Chemistry's shade dwellers.


Puff Paladin
Sep 20, 2023
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Yo tokers and growers, how are you all. 😁 I'm currently down due to the heat, lost two auto's I was growing, just got to hot, sent The Church to a buddy who took a couple of cuttings, one he grew out, the other became a mother plant, this week I'll be picking up six cuts to plant up into Root Riot cubes to get them going, the best four will be grown on and then scrogged. Other than that, I'm on a grow holiday until I pick up the cuts. Could do with ordering a few more seeds. 🙂
Yo tokers and growers, how are you all. 😁 I'm currently down due to the heat, lost two auto's I was growing, just got to hot, sent The Church to a buddy who took a couple of cuttings, one he grew out, the other became a mother plant, this week I'll be picking up six cuts to plant up into Root Riot cubes to get them going, the best four will be grown on and then scrogged. Other than that, I'm on a grow holiday until I pick up the cuts. Could do with ordering a few more seeds. 🙂
This is an old thread I had kicking around. ;)

Time to start yet another grow diary, the last one is just two big, can't remember what's on it, so my next journey into growing will be on this new diary, don't know what I'm popping yet, got some odds and ends to use up, you know the stuff, free or bonus seeds that you pick up with your orders, and keep saying your going to pop and never get round to it because you have some you'd rather grow. Got a load of Auto's I wouldn't mind growing, not ran any indoors, all my Auto's were grown outdoors in planters, so a run of those may be on the cards, still have one of the Gorilla Auto's that I grew on my last diary on the first pages, wondered if it would do any better indoors. But first its clean down time, a good hoover up, get the space painted, gone back to white this run, I think the plants enjoyed the blue, but still in front on weight is the Taupe, been a couple of years since I had a white room, I just find it a boring dismal colour to look at. 🤣 Think my personal choice is cream, better on the eyes when your stoned. 😁

Decided to get my self a feeder timer to save my self a bit of work, automation. 😉
DSC01541 (2).JPG

I've also blasted my hardware and assorted tubes with one of these, don't know how much difference it will make, there's an old gardener that lives down the road from me, swares by them for blasting his glass houses, so I thought I would give one a go. 😉
DSC01539 (2).JPG

Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all well. 👍 Finally got sorted with every thing after being away, all caught up, time to fire up the grow space and get growing. 😁 This run will see us run some free seeds, you know the type, good solid genetics that are getting a bit old, so it will be a suck it and see poppin session. The seeds are all well know from our not so distant past, so some you will have heard of, if not all. 😁 Got good balanced temps outdoors and a good level of moisture, so the veggin shoud go with out a hitch, I'm trying to drop this grow end before it heats up this Summer, becuase if its as hot this year as it was last year, then I'm having a Summer shut down, 103f is no good for growing indoor plants. 😁 So what's being popped this run, lets have a look. 🙂

These are the first two packs, Budzilla, Critical Haze.
Seeds S1 (1).JPG

Next two are Chem OG, OG Kush, all solid past favourites. 👍
Seeds S1 (3).JPG

All of the chosen seeds were planted this morning, soaked the Root Riot cubes yesterday, I like to soak the cubes for 24 hours, I figure that they will be as wet as they can possibly be after 24 hours, and I PH them to 6.5, I used to use Cannazyme enzyme in the water, but I've found no evidence it makes any difference, so I don't bother any more, saves enzyme and time.

Seeds S1 4

OG Kush S1a

Budzilla S1a

Chem OG S1a

Critical Haze S1a

Other things. I see a lot of people struggle when they first set off on their journey into growing, and struggle with PH pens and adjusting them for use, just to help these new grower out, this is how I set my PH pens. The easiest way to keep the pens on point is to buy the ones with the two sachets of powder, they normally come in two values, an upper and a lower value 6.86/4.01. So after you've bought your pens and testing powders, then buy some de-ionised water to mix up the value packets, what I do is find a couple of nice sized clean bottles to mix up in, better to have larger bottles than you need as it makes mixing a doddle, just shake the bottle until the powder and the few rocks in the bottom dissolve. 😉 You then end up with two testing fluids to test your pens with, one upper and one lower in value.
PH Testing Kit 1

That's it, we are off, lets see what happens over the next couple of weeks, love this part of growing, will they pop, how many will pop, will they be any good. 😁 If you find your self thinking the same thoughts, then pop back next week and find out what happens, until next week, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all this fine rainy morning. 😁 Well, we have three poppers and one flopper, makes a bit of a mess of my square formation, but I think we can live with it. 😁 This run was planned as a scrogger anyway, so no damage done. 🙂 At the start I said old freebee seeds, but the one that didn't pop was one of the bought packs, so the three freebee's popped, the OG Kush, Buddzilla, and the Chem OG, the bought seeds that didn't pop were the Critical Haze, which is one I wanted to pop. 🙁 So we have three to scrog at the minute, I'll give the Critical Haze another week, it is female, and if it takes as long as my misses to get sorted to go out on a Saturday evening, then its probably still getting ready. 😇 So we're off to a good start, three will fill my space to bursting point with five or six weeks of vegging. 👍 I've grown none of these strains before, so we'll have to work them out as they grow. 🙂 Right, lets have some pics in glorious MH. 👍

OG Kush.
OG Kush S2a

OG Kush S2b

OG Kush S2c

Budzilla S2a

Budzilla S2b

Budzilla S3c

Chem OG. Thought there were two seedlings at first. 🙂
Chem OG S2a

Chem OG S2b

Chem OG S2c

And there you are, we are off, shame about the Critical Kush, next time maybe. 🙂 So week one, seedling week is behind us, next week will be week one of veg, so we should be flipping just after Christmas some time, yee haaaa! A question? Do you think the Critical Haze will pop? Only one way to find out, and that is to join us next week and find out. 😁 So until then, just keep tokin folks.👍
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you this foggy morning. 🙂 All is going well with the seedlings, the Critical Kush didn't turn up, so its space will be filled by the Chem OG, it will be pointed in the direction of the empty space the Critical would have occupied if it had popped. The other two seedlings are doing well, the Buddzilla is the biggest of the three, followed by the OG Kush, the Chem OG being the smallest of the three. All are green an just attaining a size to help them suck up that MH light, then they'll be on the move. 🙂 That's week one of veg gone, week two started when the lights came on this morning, another four weeks and we should be ready to flip. 😁 While looking at the Chem OG, I noticed some crinkling on the bigger leaves, this may be because my media needs a change next run, but like every one else, I'm trying to save cash, so next run we will need to change it, KACHING! went the till at the grow store. 😁 Noticed the price of fertilizer has gone through the ceiling, maybe folks should buy in bulk to keep the costs down, I've just invested in two gallons of my chosen range, expensive outlay, but I can only see the prices go even higher by Spring along with energy bills, I will also be purchasing a few bulbs this week to keep me going, as they seem to be creeping up in price too. 🙁 I can live with out food, but not weed. 🤣 I can see a time where we all become outdoor Summer growers due to energy costs if things keep going up like they are. Anyway, there's nothing we can do about it except try to be prepared for the worst. 🙂 On a happier note, seedling pics anyone. 😁

OG Kush.
OG Kush V1a

OG Kush V1b

Buddzilla V1a

Buddzilla V1b

Chem OG.
Chem OG V1a

Chem OG V1b

Other things.
A buddy who likes his beer sent me this, now as you know, I'll try any beer, except ginger beer, just can't see the point of it. 🤣 So maybe not any beer, but this one was a little interesting, not that Elvis had anything to do with it. 😁 But this is what arrived in the post.

Have to say it was ok, went well with the toke I had with it (Super Lemon Haze), but then most IPA's are a nice slurp. So that's this weeks update sorted, seedlings should double in size this week and look like baby trees, as their top heavy now, hence the crutches. 😁 So if you want to find out if the seedlings double their size, or even a fleeting interest in what drops through the letter box this week, the join us next week and find out, so until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍

Rats ate 581kg of marijuana, claim Indian police​

  • 23 hours ago


Photo used for illustrative purpose.
Bizarre as it may sound, the Mathura city police, Uttar Pradesh, India, have claimed that rats ate up over 500 kilogrammes of marijuana.
According to a report submitted by Mathura police to a special Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (1985) court, rats "ate" over 500kg of marijuana, confiscated and stored in the warehouses of Shergarh and Highway police stations.
Earlier this year, the court had asked Mathura police to produce the marijuana recovered in a case registered under the NDPS Act.
The additional district judge has ordered SSP Mathura Abhishek Yadav to get rid of the “mice menace” and then deliver proof that rats actually consumed 581 kg, to be precise, of marijuana worth Rs6 million.
The officers told the judge that mice and rates, though small in size, do not fear the police.
The court has also issued five-point directions for the auction/disposal of weed stored in police warehouses.
"Time-bound action will be taken in compliance with the court orders," said acting senior superintendent of police (SSP), Mathura, Martand P. Singh while the special public prosecutor Ranveer Singh said, "The SHOs of Shergarh and Highway police stations have claimed that 581kg of weed stored in warehouses was destroyed by the rats. The cops have been finding it impossible to protect substances kept in the said storage areas. The court has ordered the police to produce evidence regarding the claim and set November 26 as the next hearing date."
Notably, in May 2020, three men smuggling weed in a truck were arrested in Mathura. The truck was intercepted near Jatwari village in the Shergarh area and 386kg of weed hidden in millet bags was recovered from the vehicle. The three accused were booked under the NDPS Act and sent to judicial custody.
The court had ordered the police to produce the weed recovered in the case.
A similar case happened in 2021 when cops at Etah district's Kotwali Dehat police station claimed that rodents consumed over 1,400 cartons of seized liquor worth over Rs3.5m.
Additional director general (ADG) of police (Agra zone) Rajeev Krishna had tasked an IPS officer from Aligarh to probe the matter.
An FIR was registered against station house officer Indreshpal Singh and head clerk Rasaal Singh after a preliminary inquiry revealed that the policemen had sold the seized liquor to gangster Bantu Yadav.
Indo-Asian News Service
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this foggy Saturday morning, hope your all doing well. 🙂 All three seedlings are still with us, crutches have been removed this morning, they were only a precaution to stop the fan blowing the seedlings over while I was at work, they tend to get top heavy, but they're not as leggy this run, makes a change. 😁 Size wise the Buddzilla is the biggest of the three, followed by the Chem OG, and in third place is the OG Kush. I'm not sure how well the OG Kush will do in the scrog, as some plants don't make enough branches to fill their part of the net in a mixed strain scrog, some plants after topping just become bushy, which for scrogging is not so good as some thing with a good portion of Sativa in it to give the branches some length to weave through the mesh, so we'll have to see how the OG Kush runs, it may have to be a non scrogger. 😉 Other than that we should be placing the net and frame in a couple of weeks. 👍 Week two of veg finished, week three started this morning at lights on. Right then, lets look at some week two veggers, starting to look like plants. 😁

OG Kush.
OG Kush V2b

OG Kush V2a

Buddzilla V2a

Buddzilla V2b

Chem OG.
Chem OG V2a

Chem OG V2b

Other things. I've moved over from glass jars to food grade plastic buckets over the last few years for storing my weed, I used to sit for hours with scissor blisters chopping off the buds, but no more, I have a couple of white buckets, but most are black to keep the light out while the weed is in storage. Anyway, the lids as you know start to stick and split after a while, so it was time to replace them. So I'm now fifty euro's lighter in my bank account after a delivery by Amazon. Ten brand spanking new weed storage buckets. 🙂
New Buckets V2

I always give the buckets a good wash in hot soapy water before I employ them into service, as you don't know what has been running around in the warehouses where the buckets have been stored. 😉 So at the end of this run, the old buckets will be recycled and the new ones will take their place. 🙂

And that is it for this update, next week will see the plants topped. So if your ideal Saturday morning is sitting back to watch me wash my new storagae buckets, then contain your excitement, and pop back for more of the same next Saturday, don't know if I can wait my self. 😁 Until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍

Good morning to all you tokers and growers, how are you all on this really frosty morning, hope your all warm and well where you are. 🙂 Plants are doing well apart from the Chem OG, its had some thing going on since it hatched, at first I thought it was the medium, but now I'm thinking its the fan stalling in its corner as it rotates, these ossy fans seem to stall for a couple of seconds as they sweep back and forth, the other two have no such issues, so its the plant or its an environmental issue, if its environmental it will have to ride the storm, if I change the environment for this one plant, it may set some thing off with the other two, I expect it to grow out of it, we'll see. 😁 The other two plants are romping it, no deffs or issues. All three have been topped to promote side branching at the expense of their main cola's. 😉 I have grow scrogs in a multitude of ways, easiest being to let the plants grow to twenty inches and then just flop the whole plant on its side and flip them over to12/12 and let them go, this is a quick way to go, but it creates more work though crossed branches, and the plants flowering in just parts of the scrog. So over the years I've come to the conclusion that its better to grow the plant into the scog in what ever pattern floats your boat. I love a good top cola that grows into my light, but this would be a backward step in scrogging as they grow to tall, again. 😁 So ideally you need your plant canopy level, all good if you grow one strain, as they will mostly be the same height and spread, but, I like to grow multiple strains, which grow at different rates and heights, not recommended by experts for a scrogging as it can be a right pain, more so if you've never grown the strains before, but what is life with out a challenge. 😁 Right, enough about scrogging, lets look at some plant pics. 👍

OG Kush.
OG Kush V3a

OG Kush V3b

OG Kush V3c

Buddzilla V3a

Buddzilla V3b

Buddzilla V3c

Chem OG.
Chem OG V3a

Chem OG V3b

Chem OG V3c

And there you have it, no other things this week as all my beer packs have been wrapped for Christmas to stop me appreciating them to early, and run dry. Saw some Belgian's in the car, hope thier mine. 😁 I'm hoping to have the scrog on next week, but I'm thinking this hard frost that has developed here over the last couple of days, will slow things up a little, currently, if you open an outside door here at the minute, the whole family gives you the evil eye, whimps. 😁 So will we be scroggers next week, or will this cold spell cause problems, only one way to find out, and that is to join us next Saturday and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this still very frosty morning. 🙂 All is well at this end, plants are vegging away quite happily, with only the Chem OG showing any sort of def, still think its the fan stalling on it combined with the stiff frost we've had for over a week now, every time I open the door I can see the plants shiver. 😁 The other two are fine with no issues. If the plants keep going as they are, we should be able to put the scrog net on mid week, or next Saturday morning. 👍 Scrog frame is built, netted and waiting to be placed, so we're just waiting on the plants to push out some nice branching. 🙂 Pic time. 👍

OG Kush.
OG Kush V4a

OG Kush V4b

Buddzilla V4a

Buddzilla V4b

Chem OG.
Chem OG V4a

Chem OG V4b

And that's another update, updated. So will the plants be big enough to need the scog frame, or will the frost move on so things can speed up, only one way to find out, and that's to join us next Saturday and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you on this sunny Christmas Eve morning, hope you've been behaving this year. 😁 All is good with the plants, was rushing to get to work on Monday morning and may have over dosed the closet forest, got a bit of yellow/burnt tips thing going on, but at least I know its not a deficiency. 😁 Other than that, not a lot is wrong with this run, at the minute. 🙂 At lights on this morning we started week five of veg, also placed the scrog frame and net, plants are just starting to poke through the netting, a prime time to place the net as it pushes the tops down and enables you to train the branches along the mesh, I've not stripped any thing from the under canopy of the plants yet, as the leaves can still make use of the side light until they're shaded out, in which case they will be taken off as they fade to crispy and composted. 👍 Pics time.

OG Kush.
OG Kush V5a

OG Kush V5b

Buddzilla V5a

Buddzilla V5b

Chem OG.
Chem OG V5a

Chem OG V5b

Group Shot.
Group Shot V5 3

Plants should take off now, plenty of space to fill in the net, just got to feed them properly and we're made. 😁 With a bit of luck we could be flipping mid January. 🤞 So that's where we are at the minute, just got to fill the net as much as we can, the Buddzilla looks like it could take half a net on its own, as its quite a bit bigger than the other two plants, we'll see how it all unfolds over the next couple of weeks, so if you want to see more unfolding, pop back next week and see some more. 🙂 Until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning tokers and growers, its New Years Eve, have you got enough food, drink, weed, fireworks, cannons and all the other sundries you may need to see in the new year. 👍 We are still trundling along here, its a bit warmer than it has been the last three weeks, so no draughts on my plants, just waiting for the rain now, although we don't want it, we need it to fill the lakes and reservoirs before Summer comes, its a love hate relationship. 🙂 Signs of the overdose I gave the plants last week, while rushing to get the plants fed so I can get off to work, are staring to show. 🙁 I don't expect the over feed to cause much long term damage, not in veg, in flower it may have been a different story. The OG Kush has no burnt tips, or the Chem OG, only the Buddzilla felt the force, you would think the two smaller plants would have shown tips too, but no, no burning. 👍 Don't know if I'm going to fill the scrog from corner to corner, depends how fast the side shoots develop, and how high they get before the plants reach the corners, its not a must for me to fill them, as I use scrogging mainly to control the height and spread on indoor plants, as outdoors you have the space to let them go. Right then, pic time. 🙂

Chem OG.
Chem OG  V6a

Chem OG  V6b

Buddzilla V6a

Buddzilla V6b

OG Kush.
OG Kush V6a

OG Kush V6b

Other things. Grabbed half a pallet of these at the food market, not drank any of these, a few strong types, so looking forward to this evening, beer and a bud with buddies, does it get much better. 😁
DSC01809 2

DSC01810 2

And there you have it, my final grow diary update of 2022, hoping to still be here in 2023, so enjoy your evening, and above all, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this wind and rainy morning. 🙂 All three plants are doing well, lights on this morning sees them enter week 7 of veg, tip burn has leveled out, plants are a bit dark, but that wont hurt them, as they'll use that up as soon as they hit the first two weeks of stretch. Other than that we're in the green. 😁 Going to give it another week then flatten every thing to the mesh, then flip, as I think 8 weeks is enough vegging for this run, see what happens this week. 👍 Lets look at the pics. 👍

OG Kush.
OG Kush V7a

OG Kush V7b

Buddzilla V7a

Chem OG.
Chem OG V7a

Chem OG V7b

And that's all I have for this week, looking forward to flipping, seems a long time ago since I had some thing in flower, hopefully sort that out in the coming weeks, so if you want to find out how the next week goes, tune in next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍

Buddzilla V7b
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this gale force winds and lashing rain day, well it is Winter, had planned to re-surface a flat roof, **** that. 😁 All is well in the jungle that has become my scrog, so next week we flip, that will be the end of week eight, at lights on this morning we started week eight. Just got to finish off cleaning up the under side of the net where the leaves are starting to fade due to the canopy blocking out the light, this will get done some time today as the roofing job is off. 🙂 So next week will see us swap out the MH for a brand new HPS, bought a couple this time, then that way I'll not have to use an old bulb if supply chains fail, also ordered a couple of gallons of Canna base nuits to keep me going, as I was shocked when I saw the price of fertiliser double, I realise we can go organic, but I've never done any good with indoor organics, outdoors my organics are top trump, and its a lot more work than I have time for, not that I'm lazy, I'm just constantly time strapped. Pic time. 🙂

OG Kush.
OG Kush V8a

OG Kush V8b

Buddzilla V8a

Buddzilla V8b

Chem OG.
Chem OG V8a

Chem OG V8b

Other things. Finally got round to hashing the trim bucket from the past two grows, went like this. 🙂
First off is the bucket of saved glittery trim, now to make it processable for what we want. 👍
Hash Making 1

I use on of these, its a veg shredder for use in making soups, pack it half full as it won't chop it if you over fill it, just sticks together in a mess. Advise, get the biggest you can find, this one in the pics is a two litre version, so a litre of chopped trim is what you'll end up with.

Half fill the chopper. 👍
Hash Making 2

Put the lid on, and get choppin. 😁
Hash Making 3

When you've given your chopper a bit of exercise, you should wind up with this. 🙂
Hash Making 4

Next thing to do is snap off all the frost from the dross, the dross is then composted. So how do I snap the frost off? I cheat and put it in the deep freezer for a week, they seem to just crack off, I leave the braches and twigs in, it helps to thrash the frost off. 🙂
Hash Making 5

After a week, put a couple of pints of ice cold water in a five gallon bucket, any thing smaller makes a big f****n mess, my bags are five gallons to match the bucket. Tip in your frozen chopped trim into the cold water and add a couple of bags of ice, and batter it with a plaster mixer. 👍
Hash Making 6

After a quick mix, you should be looking at this, I find that after a half hour your going to struggle to get anything more from the mix as the plant matter gets gloopy and forms clumps, so set out your stall before you start. 😉
Hash Making 8

Set out your bags while your mixing and your good to go. I only use the two bags, the work bag and the finest, I use the work bag until every thing fine goes through, then the mass of soggy greenery is fed to the compost bins, what's left is strained through the finest bag.👍
Hash Making 7

You then have some very wet frost, lovely stuff. 😁 If you look, you can see a redness in the hash, If I'd seen it earlier I may have gone for a quarter of the red, but I didn't. 😁 You can see it better in the second pic, which left me wondering if it would have tasted like the old Red Leb of old if separated? Next time maybe. 👍
Hash Making 9

You can see the red more in this pic. 👍
Hash Making 10

And there you have it, bit of a long update this week. 🙂 So if you've missed the orange pics, or have a fetish for flipped plants, then join as next Saturday and fill your boots. 😁 Until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this sunny but still very frosty morning, hope every thing is well with you all. 🙂 3 Plant scrog is doing fine, you can see the remnants of my rushed early morning feed from a while back, a few lesser leaves are showing brown tips, with the odd leaf turning yellow, no big thing, just slowed growth in the mid veg stage for a week, bit like getting the munchies and eating to much chocolate. 😁 That aside we are about to take off into week two of flower, decided to flip last week while I had the time. White hairs are forming on all three plants, so next week there may be muff to show off, bring on the muff. 😁 Got to get to grips with this camera and sort the settings for HPS. Orange pics time. 😁

OG Kush.
OG Kush F1a

OG Kush F1b

Buddzilla F1a

Buddzilla F1b

Chem OG.
Chem OG F1a

Chem OG F1b

Group Shot.
Group Shot F1

And there goes week one of flower, frame looks a bit bare due to the the defoliation, most of the under leaves have been removed to aid airflow, as Mildew is becoming a growers nightmare, only ones left are leaves that still gather light, so still serve a purpose. 😉 Other than that, we are updated, getting ready for tonight, Saturday, some one will be hosting a gig or session some were, I aim to be a part of one of them. 🍻🍲 So if you want to know if there are any potential light burglars amongst these three plants, then get your self back next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning you tokers and growers, how are you all on this rare but glorious sunny morning bit late this week, buddy had a mishap Friday afternoon, took the weekend to sort it out, so secretly writing this update at work, during my lunch break, of course. 😁 Here we are, starting week two of flower, as the lights came on Saturday morning, expecting the second faze of fast stretch, get this out the way and the plants will settle down, then we can see what we have in buds and bud spacing. Not grown any of these strains before, so don't know what they will look like when they are flowered out, as most plants I've grown only bare a slight resemblance to the pic in the seed catalogue I chose the seeds from, but I suppose they help you decide, hey. 😁 I'm expecting three feet of finished stretch this run, going by how the plants look now. I know I should whisper this, so as not to attract them, but no bugs this run, bet the PM I had the last run put them off, maybe my grow space has been downgraded to a two star, got to admire a snobby bug. 🤣 Other than the rushed over feed a while ago, there's nothing bad to report, things are going so well I feel like I'm neglecting my plants. 🤣 Right, orange pics time. 👍

OG Kush.
OG Kush F2a

OG Kush F2b

OG Kush F2c

Buddzilla F2a

Buddzilla F2b

Buddzilla F2c

Chem OG.
Chem OG F2a

Chem OG F2b

Chem OG F2c

Group Shot. OG Kush in the top left corner, the Chem OG which has quite a lot of Sativa in it is in the top right corner, the Buddzilla is in the bottom left corner, you can see how much Sativa is in this strain too, if you compare it to the OG Kush.
Group Shot F2 1

On the march the little light grabbers. 😁
Group Shot F2 2

Right, that's me away, before I get caught on the works computer, hoping for some decent muff next week, so if your a big fan of muff, pop in next week and see what we have on offer, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this foggy Saturday morning, hope your all well. 👍 We are rockin and rollin here, no problems at the minute, lights on this morning saw us walk into the sunshine of week three of flower, plants seem a bit slow, but after the sort of weather swings we've had its not surprising, four inches of ice, ten day solid frost, which dried the air out during veg, then it turned wet for the rest of veg, now starting our third week of flower we have fog, just when you don't need moisture in the air, you just can't win some times. 😁 Apart from the weather messing us around we're fine, six more weeks to get us over the line, and we're made. 👍 Still no bugs. 👍 Hoping its going to be a bit drier next month to finish flowering, won't hold my breath, or I have a feeling my face will turn deep purple, there's a song there some were. 🙂 Suppose we had better look at some orange pics. 👍

OG Kush.
OG Kush F3a

OG Kush F3b

OG Kush F3c

Buddzilla. You can see some leaves being sucked back in by the plant, as there is not enough light for them to carry on growing, the under canopy has blocked out most of the light, this is a preference to me as I like to leave the green leaves alone if I can.
Buddzilla F3a

Buddzilla F3b

Buddzilla F3c

Critical Kush.
Chem OG F3a

Chem OG F3b

Chem OG F3c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F3 5

Group Shot F3 4

There you go, all updated, now I'm heading for the food stores with the misses, joy of joys. 😁 So if you have a thing about orange pics, and need more, pop back next week and I'll see what I can for you, until then, just keep tokin folks. (y)
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this sunny, Spring like morning. 😎 This morning saw us finish week four of flower and start week five as the lights came on. All is well with the plants, nothing bad to report, only thing being the over feed that I gave the plants a couple of weeks back, followed by the remedial action of flushing that feed out with some thing lower in PPM, which sent the plants the other way, you can still see this on the tips, but not to worry, I've no doubt they will get me stoned. 😁 I love the end of week five of flower, peak muff period, gives you a good idea of how big your buds might be. I was told once by an old grower from the 70's that the more muff you grow, the higher you get, well I've put in some effort to test this theory, but I just wind up stoned, you can test this theory your self if you like, let me know how you get on. 🤣 Anyway, enough science, lets look at some orange pics. 👍

OG Kush. You can see the under canopy's leaves being sucked back into the plant, no point in the plant keeping them as there is no light for them to operate.
OG Kush F4a

OG Kush F4b

OG Kush F4c

Buddzilla F4a

Buddzilla F4b

Buddzilla F4c

Chem OG F4a

Chem OG F4b

Chem OG F4c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F4 3

Group Shot F4 1

And yet another update joins the millions of other internet updates that have been written over the years, you can only guess how many there are in total, a very broad subject. 👍 So, muff fans, join us next week for week five of flower, and if week four is any thing to go by, then week five should be the plants peak flower period, your old grandmother would be proud to receive a bunch of these on her birthday. 😁 So if you have a gran with a birthday next week, then treat her to some thing different for a change, until next week, keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all doing on this fine sunny day. 😎 All's good here with the plants, just finished week five of flower and first light this morning saw us kick off into week six. We have a proper muff festival flowering at the moment, peak muffness, don't know if muffness is a proper word, keeps coming up with a red line no matter how I change the spelling. 😁 Still have the burnt tips, think we're stuck with them till the end, so don't rush your feeding or you'll wind up in the same boat as us. 😁 Other than the burnt tip there's nothing much to report. Orange pics. 👍

OG Kush.
OG Kush F5a

OG Kush F5b

OG Kush F5c

Buddzilla F5a

Buddzilla F5b

Buddzilla F5c

Chem OG.
Chem OG F5a

Chem OG F5b

Chem OG F5c

Group Shots.
Group Shot F5 2

Group Shot F5 3

There you go, start of week six, should start to see cinnamon fronds forming by the end of this week, nice. 🙂 So, if your a muff fan, or cinnamon frond fan, then pop back next week for more of the same, and I'll do my best to feed your frenzy. Until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this wind driven rainy day, hope your all sorted to kick back for the weekend with family and friends. 🙂 There goes week six, hello week seven of flower. Plants are still producing white hairs, so our muff explosion is still going on, with the OG Kush being the whitest of the bunch, followed by the Buddzilla, the Chem OG is the only one of the three that looks like its showing any signs of fade, with the odd cinnamon frond starting to put in an appearance, I expect them to be more obvious by the end of week seven. 🙂 I was in the workshop the other evening, when I picked up one of those white Jiffy envelopes off the pile of crap that builds up on the ends of your work bench, I couldn't remember what was in it, it was the other bug bombs I'd ordered, never gave the bugs a thought really, as we have none this run, other runs the mites or thrips have put in an appearance just as flowering takes off (B*****ds) but not this time, so do they work? I fully intend to let off another in my space next run, maybe its down to it being Winter here and the bug numbers are low, we'll see when we get into the Summer run. 😉 The last two runs I've suffered mould in three main cola's this last run, and four the run before, not decimating, but it is a mild draw back. So I'm trying some thing that a buddy tipped me off on, and if I escape the rot this run, I'll tell you what it is, it could be the growers fault. 😁 Any way, orange pic time. 👍

OG Kush. Takes the award for best muff.
OG Kush F6a

OG Kush F6b

OG Kush F6c

Buddzilla F6a

Buddzilla F6b

Buddzilla F6c

Chem OG.
Chem OG F6a

Chem OG F6b

Chem OG F6c

Group Shots.
Group Shot F6 5

Group Shot F6 3

And there you go, and a video this week, in orange too. 😁 That's us up to date, so if you want to know how it goes here in week seven, then pop back next week and see it all in a nice shade of Summer orange, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning to all you tokers and growers, how are you on this overcast Saturday morning, we hope your all well. 🙂 We have just finished week seven, and as of this morning we started week eight of flower, not long now until we send in the lumber jack team for a bit of woodland clearing. 😁 Haven't a clue what we'll wind up with weight wise, buds seem quite dense, so a good weight might be on the cards, no sign of moulds or pests, which is a shame, in that I burnt the tips early on. The main problem with feeding the three strains that I have on this run, is that the OG Kush likes a banquet feed, but the other two which have more Sativa traits live on salad sandwiches, so balancing these three has been a challenge, and this shows in the leaf tips. Now I know what the OG Kush is about, I can run it with some other big eaters like the Franco's, Dark Phoenix and the other light hugging bean stalks. But this is the way it is for mixed stain growers, especially the time strapped ones like my self. But when I finally retire, as we all will, then I'll be able to grow perfect show plants. 🙂 Hopefully the Farm and you lot will still be here to see it. 😁 Soon be time to think about the next set of seeds to grow, don't know if I want to go large or medium, or even a scrog with three for four light huggers, will have to look into the seed vault and see what we have. 👍 Enough ramble, pic time. 👍

OG Kush.
OG Kush F7a

OG Kush F7b

OG Kush F7c

Buddzilla F7a

Buddzilla F7b

Buddzilla F7c

Chem OG.
Chem OG F7a

Group Shot.
Group Shot F7 2

Group Shot F7 3

And there you go, the start of week eight should see ambers and the leaves start to degrade, and either fade to colour, or shrivel, I think that they will shrivel this run due to the over feed, so if your into a bit of shriveling, then join us next week and see how it goes, until then Farmers, just keep tokiing.👍

Chem OG F7b

Chem OG F7c
Good morning to all you tokers and growers, hope your all well on this sunny, but very frosty morning. 🙂 We enter week nine as the lights came on this morning, and wave good bye to week eight. 🖐️ All seem fine with the plants, the Buddzilla and the Chem OG are showing some fade and a bit of die off, they're sucking in the bottom leaves which are taking on that lemon colour. 👍 The OG Kush is still top muff, it is still going and shows no sign of fading this week, its a week tenner for sure, so now its a waiting game. 😁 Pic time. 👍

OG Kush.
OG Kush F8a

OG Kush F8b

OG Kush F8c

Buddzilla F8a

Buddzilla F8b

Buddzilla F8c

Chem OG.
Chem OG F8a

Chem OG F8b

Chem OG F8c

Group Shots.
Group Shot F8 2

Group Shot F8 3

Every thing is coming together now we're nearing the end of this run, would be nice to see the OG Kush covered in cinnamon fronds by next week, won't be holding my breath. 😁 So if you want to know if the fronds turn cinnamon, then get your self back here next Saturday and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
Good morning you tokers and growers, how are you all on this grey rainy Saturday morning? Hope your all well. 🙂 Here we are finishing week nine, and starting week 10. The OG Kush has started to fade a little, about time, the Buddzilla and the Chem OG are about half way there, don't know why the plants are taking so long to flower out, been cold here lately, thinking this is what's been holding them back. I've dropped the temps, cut the feeding to a minimum, so this should inspire the plants to finish up, you can see the appearance of yellow leaves on the under side of the plants as they suck in all the goodness they've stored in the leaves, would aid trimming if they all fell off, but they don't. 😁 The finish line is in sight. 👍 Orange pic time. 😁

OG Kush. Still showing a lot of flower.
OG Kush F9a

OG Kush F9b

OG Kush F9c

Buddzilla F9a

Buddzilla F9b

Buddzilla F9c

Chem OG. This will be the first to finish.
Chem OG F9a

Chem OG F9b

Chem OG F9c

Group Shots.
Group Shot F9 2

Group Shot F9 3

There goes week 9 as we blast off into week 10, so will the Chem OG finish this week, as it seems to be in the lead for first to finish award, or will it need another week, or two? So if you want to see what develops during week ten, then pop back next Saturday and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
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