Skunk Hero


June's Contest Winner 🏆
Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 17, 2023
Reaction score
I picked up a clone from a buddy I gave a Ethos Skunk Hero seed to for a summer grow. He was playing around with cloning, got a few going, and gave me this one. It's going right into flower since it fits my tent perfectly.

It's in a hempy bucket but I'm gonna run it with a reservoir and benes. I'm hoping it smells like skunk at least.

Anyone have any experience with Skunk Hero? Would like to hear about it.

2023-09-12 17.11.45.jpg
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Nice clone there~! 👊
What a way to get a clone. Made to fit and ready to flower! I did start training it a few weeks ago in his backyard. He's been taking it in at night and giving it supplemental lighting to avoid flower since the mother is in full bloom. Will be interesting to see the outdoor grow versus indoor with same genetics.
What a way to get a clone. Made to fit and ready to flower! I did start training it a few weeks ago in his backyard. He's been taking it in at night and giving it supplemental lighting to avoid flower since the mother is in full bloom. Will be interesting to see the outdoor grow versus indoor with same genetics.
Very impotent that we get the pure unbiased review....
Your buddy gave you a nice healthy plant! (y)
My buddy as a new grower started using hempy buckets. All his stuff looks so healthy through the whole grow so I am trying it out to see if it can buffer better then my rockwool. I couldn't take it until the temps here started to go down. In a month the shed temps will be much more manageable for the plant. Lights out still warm.
I sprayed my plant yesterday. I was seeing a lot of tiny spots and possible thrip damage. It was sprayed about 10 days ago before pickup but I figured I'd better be safe. Picture is today before lights off. She seems to be doing well.

I'm giving a thumbs up to hempy. Virtually impossible to over water so far from what I can see.
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Plant looks healthy!!!
Thanks! I'm happy with it so far. I like this hempy bucket better than rockwool. My friend uses them with great success and I have never seen a poor plant with this method. I highly recommend considering it.

I just have to keep this going and not screw it up.
Rebooted res today. Added liquid koolbloom and florilicious. Hydroguard working well at keeping brown sludge controlled. Will add picture at day 14 /15
Today is day 14 of flower. Apparent my day 8 above was day 11. I lost track until I put into spreadsheet. This thing is beastie. Largest plant to flower for me. I hope that translates into some yeild.

Probably defoil at day 21 again.
Hi Roots. Thanks. Shes a beauty so far. I've never had my plants look this good in rockwool. This media is impossible to overwater imo.

This is 75% vermiculite and 25% perlite with hydrotons(?) at the bottom 2 inches for the reservoir. The plant seems to like this setup. Water every two days. 1st day it must uptake from the res so the moisture is consistent in the media, then after the first day the media starts to dry up for the dry back.
Here is the picture of the mother and another clone that was started in a tent then brought outside. They look so different. The full outside one has long leafy buds. The smaller clone is expressing citrus undertones.20230925_160716.jpg20230925_160702.jpg20230925_160343.jpg20230925_160349.jpg20230925_160520.jpg
I'm not so sure about florilicious. It's so concentrated that it turns the whole res like coffee. Definitely promotes some kind of fine brown particles but so far none of the slime type. I'm wondering if terpinator would do similar? It's not thick organic stuff.

I threw in more hydroguard to see if it helps.
I just pulled the trigger and bought a Milwaukee ph controller return for $106 on Amazon. If this thing works that's one more step automated.

Didn't have the budget for the $400 blue one.
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