Fear and Loathing in Las Phoenix

Agreed! Not seeing nanners for the most part. Maybe it's time to start slowing down on the IPA's? 🙂
Naw the nanners were from the Black Domina I pulled out weeks ago. Likely stressed it out somehow and she went full PRIDE month in both tents.
Hadn't drank in a while but rough day even aside from the grow so was due.
Take them to harvest. If you do get seeds you now have submissions for the giveaways. There's always a silver lining my dude!!
Love your optimism my man. Hate that I've pollinated my entire grow though. Worked real hard and just feel/felt defeated once again. It's all god though and appears this was meant to be. It won't be for naught though and I've learned alot from my mistakes once again
I've gotten pollinated by a clueless neighbor and the weed still got me baked, all is not lost... yeah it's annoying to pick out seeds, but it's better than paying for weed or no weed. You can always make hash too. I feel like thc is so high these days that even with the resources used to make seeds, you still get decent weed... especially iff you keep up on feeding... and random seeds are good to save for the apocalypse. 🤣
🤣 you had me at "I've gotten pollinated" and you too have more than admirable optimism. Luv all yall and thanks for being there when I needed ya.

Today is a new day and I will keep my head high. It is feeding/watering time/day and I will just pretend I don't see beans on them. "save for the apocalypse" 🤣😆:love:🙏:alien:
Naw the nanners were from the Black Domina I pulled out weeks ago. Likely stressed it out somehow and she went full PRIDE month in both tents.
Hadn't drank in a while but rough day even aside from the grow so was due.

Love your optimism my man. Hate that I've pollinated my entire grow though. Worked real hard and just feel/felt defeated once again. It's all god though and appears this was meant to be. It won't be for naught though and I've learned alot from my mistakes once again
Sup homie. How do you know the BK pollinated the whole grow? I think if a cola gets pollinated the tips of the white hairs go dark signifying pollination. Looking good regardless, I bet you wont have nearly as many seeds as you expect ;D.
Sup homie. How do you know the BK pollinated the whole grow? I think if a cola gets pollinated the tips of the white hairs go dark signifying pollination. Looking good regardless, I bet you wont have nearly as many seeds as you expect ;D.

Yo bro and happy saturday to ya. The BD full on had a nanner party and had to be clipped from within the scrog. I would have been 198% more surprised if this didn't happen. Was my fault for letting a few days go by without inspecting the back corner plants. Guess I took bein hands off a bit too far lol
Heyyyyyyyyy Coach how goes it? Miss you as well. Leave your side a few clicks and see what happens? I become a pro pollinater by accident 😆
That’s how we learn! Bet ya never forget this lesson, I darn sure didn’t. That’s why to this day you will find me down, crawling under tables.. justttttt checking!
groovin' the tune but turn your phone sideways to record vids ya boomer 🧙‍♂️

Hah that is too fkin funny. Have phone with 7 fkin cameras but couldn't think to turn the camera 🤣 thanks much for the heads up.

Yeah I just used trick photography man. Confirmed for sure hence the IPA abuse last night. I just wanted one last post to remember before the bean porn started. Lights just came on so will go snap the damn pregos 😪

I didn't know i was supposed to turn it sideways either! lol
I take them upright too most of the time.

@Coco Lopez they look good man!
Slightly Stoopid
These guys came up on my recommendations a while back for their song "2am", really like that one. Reminds me of my old bob marley/sublime days.

Naw the nanners were from the Black Domina I pulled out weeks ago. Likely stressed it out somehow and she went full PRIDE month in both tents.
Hadn't drank in a while but rough day even aside from the grow so was due.

Love your optimism my man. Hate that I've pollinated my entire grow though. Worked real hard and just feel/felt defeated once again. It's all god though and appears this was meant to be. It won't be for naught though and I've learned alot from my mistakes once again
If it helps, you can cuss me out as the cause.
For everyone else, i'm the one at fault here really. I'm going to make it up by gifting him some extra feminized seeds i have of some beans i just got, White Rhino, Blueberry diesel, and Lemon Diesel from over seas. The fact that you didn't throw me under the bus speaks volumes about your integrity @Coco Lopez

Reminds me of this recent show i watched called Jury Duty. a guy decides to go on this jury duty "documentary", but doesn't know he is the only one who isn't a paid actor. Without knowing he is tested on his integrity multiple times, and passes every "test". Doesn't talk bad about other people behind their back etc.., this guy had no idea there were hidden cameras during some of these conversations. Really good guy, wins $100k at the end when they disclose it all to him, call him a "hero" in a social aspect. You remind me of this hero.

I hit @Coco Lopez up randomly when i first got on Farmers.bs and for some reason he decided to gift me some seeds when i was trying to buy from him. Gifted me quite the selection. I gifted him some lollipops back, and then recently some seeds. Seeds turned out to be bunk, Black Domina, and instead of calling me out, this guy doesn't even have any ill will against me. He is the only one i've shared my personal details with on here, and i would say @Coco Lopez is my closest online farm friend. Still crack up when i think of that thread on here and the extensive search for me pulling up all kinds of other online Ninjas, one person that just posts funny animal videos on youtube... lol

I'm rambling now... lol. anyways just a good guy.
Always remember, shit happens. To go back and treat the gifter of the seeds like crap is completely uncalled for. Except in one instance.
When things started breaking loose in Missouri, there were three big forums on Facebook. All of a sudden those of us that were known, tested growers won free seeds! I will never forget, they were called The Bride of Frankenstein. Supposedly fem seeds. Truth was, they were autos that busted balls over night. Mine was six inches tall when it did its magic. I caught mine, cause I look daily. Other grows not so lucky. Literally busted balls at four to six inches tall, and blew pollen shortly thereafter. Retard pollen! Myself and one other caught it. The rest, well you know the outcome.
Three things should have garnered my attention. One, only established vetted growers won. Two, there’s a lot of dirty cutthroat stuff in this business and Three, the donor disappeared as soon as the seeds were mailed. Those were seeds of malicious intent.
Otherwise, never chew the ass of a person that gifted you some seed.
You are right about one thing tho..he is a fantastic person!
These guys came up on my recommendations a while back for their song "2am", really like that one. Reminds me of my old bob marley/sublime days.

If it helps, you can cuss me out as the cause.
For everyone else, i'm the one at fault here really. I'm going to make it up by gifting him some extra feminized seeds i have of some beans i just got, White Rhino, Blueberry diesel, and Lemon Diesel from over seas. The fact that you didn't throw me under the bus speaks volumes about your integrity @Coco Lopez

Reminds me of this recent show i watched called Jury Duty. a guy decides to go on this jury duty "documentary", but doesn't know he is the only one who isn't a paid actor. Without knowing he is tested on his integrity multiple times, and passes every "test". Doesn't talk bad about other people behind their back etc.., this guy had no idea there were hidden cameras during some of these conversations. Really good guy, wins $100k at the end when they disclose it all to him, call him a "hero" in a social aspect. You remind me of this hero.

I hit @Coco Lopez up randomly when i first got on Farmers.bs and for some reason he decided to gift me some seeds when i was trying to buy from him. Gifted me quite the selection. I gifted him some lollipops back, and then recently some seeds. Seeds turned out to be bunk, Black Domina, and instead of calling me out, this guy doesn't even have any ill will against me. He is the only one i've shared my personal details with on here, and i would say @Coco Lopez is my closest online farm friend. Still crack up when i think of that thread on here and the extensive search for me pulling up all kinds of other online Ninjas, one person that just posts funny animal videos on youtube... lol

I'm rambling now... lol. anyways just a good guy.

Yeah 2am is a classic. I had heard of Slightly Stoopid but really had not hear anything from them. Then my boy Alex and I drove to Vegas for the BCA Nationals and he turned me onto them. We ended up winning 1st place out of 128 teams and their music has stuck with me since then. Pretty good stuff no doubt.

Hah I know that show and you are too kind. Truth be told I used your name early and often with respect to the Sensei beans because they were all I had to remember you by while you were lost in translation. I still have some and honestly wouldn't be afraid to run them. That is how confident I am that this is user error and not genetics. Sensei seeds is quite reputable as was the last genetics that hermed on ne. Light leaks and/or inconsistent VPD(temp swings too much too often each day). I actually recall a day the lights went out in tent as should but I had flaps open and they got additional ambient light for an hour-ish. Easily could have been that.

Appreciate the kind words my friend and feelings quite mutual.
@Coco Lopez My lights shut off during the day too a few days ago but what Im reading is that daytime light interruptions aren't as bad as dark period light interruptions. However, now that your saying this might have caused your nan's, makes me slightly paranoid lmao. Time to scope the budzz :D
That’s how we learn! Bet ya never forget this lesson, I darn sure didn’t. That’s why to this day you will find me down, crawling under tables.. justttttt checking!

Sorry CG I got caught up feeding/tending to the ladies/flock. Nope, never gonna forget this one that's for sure. Among many things I learned this grow was just how formidable cultivating "can" be. Really thought things were going well there for quite a while and will admit must have let my guard down. Now I have a frikkin alarm that goes off every morning that says "Check for Nanners ya fkin slacker"

Oii that story about the hermie war in MO way back whens. Sounds like an epic shit-show for sure. "Malicious intent" seeds eek bet that dudes karma cost him much since then. What a POS :mad: and yeah I'd never blame a seed gifter, how ungrateful could one be, whelp unless it is like the handi-abled ponzi auto bean scandal you were dragged into 🤣🤕

So happy to hear you smashed shit last Saturday :love:. oOo STELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLA! I love it and would be honored to gaze at her. The ones I know you already have are some of the coolest rifles I've ever seen. Did you whuuup the men with Stella or obtain her since Saturday? When you purchase a weapon that can shoot a mosquitos eye out from the next town over, are they just like "Here, you cool enjoy" 😆 or does the kick-assness of the gun in any way make it harder to obtain?
@Coco Lopez My lights shut off during the day too a few days ago but what Im reading is that daytime light interruptions aren't as bad as dark period light interruptions. However, now that your saying this might have caused your nan's, makes me slightly paranoid lmao. Time to scope the budzz :D
I would 100% agree but you start reaching when don't know lol but you are right and higher likelihood it wasn't that 1 scenario. Figures the breeders beans I am running next grow, posts this on FB this morning 😆 dang felt like Murphys Law reading it

"Lollipopped heavy on day 21 Flower, all phenos showed no signs of stress. I usually lollipop before flip or sometime in veg cuz it’s not advisable in flower due to the amount of stress it causes. There has been many times I have in flower with diff genetics which has caused plants to pop a nanner or 2. This ain’t happening with GSK or ABS. They are proving to be just as stable as their parents
Their parents were ran through many tests in an effort to herm them. I could not get them to express hermaphrodite traits. Every single cannabis plant has the ability to pop nanners in an effort to continue its own genetics. Some cultivars this trait is expressed easily and others not. All of them have the ability to pop nanners if they are left in flower too long, term is called “rodelization.”
Although I have not conducted the level of stress tests I did to the parents, GSK and ABS have shown to take high temps, low temps, wind stress, defoliation, hst stress in flower. For the parents I ran them all specifically one time to stress them. I over/under watered, under/overfed them, rootbound them, blasted them with high ppf light levels, branch breaking in flower, extreme wind stress, +90F temps, and -50 temps, and my favorite the “light leak” test (where I literally turn my lights on for 1 hour during dark cycle in flower) to try to get them to herm. These 3 phenos did not pop any nanners, while other strains which included some reg females did.
The parents checked all my boxes in terms of quality, quantity, and stability. I then chose the hunted Sugar Cane pheno (Shhuga) to reverse using STS. I’m no scientist but this doesn’t stress the plants to herm. It chemically blocks ethylene which is a female hormone. All 3 plants used to breed were super healthy throughout breeding process. This I believe is the correct way to feminize beans. GSK and ABS are showing me they are stable in terms of not going hermaphrodite . I’ve spent a lot of time working with these 3 and it’s finally all showing. All 3 parents were hunted by me and tested fully. These fems are solid af
and will check every box possible I just know…it will come down to flavor preference which I must say their terp profiles are insane as well"
Fk sake that sucks man. If it were me I'd order some bubble bags, a table top washing machine and make bubble hash with them. I actually love me some bubble and if you use your whole seeded plants for bubble your gonna have a ton of insane in the membrane hash to dab.

You have anything vegging?
Yeah it does but like CG said I won't forget this one. You are right and Hash will be made. Speaking of Hash have you seen the hot wine bottle and parchment paper method? Definitely going to try that route with what falls through the trim bin. I usually just straight add the keef to flower but definetly going to try some new methods.
Naw don't have anything vegging and am happy I don't. Once this grow is done I have some serious nuclear pollen warfare to tend to in the grow tents and room. Going to strip it down to bare bones, clean everything with diluted 35% h2o2, and start fresh with 2-4 ABS in tent 1 and 2-4 GSK in tent 2. That grow will be what makes them all have been worth it. Well that or I for sure will find a new hobby 😅
Ok tell me how funny this is 🤣 Oi lesson learned

Aight so how do I say without being rude that my bae just isn't well versed in the herb. She takes a gummy here and there to sleep but that is the extent of it. Ohh about once a week or so since the plants have started to express some scent profiles, I drag her into the grow room and make her try to smell them. Whelp this morning will be the last lmao and I should have seen this coming 😆🤕
I'm literally showing her how gentle I am being(this is the 100th time+) and I am ever so lightly rubbing a sugar leaf here or there and having her smell it. She's like "ohh that smells nice, I like that one" and then I go for the SnS and "Ohh Ah that one is nice too". Then I tell her see just touch the top and I point to a Big Bud cola and she takes her fingers and literally squeezed the top of the cola like it was grape and something was supposed to come out of it 😆 "EEKKKKKKKK NO honey"! :ROFLMAO: "Wait what did I do wrong"? :rolleyes: I look at the bud and thank goodness it was like a sponge and went from smooshed to poofing out a bit. Needless to say, I think I will keep my terps to myself from here on out
Ok tell me how funny this is 🤣 Oi lesson learned

Aight so how do I say without being rude that my bae just isn't well versed in the herb. She takes a gummy here and there to sleep but that is the extent of it. Ohh about once a week or so since the plants have started to express some scent profiles, I drag her into the grow room and make her try to smell them. Whelp this morning will be the last lmao and I should have seen this coming 😆🤕
I'm literally showing her how gentle I am being(this is the 100th time+) and I am ever so lightly rubbing a sugar leaf here or there and having her smell it. She's like "ohh that smells nice, I like that one" and then I go for the SnS and "Ohh Ah that one is nice too". Then I tell her see just touch the top and I point to a Big Bud cola and she takes her fingers and literally squeezed the top of the cola like it was grape and something was supposed to come out of it 😆 "EEKKKKKKKK NO honey"! :ROFLMAO: "Wait what did I do wrong"? :rolleyes: I look at the bud and thank goodness it was like a sponge and went from smooshed to poofing out a bit. Needless to say, I think I will keep my terps to myself from here on out
Good lord i wasnt ready for the mental image of someone crushing a cola like that. It hurts my soul
Good lord i wasnt ready for the mental image of someone crushing a cola like that. It hurts my soul
Right? So glad my spirits were "high"😆 enough to withstand the moment. Over 1 year of her watching how gentle you to be at this stage and she completely without intention went full on Randy Savage on it. Poor Big Bud :ROFLMAO: I could have sworn I heard it squeal 🤕
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