Have you seen the bladeless wind generators they have now? If you're in an area that tends to be breezy these are a really good choice. Solar panels are getting cheaper but if you're in an area where you have a lot of foliage like trees you need to be careful because flying debris will shatter the panels.

I have a friend that has a beautiful spread out in Alabama. His house is surrounded by tall trees. He decided to put solar panels but high winds in his area would snap large branches off the trees and they'd hit his panels and shatter them. He installed bladeless wind generators and he loves them!! He still uses the roof mounted panels for generation during the day but he said that at night, when there is usually more wind, he can generate electricity without the sun with the wind generators.
I just paid 550 to pay the rest of my bill off so I could switch companies. The old company had me locked in at 18.9 cents per kw. I called them and the lowest they would go is 13 so I paid off my crazy bill and went with another company at 8.6 per kw. Just seems like a racket.
Seems like it, but ya know what definitely is....not having a secondary option...we got one company...ameren.

Idk how 2 companies could even share the same lines or grid....seems like there'd be bickering as to whose electric is feeding the line and shit....wild that houses connected to the same electrical lines going down the street could have multiple suppliers coming off that line. Didn't think that was possible
Have you seen the bladeless wind generators they have now? If you're in an area that tends to be breezy these are a really good choice. Solar panels are getting cheaper but if you're in an area where you have a lot of foliage like trees you need to be careful because flying debris will shatter the panels.

I have a friend that has a beautiful spread out in Alabama. His house is surrounded by tall trees. He decided to put solar panels but high winds in his area would snap large branches off the trees and they'd hit his panels and shatter them. He installed bladeless wind generators and he loves them!! He still uses the roof mounted panels for generation during the day but he said that at night, when there is usually more wind, he can generate electricity without the sun with the wind generators.
I've seen them before. There is a house in my area with one
I have about 5 weeks left in the 4x4 so I'm starting to plan ahead for the next grow and I need some help deciding which ones to grow. My options are bohdi sunshine 4, exotic genetic mint chocolate chip, captains connection blissful wizard bx1 and solfire gardens Bahama Mama s1. Leaning towards the sunshine 4 since I paid a lot more than I pay for seeds on them and it took me 2 years to find a pack but the others are tempting as well. Interested to hear some opinions from other growers
Day 32 in the flower tent. About 5 weeks to go planning for a harvest window around august 10th to 17th for the majority of them but I suspect the haze is gonna go until the end of August, luckily I got my clones all ready to roll and as soon as most of them are finished I'll be throwing the clones and the 3 xmas bud plants I started 10 days ago. Next week I'll take them out of the tent for some better pics I can never get good quality pics with these led lights on.20230709_220426.jpg
Just a little fyi, if anyone is in need of hash making supplies the press club is having a 710 sale today. I swear by their super slick parchment paper and their double stitched microbe bags never once had a blowout using these

Here are a few pics of Sawa IBL. 3 plants 2 different phenos. Plant 1 and 2 both have similar bud structure and plant 3 has longer more slender buds. All 3 smell of sour tangerine with the 3rd slender budded plant giving off a slight earthy lime scent mixed with the tangerines it's a very unique scent with a sharp sourness to her. 20230710_213154.jpg20230710_213159.jpg20230710_213219.jpg
A bit bummed out this morning. last night I was inspecting the plants and discovered a cluster of seedpods on a low branch on Sawa pheno B. I destroyed her and did a thorough inspection of the other 10 plants and didnt see any intersex signs but I'm still nervous that this Sawa b seeded my entire tent. Not sure how the hell I missed it I checked for herms twice at day14f and 28f and had no signs of balls on any of these plants so im quite puzzled as to why I had an issue. That plant was bunched together and light wasnt getting to the lowers and I cant believe I screwed up
A bit bummed out this morning. last night I was inspecting the plants and discovered a cluster of seedpods on a low branch on Sawa pheno B. I destroyed her and did a thorough inspection of the other 10 plants and didnt see any intersex signs but I'm still nervous that this Sawa b seeded my entire tent. Not sure how the hell I missed it I checked for herms twice at day14f and 28f and had no signs of balls on any of these plants so im quite puzzled as to why I had an issue. That plant was bunched together and light wasnt getting to the lowers and I cant believe I screwed up
As long as the pods didn't open and spread pollen you should be fine.
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