Skunk Hero

I have lowered my wattage to120w. Lowest I've ever ran in case this is light stress. I've flushed my bucket because I wasn't paying attention to the ppms because I thought the amout of runoff would keep it from building up. Hopefully it can uptake Mg or whatever it needs. Will water tonight with around 600ppm nutes. Hopefully stop this yellowing going on?

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I might be wrong but I think that might be from the nutrient profile and not the lights. I would actual do something like change the whole watering program and I would not be afraid to give them a feed of veg nutrients. That looks like nutrient burn to me from the P&K being too high.
I might be wrong but I think that might be from the nutrient profile and not the lights. I would actual do something like change the whole watering program and I would not be afraid to give them a feed of veg nutrients. That looks like nutrient burn to me from the P&K being too high.
Thanks for responding. It sure looks burned to me as well but kind of like light stress as well so I lowered the watts just in case. I will redo the watering tonight and try your recommendation.
Day 43 of flower. Taken last night. A few updated pics. Still has yellow leaves but doesn't appear to be getting worse so far. Fingers crossed. I am estimating 4 or 5 more weeks.

2023-10-24 21.20.41.jpg2023-10-24 21.24.41.jpg2023-10-24 21.23.49.jpg
I see you put the scrog net up higher than most growers do. I did this in 2 of my last grows. 1 Supercrop and 1 auto grow gone wildly tall or big. Great work and thanks for the views. SSgrower
I see you put the scrog net up higher than most growers do. I did this in 2 of my last grows. 1 Supercrop and 1 auto grow gone wildly tall or big. Great work and thanks for the views. SSgrower
Yeah. I didn't use the scrog until i had some dangling branches. I hadn't noticed that net placement as much before. I'll have to look at other scrogs.
Looks like I had some potasium locked out from these leaves. Hopefully over the hump. Some pics from last night. The buds are starting to grow outward now and not looking like smooth cones. Is there a term for that? I call it getting gnarly. Day 51.2023-11-01 21.57.15.jpeg2023-11-01 21.58.21.jpeg2023-11-01 21.58.02.jpeg2023-11-01 21.58.38.jpeg2023-11-01 21.59.50.jpeg
Looks like I had some potasium locked out from these leaves. Hopefully over the hump. Some pics from last night. The buds are starting to grow outward now and not looking like smooth cones. Is there a term for that? I call it getting gnarly. Day 51.View attachment 28078View attachment 28079View attachment 28080View attachment 28081View attachment 28082
Super interesting thread, I commend you for getting high tech with this one!
I gotta get me a ph and ppm meter cuz I just kinda wing it :p.

But yeah bro, remember were growing buds, not leaves lol. Since your buds look fire I say job well done. If your PH has been spot on, then the only thing I can think of is that your nutrient ratio might be off?

I used to use Koolbloom but I have learned since that FloraBloom has plenty of PK making KB kinda pointless, just increase Pink stuff and no need for a PK boost. I just run calimagic, micro, veg and bloom and Great White. I used to run Diamond Nectar but it doesn't have fulvic acids so I finished my bottle and wont run it anymore. Looking to get MR. Fulvic next run and try it out.

Only thing Im changing this next run is Im gonna nix the calimagic last few weeks of flower and run epsom instead for the sulphur till harvest.

Also, I dont fk around with gradually increasing PPM's. I put seeds in, grow em a lil bit and give em full strength veg nutes at transplant into final pot. I think slowly increasing ppm's and changing NPK ratio's shocks em a bit. Also i dont go over 650ppm's like your running, total waste of nutes running 1200ppm imo, unless you are using CO2.

Here are my ratio's in case you wanted to see what I use.

VEG Stage: 600-650ppm

Calimagic: 3.5ml per gallon (my water is 60ppm well water). *I increase this amount if I see any signs of calmag def, its strain specific.
Micro: 3.25ml per gallon
Grow: 3.25ml per gallon
Bloom: 1.6ml per gallon

FLOWER Stage: +/- 650ppm

Calimagic: 2.5ml per gallon (Until last 3-4 weeks where I switch calimagic for epsom salt)
Micro: 2.75ml per gallon
Grow: 1.65ml per gallon
Bloom: 5.25ml per gallon
Thanks for the extra info. Nutrients ratio is something I have to get to know better. I was running floralicious but I am not sure if that is good for a res? The solution was like coffee and had organics in it so I cut it out.

Can't believe you never use a ppm or ph? My water here ranges at like 360 to 600 ppm..its crazy. So i go ro. And the ph doser is so nice. I can go away for a few days and not stress.
Thanks for the extra info. Nutrients ratio is something I have to get to know better. I was running floralicious but I am not sure if that is good for a res? The solution was like coffee and had organics in it so I cut it out.

Can't believe you never use a ppm or ph? My water here ranges at like 360 to 600 ppm..its crazy. So i go ro. And the ph doser is so nice. I can go away for a few days and not stress.
I need to get with you on how you did this and how it worked out. Sounds like your liking it. I'm trying to convert over from hand feeding to auto feed so a pH doser in the res would be great!
Looks like I had some potasium locked out from these leaves. Hopefully over the hump. Some pics from last night. The buds are starting to grow outward now and not looking like smooth cones. Is there a term for that? I call it getting gnarly. Day 51.View attachment 28078View attachment 28079View attachment 28080View attachment 28081View attachment 28082
Sure this wasn't a zinc deficiency? Too much Potassium will lock out zinc among other things.
Sure this wasn't a zinc deficiency? Too much Potassium will lock out zinc among other things.
I really wish you would take a good look at the post and the situation before you make such comments.
#1. The individual growing the plant has stated he is using GH Trio. This is a complete and balanced nutrient source. Being Zn is part of the Micro Nutrient needs of the plant, the likely hood of it being Zn is highly unlikely considering the nutrient profile of Gh Trio.
#2. Zinc is part of the nutrient needs of a plant that falls into the MICRO nutrient requirements. Meaning that the needs of the plant are extremely low. Any decent nutrient line is going to add in something like MOST from a fert manufacture like JR Peters. This contains the necessary Micro Nutrients in the correct percentages for the plants growth.
#3. Molders Chart does not show interaction between Zinc and K
When you are looking at a plant that is showing signs of nutrient problems things needs to be taken into consideration. Ideally you should start out by looking at the plant. Is the problem starting at the bottom and working its way up the plant? ( Mobile Nutrient Issue) Is it starting at the top of the plant or near the top. (Mobile or Semi Mobile Issue). Next we need to look at things like what does the plant need the most of. Well that would be the Macro Nutrients NPK and the Secondary Nutrients. CA, S and such. I usually look at things like how much of each does the plant need. More than likely a quick ( 1 to 2 week issue) is caused by a nutrient the plant requires more of than less. Something like 13-12-26 is a rough number for the NPK values the plant required. I tend to look at these items before going down the list further as well. Looking at those dam charts is not really all that benafical.
I really wish you would take a good look at the post and the situation before you make such comments.
#1. The individual growing the plant has stated he is using GH Trio. This is a complete and balanced nutrient source. Being Zn is part of the Micro Nutrient needs of the plant, the likely hood of it being Zn is highly unlikely considering the nutrient profile of Gh Trio.
#2. Zinc is part of the nutrient needs of a plant that falls into the MICRO nutrient requirements. Meaning that the needs of the plant are extremely low. Any decent nutrient line is going to add in something like MOST from a fert manufacture like JR Peters. This contains the necessary Micro Nutrients in the correct percentages for the plants growth.
#3. Molders Chart does not show interaction between Zinc and K
When you are looking at a plant that is showing signs of nutrient problems things needs to be taken into consideration. Ideally you should start out by looking at the plant. Is the problem starting at the bottom and working its way up the plant? ( Mobile Nutrient Issue) Is it starting at the top of the plant or near the top. (Mobile or Semi Mobile Issue). Next we need to look at things like what does the plant need the most of. Well that would be the Macro Nutrients NPK and the Secondary Nutrients. CA, S and such. I usually look at things like how much of each does the plant need. More than likely a quick ( 1 to 2 week issue) is caused by a nutrient the plant requires more of than less. Something like 13-12-26 is a rough number for the NPK values the plant required. I tend to look at these items before going down the list further as well. Looking at those dam charts is not really all that benafical.
Sorry meant Phosphorous.
You get better every time. 👊
Thanks steam! I just want to grow a plant to the end not starving for something during its grow. The closest was my last cresendo but that wasn't perfect either. This one has lots of buds and hoping for a decent yeild. Hoping for the skunk terps after she cures. I get whiffs of skunk outside my shed.
I used some terpinator and my res clouded up and had some growth. I threw more hydroguard in and hope it clears it up. I think I'll just stick to straight 3 part flora next grow.
I used some terpinator and my res clouded up and had some growth. I threw more hydroguard in and hope it clears it up. I think I'll just stick to straight 3 part flora next grow.
Hey bud, I looked that up.

terpinator label.JPG

If you are running GH trio you already have every single bit of that. This is nothing more than an attempt to sell you another bottle.

Should not have clouded up your res. Wonder what's up there?

Here's GH Micro for reference


but you need the bloom for sulfur.

all 3.JPG
Hey bud, I looked that up.

View attachment 29142

If you are running GH trio you already have every single bit of that. This is nothing more than an attempt to sell you another bottle.

Should not have clouded up your res. Wonder what's up there?

Here's GH Micro for reference

View attachment 29143

but you need the bloom for sulfur.

View attachment 29146
ThanksMoe. Thats good to know. Is it possible it has sugars or something? It smells sweet.
Do I have to add calmag to the flora series?
Personally, I do add about 100 ppm of cal/mag because I am using RO water. I have not seen any deficiencies for cal/mag in my plants doing it this way and I am pretty sure there needs to be supplemental cal/mag when using RO water.
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