man bob bobby has been with me since 2011!!! can't believe you guys never said anything with my youtube vids.. they needed a name so i said Bob, they needed a last name i said Bob, they said the first and last can't be the same... bob bobby was born!!!
all kinds of great gems on there!!!! i have 32 followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuckin famous!!!
funny though i just got off the phone with a friend/customer named Bob, he said their washer was taking a shit and his wife wanted the new ones to match and asked if i wanted the old dryer... i said yes please!! hehe
free dryer for the luv shack!! a serviced quality dryer at that!! my place has all kinds of old Bob stuff.. his dishwasher is in my patio as a backup to mine, we have their old microwave, xmas tree, even my stoneybox knock off cannatrol wine fridge came from him.
he and his wife are huge penn state fans... i don't hold it against them!! they even give me tickets once in while. super nice people!!