Blueberry and Blueberry crosses.

day 48 and 18. I almost tossed the blueberry runt, but still trying to save it for now. the stinky blue is smelling amazing. It might be better than the blueberry. fingers crossed, hopefully no more power outages in the next couple weeks.IMG_20230822_195809650.jpgIMG_20230822_195621476.jpg
The main cola is so tight it's yellow inside. Almost looks like nanners. IMG_20230904_231442892.jpgThese huge tops are easy to mold. Cut top 3" off to have a look.IMG_20230904_231354051.jpg
Is it good? Suck you had to cut that fatty

Only about 7 out of my 105 has mold growing, just the bigger colas.
It's weird how you can have plants growing right beside molded ones and not get infected. Its good, no mold and it even tastes good microwaved haha. Its got another week to go, and its gonna be real good. I'm started feeding half yesterday, might go to plain water in a couple days.
It's weird how you can have plants growing right beside molded ones and not get infected. Its good, no mold and it even tastes good microwaved haha. Its got another week to go, and its gonna be real good. I'm started feeding half yesterday, might go to plain water in a couple days.
Seems airflow is crucial for preventing the mold spores attaching.
Day 73 chop now or tomorrow. The blueberry is day 43 and loaded (one branch) with hopefully good seeds. I can't wait to try them.

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these stinky blueberry x blueberry colas are the biggest I've ever grown in 1 gallon bags; healthy and green to the end, it might be the new nutes I switched to. I like it so far. Been using plain water for over a week now and the plants are still green. That doesn't happen with dynabloom.
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