Fear and Loathing in Las Phoenix

Roger that and I agree. No need whatsoever and is a redundant toolbox move at the least. Will not do it again.

I know you just joshin but I also know I ask for and deserve it. Truth be told the AN Big Bud, Overdrive, and B-52 were bought for $15 total(I know, waste) but was during my 1st grow ever in Coco and I ran AN PH Perfect in 50/50 coc/perl and simply didn't know better. Crazy thing about AN is I know a dude who grows damn near the best flower I've ever seen and swears by the shit. Just don't get it but surely know it isn't right that they have a line of 15+ products. Some of the best growers I know like @SeedDude also told me from day 1 to avoid shit like AN at all costs, and that you can have an incredible harvest of herb by treating the ganj as if it is a tomato plant 🙏

I've never used it, but have heard nothing but horror stories from people across multiple forums in regards to the AN product line. I think some guys are just stubborn and eventually make a product line or nutrient line work for them. My only advice is to pick synthetic or organic and stick to that, mixing the two usually doesn't end well. Synthetic ferts have been known to kill off beneficial microbial life which is not what we want after we've spent time building it up :)
Big Bud is just a Potassium and aminos boost. Overdrive is mag and potassium. B-52 is B vitamins with some micros. Bud Candy is just mag and carbs.

I have no idea why anyone would have issues using these products unless they just used them at the wrong time or in the wrong way.

In my bottled nutes NPK is pretty much covered along with micros. I used the Aptus chart and followed when the girls needed a boost and boosted accordingly. Didn't matter what brand it was I used. I think timing is much more critical than what the brand is putting out. Sure amounts matter but as long as they're close in their makeup they should have more than enough food for the plant to take up especially in dirt where the natural breakdown process is happening in conjunction to what is being fed.

I used to use B-52 and it worked great but it's expensive. I subbed in Hormex and it works just as well. I used to use Bud Candy but I get plenty of carbs from the base nutes and just up my calcium and magnesium in the same time period Bud candy wants to be used. Same results. I use AN's Cal/Mag+ but will stop using it as it has too much nitrogen so for this next run I'm going to replace it with a cal/mag sub with no added N.
Big Bud is just a Potassium and aminos boost. Overdrive is mag and potassium. B-52 is B vitamins with some micros. Bud Candy is just mag and carbs.

I have no idea why anyone would have issues using these products unless they just used them at the wrong time or in the wrong way.

In my bottled nutes NPK is pretty much covered along with micros. I used the Aptus chart and followed when the girls needed a boost and boosted accordingly. Didn't matter what brand it was I used. I think timing is much more critical than what the brand is putting out. Sure amounts matter but as long as they're close in their makeup they should have more than enough food for the plant to take up especially in dirt where the natural breakdown process is happening in conjunction to what is being fed.

I used to use B-52 and it worked great but it's expensive. I subbed in Hormex and it works just as well. I used to use Bud Candy but I get plenty of carbs from the base nutes and just up my calcium and magnesium in the same time period Bud candy wants to be used. Same results. I use AN's Cal/Mag+ but will stop using it as it has too much nitrogen so for this next run I'm going to replace it with a cal/mag sub with no added N.

found the stubborn guy ;)

jk Roots
found the stubborn guy ;)

jk Roots
No worries! 😆

I just don't get it. Most everything on the market is workable. Just got to know how to use it.

Most of these brands use pretty much the same nutes and in the same ratios. Some have more of this or that or added this or that but the main ingredients are almost always the same. I laugh when I read that this brand or that brand is junk. Most of those brands you hate come from the same factory that made the brand you love. Almost always it's not the nute so much as the operator that's fucking it up but everyone's up for the blame game and no one wants to take responsibility for their own ignorance or actions.

I saw a post on the farm where some newb was knocking FF trio saying it was crap and that it killed his plant. Come to find out that overwatering to excess will do the same thing. Saw another where they were complaining that the nute was crap because their plant was anemic and weak. He forgot to mention the 60 watt incandescent bulb he was using as a light that was 4 feet away from the plant.

People forget that they are dealing with a living entity. So many factors that can affect it outside of nutrition.
No worries! 😆

I just don't get it. Most everything on the market is workable. Just got to know how to use it.

Most of these brands use pretty much the same nutes and in the same ratios. Some have more of this or that or added this or that but the main ingredients are almost always the same. I laugh when I read that this brand or that brand is junk. Most of those brands you hate come from the same factory that made the brand you love. Almost always it's not the nute so much as the operator that's fucking it up but everyone's up for the blame game and no one wants to take responsibility for their own ignorance or actions.

I saw a post on the farm where some newb was knocking FF trio saying it was crap and that it killed his plant. Come to find out that overwatering to excess will do the same thing. Saw another where they were complaining that the nute was crap because their plant was anemic and weak. He forgot to mention the 60 watt incandescent bulb he was using as a light that was 4 feet away from the plant.

People forget that they are dealing with a living entity. So many factors that can affect it outside of nutrition.

Yeah I agree completely. Most nutrient lines have way too many products that are unnecessary anyways.
2 things, well not really. Love you both and I think you both make great points.

I believe Wiz is right that it not only defeats the purpose to feed synthetics to living soil(@organic_cannabis_indoor agree :LOL:?) but that it can be harmful. Also very right in that AN for what there worth, has 15+ different products yet Ballin on a Budget is just 3(jacks, silica, and fulvic). I would think that if you wouldn't need 15 different things to harvest healthy tomato plants then why would you need them for cannabis. I know their entire line well(not from using all but from the rabbit-hole I put myself in with the PH Perfect Trio). My bad experience was strictly with the PH Perfect Trio though.The other 3 were because someone was selling near by for $15 and I said wtf

Roots is right on with user error though. Thinking back it wasn't necessarily the product but my inability to fertigate properly in coco. Was hand-watering and it became a nightmare. Switched to MasterBlend half way through flower hah. Year later and still riding day by day but at least I know I am learning as I go, even if I randomly do quazi-handi-abled things quite often 🤕
Yeah I agree completely. Most nutrient lines have way too many products that are unnecessary anyways.
I've had great success with AN but I agree that a lot of their product line is really just water with a few amendments. Mike is about money. If someone has a problem, he has an answer.....for a price.

I really wish newbs would learn basic plant biology first before getting into buying stuff. I learned it through hands on gardening and then later actually verifying what I saw in the garden.

When I was working at LGO's I would see countless salespeople come in trying to sell their nute line to the master grower. They'd leave tons of samples for them to try out. Almost always those samples would end up in the helpers garden and never see the light of day at the facility. Once you understand the needs of the plant you realize that all that other stuff is just fluff. It won't hurt anything but it also won't do much most of the time other than empty your bank account.
I've had great success with AN but I agree that a lot of their product line is really just water with a few amendments. Mike is about money. If someone has a problem, he has an answer.....for a price.

I really wish newbs would learn basic plant biology first before getting into buying stuff. I learned it through hands on gardening and then later actually verifying what I saw in the garden.

When I was working at LGO's I would see countless salespeople come in trying to sell their nute line to the master grower. They'd leave tons of samples for them to try out. Almost always those samples would end up in the helpers garden and never see the light of day at the facility. Once you understand the needs of the plant you realize that all that other stuff is just fluff. It won't hurt anything but it also won't do much most of the time other than empty your bank account.
Yep. Most of my grows are a little calcium silicate, base nutrients, usually foliage pro with some bloom and mag pro when needed. That's it.
I do use a small shot of dry koolbloom near the end, and get this.. I use AN flawless finish at the end (gasp!). But Epsom salt works too. Flawless is super cheap and works so good though. About the only AN product I get behind.
Quick Day 33F update. Learning much from about variety and many other things this grow and no matter what happens I will be ok knowing that. The Imperium X, Black Valium, and Bubba Kush all have a very small amount of leaves showing various signs of whiny-ness but unless anyone has any suggestions I am going to keep riding as is. These 3 were the worst I could find so that is a plus. Reallllly lookin forward to future grows of less plants and using genetics I'm not guessing so much with. All in all I feel I'm at least half way there with a few of the strains. Bubba Kush in particular has super thin branches and can barely hold even the smallest buds

ups. It also was the 1st to smell and fastest to "trich-up" so to speak.
Cheers and make it a great day/night out there BB famdamly 🙏
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Does that mean it isn't potentially a seed? Sure hope it is because I'm a wee bit nanner-ed out at this point

Edit: ok I know it isn't a nanner but I meant aside from a seed or nanners what else is there other than I'm fine and yes just being a tent/plant-hawk stoner on high alert since was so recently nanned on
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Can't win man lol You said to look on the bright side of the nanners that cost me my precious Black Domina and that I might end up with some crazy crosses. This Bubba Kush was literally playing footsie with the BD while it was mid circle-jerk and appears to have a seed or 2 or 3. I'm stoked if it is and fine if it isn't but thought it was pic worthy if in fact turns out to be. BLACK KUSH lol

Can't win man lol You said to look on the bright side of the nanners that cost me my precious Black Domina and that I might end up with some crazy crosses. This Bubba Kush was literally playing footsie with the BD while it was mid circle-jerk and appears to have a seed or 2 or 3. I'm stoked if it is and fine if it isn't but thought it was pic worthy if in fact turns out to be. BLACK KUSH lol
BDK my Guy! Black Domina Kush!!😃
Day 35F update, playiin in traffic 🤕

I am 4-5 IPAs deep and this is your fair warning. Whatever is said from here on out I will take full responsibilty for but likely regret. This hopefully will be short but could easily spiral into a worthless novel.

Fed/watered last Saturday and nothing since then. All I can say is if you haven't used the AC infiinity fabric pots then you may not understand. Risers or not they are way thicker and just retain moisture much more than other fabric pots i have. Whether this is good or bad is another topic but I surely have been caught off guard with feeling I would be over-watering at more than 1 time a week in the 5th week of flower. Maybe it is laziness, maybe it is me thinking they were/are doing fine as far as how I have been fertigating. One thing is for sure though, today was/is the roughest/toughest I've had since growing.
Turns out the Black Domina that nannered has pollinated at my entire grow aside from the Vanilla Frosting, yet. Yesterday and the day before I was psyched and trying to look on the bright side. Today I'm at a low with how much time and money I've wasted and will continue to through harvest. Which brings me to the actual point of this update.
I want to be clear about my genetics "blame game" and how it is simply most likely a way for me to not take responsibility for being a poor cultivator. Whether light leaks, inconsistent VPD, poor PH and or Nute and watering practices, or a host of other things, I honestly think the nanners I got from the Purple Dragon Balls from 7eastgenetics 2 grows or so ago and the Black Domina from Sensei Seeds grew balls because of me, not them.
I knew what I was getting into with trying to run 8 strains and also admitted before doing so it was the last time I would do such a thing. I had compiled a gang of seeds I morally felt obligated to run and wanted to, albeit knowing it would complicate things.
So here we are. Seeds that I can see in a bud here and there on every plant aside one already, and it is what it is. I've got the choice to scrap the grow and start over or make the best of the seedy weed to come. I'm choosing option 2 and just going to accept that which I cannot change.
I do have 1 question though. Since the flowers lose a bit of focus and it goes towards seed development, am I better off leaving them alone than plucking them?

Pics in order
1 Banana Krumble
2 Big Bud
3 Black Valium
4 Bubba Kush
6 SnS
7 Imperium X
8 Vanilla Frosting
View attachment 20230616_162413.mp4
Day 35F update, playiin in traffic 🤕

I am 4-5 IPAs deep and this is your fair warning. Whatever is said from here on out I will take full responsibilty for but likely regret. This hopefully will be short but could easily spiral into a worthless novel.

Fed/watered last Saturday and nothing since then. All I can say is if you haven't used the AC infiinity fabric pots then you may not understand. Risers or not they are way thicker and just retain moisture much more than other fabric pots i have. Whether this is good or bad is another topic but I surely have been caught off guard with feeling I would be over-watering at more than 1 time a week in the 5th week of flower. Maybe it is laziness, maybe it is me thinking they were/are doing fine as far as how I have been fertigating. One thing is for sure though, today was/is the roughest/toughest I've had since growing.
Turns out the Black Domina that nannered has pollinated at my entire grow aside from the Vanilla Frosting, yet. Yesterday and the day before I was psyched and trying to look on the bright side. Today I'm at a low with how much time and money I've wasted and will continue to through harvest. Which brings me to the actual point of this update.
I want to be clear about my genetics "blame game" and how it is simply most likely a way for me to not take responsibility for being a poor cultivator. Whether light leaks, inconsistent VPD, poor PH and or Nute and watering practices, or a host of other things, I honestly think the nanners I got from the Purple Dragon Balls from 7eastgenetics 2 grows or so ago and the Black Domina from Sensei Seeds grew balls because of me, not them.
I knew what I was getting into with trying to run 8 strains and also admitted before doing so it was the last time I would do such a thing. I had compiled a gang of seeds I morally felt obligated to run and wanted to, albeit knowing it would complicate things.
So here we are. Seeds that I can see in a bud here and there on every plant aside one already, and it is what it is. I've got the choice to scrap the grow and start over or make the best of the seedy weed to come. I'm choosing option 2 and just going to accept that which I cannot change.
I do have 1 question though. Since the flowers lose a bit of focus and it goes towards seed development, am I better off leaving them alone than plucking them?

Pics in order
1 Banana Krumble
2 Big Bud
3 Black Valium
4 Bubba Kush
6 SnS
7 Imperium X
8 Vanilla Frosting
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View attachment 8007

Confirmation of the seeds? I only see bomb ass looking plants here @Coco Lopez

groovin' the tune but turn your phone sideways to record vids ya boomer 🧙‍♂️
Day 35F update, playiin in traffic 🤕

I am 4-5 IPAs deep and this is your fair warning. Whatever is said from here on out I will take full responsibilty for but likely regret. This hopefully will be short but could easily spiral into a worthless novel.

Fed/watered last Saturday and nothing since then. All I can say is if you haven't used the AC infiinity fabric pots then you may not understand. Risers or not they are way thicker and just retain moisture much more than other fabric pots i have. Whether this is good or bad is another topic but I surely have been caught off guard with feeling I would be over-watering at more than 1 time a week in the 5th week of flower. Maybe it is laziness, maybe it is me thinking they were/are doing fine as far as how I have been fertigating. One thing is for sure though, today was/is the roughest/toughest I've had since growing.
Turns out the Black Domina that nannered has pollinated at my entire grow aside from the Vanilla Frosting, yet. Yesterday and the day before I was psyched and trying to look on the bright side. Today I'm at a low with how much time and money I've wasted and will continue to through harvest. Which brings me to the actual point of this update.
I want to be clear about my genetics "blame game" and how it is simply most likely a way for me to not take responsibility for being a poor cultivator. Whether light leaks, inconsistent VPD, poor PH and or Nute and watering practices, or a host of other things, I honestly think the nanners I got from the Purple Dragon Balls from 7eastgenetics 2 grows or so ago and the Black Domina from Sensei Seeds grew balls because of me, not them.
I knew what I was getting into with trying to run 8 strains and also admitted before doing so it was the last time I would do such a thing. I had compiled a gang of seeds I morally felt obligated to run and wanted to, albeit knowing it would complicate things.
So here we are. Seeds that I can see in a bud here and there on every plant aside one already, and it is what it is. I've got the choice to scrap the grow and start over or make the best of the seedy weed to come. I'm choosing option 2 and just going to accept that which I cannot change.
I do have 1 question though. Since the flowers lose a bit of focus and it goes towards seed development, am I better off leaving them alone than plucking them?

Pics in order
1 Banana Krumble
2 Big Bud
3 Black Valium
4 Bubba Kush
6 SnS
7 Imperium X
8 Vanilla Frosting
View attachment 8000View attachment 8001View attachment 8002View attachment 8003View attachment 8004View attachment 8005View attachment 8006
View attachment 8007
Looking good
Confirmation of the seeds? I only see bomb ass looking plants here @Coco Lopez

groovin' the tune but turn your phone sideways to record vids ya boomer 🧙‍♂️
Agreed! Not seeing nanners for the most part. Maybe it's time to start slowing down on the IPA's? 🙂

Take them to harvest. If you do get seeds you now have submissions for the giveaways. There's always a silver lining my dude!!
I've gotten pollinated by a clueless neighbor and the weed still got me baked, all is not lost... yeah it's annoying to pick out seeds, but it's better than paying for weed or no weed. You can always make hash too. I feel like thc is so high these days that even with the resources used to make seeds, you still get decent weed... especially iff you keep up on feeding... and random seeds are good to save for the apocalypse. 🤣
Confirmation of the seeds? I only see bomb ass looking plants here @Coco Lopez

groovin' the tune but turn your phone sideways to record vids ya boomer 🧙‍♂️
Hah that is too fkin funny. Have phone with 7 fkin cameras but couldn't think to turn the camera 🤣 thanks much for the heads up.

Yeah I just used trick photography man. Confirmed for sure hence the IPA abuse last night. I just wanted one last post to remember before the bean porn started. Lights just came on so will go snap the damn pregos 😪
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