ViparSpectra KS3000 - 5x5 Solo Cup run #2

Looks good do seem to like a lot of work.....I have a hard time with too many on the go....I guess after 196 any thing less is a breeze ( just to add Canadian content )
Have more issues cloning in utility closet than I do my 2x4

Not sure if it's getting too hot or what.

Fresh coco
Fresh solution, pH, low ppm.
70-90% RH


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This other 5-12-26 is more acidic it seems.

Got more Phenol red and getting my pH back in range.

Signs of pH fluctuations are showing on a few.


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""The facts of the matter as I see them are as follows: why on earth would I spend good money on nurturing a healthy and active micro-herd in the root zone and then set about pouring hydrogen peroxide over them? It’s corrosive, and it makes your hair go white!

So I set about finding out the reason, and what I found was like an epiphany of enlightenment. It also made me wish I had paid more attention during my previously mentioned science lessons, because I would have been using this stuff a long time ago.

How It Works

So, we pour hydrogen peroxide into our water, which gives a slight reading of EC or electrical current/conductivity, so that needs taking into account.

The H2O2 is very unstable in its current form and quickly breaks down once in the nutrient solution. Essentially, within a short space of time it’s present only in its component form, and in reaching this form it releases a single oxygen atom. This oxygen atom is ultra-reactive as well as aggressive. It’s looking for a fight, but instead of looking to cause problems, it’s actually on your team.

So the unstable single oxygen atom sets off, looking for mischief to make. If it comes across another oxygen atom, it attaches itself to the other atom, forming a larger, more stable oxygen molecule, or ion. This gets taken in by the plant through the roots and benefits growth above as well as within the root zone.

If, however, the rambunctious oxygen atom comes across an organic molecule, such as a virus or fungal spore, as it waxes and wanes through your nutrient solution, it will attach itself to the pathogen and quite literally oxidize itself, as well as whatever organism it had attached itself to.

And this stuff actually works!

So, what this means is not only does H2O2 supply the nutrients (and indirectly, the plants) with a massive boost of pure oxygen ions, it will play a huge part in keeping your reservoir fresh, highly oxygenated, and free from organisms such as Pythium, Fusarium, and mould, as well as a plethora of other nasties we encounter daily as hydroponic growers.

Not only that, but when the crop comes down there is no better cleaning agent to use (albeit in higher concentrations) than hydrogen peroxide. Not only will it clean as effectively as bleach but, as explained earlier, it attaches itself to other organic micro bad guys, and oxidizes them into nothingness. They simply cease to exist, leaving your grow room clean, sterile, and ready for the next crop.

Safety First

With this in mind it’s worth mentioning that your hands are also “organic organisms,” so its worth reading the safety data sheet, which any good hydroponic shop will be able to supply with the aggressive liquids they sell, as well as getting some gloves and goggles.

Speaking of goggles, I could tell you a nightmare about a grower who left a pipette full of 81 per cent nitric acid hanging out the top of the bottle, only to catch it with his sleeve, sending it airborne and filling the surrounding environment with microscopic droplets of industrial grade nitric acid at the perfect altitude and vector to land in someone’s eyes. If you think safe, handling these ultra nasty liquids becomes a whole lot easier.

But I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Cleaning is for girlies!” and “What does it do for the plants?”



If it even needed saying, a fresh and regular exposure to pure oxygen will work wonders in how your plants look and “feel.” Oxygen invigorates, it heals, it’s present (and necessary) in every living form, and plants just can’t get enough of it.

With lots of oxygen available, nutrient uptake is massively boosted, and if the plant’s getting the nutrients, it will use them. Also, this extra nutrient, along with a blast of oxygen, is going to increase the production of proteins at cell level across the board, especially if the plant is getting plenty of CO2 (the carbon source the plants use to actually “build” themselves). This means thicker, stronger stems with shorter internodal spacing, as well as lush, deep-green healthy foliage. Which makes it also better equipped to handle the complicated conversions as a result of the photosynthetic processes the plant carries out in the creation of the sugars and starch’s necessary to feed it.

As a result of this mad growth, your plants will supply readily the smaller side branches necessary to facilitate a productive run of cuttings.

So, no matter what your chosen growing method is, get some hydrogen peroxide in the grow room. Whether used for oxygenation or for pathogen destruction and prevention, or as a cleaning agent, H2O2 fills all these roles and more, with aplomb.

It’s worth mentioning at this stage that science lessons were never really my strong point in that dim and distant memory which is my school days. I hardly attended any of them, for one thing. Happiest days of your life?

The facts of the matter as I see them are as follows: why on earth would I spend good money on nurturing a healthy and active micro-herd in the root zone and then set about pouring hydrogen peroxide over them? It’s corrosive, and it makes your hair go white!

So I set about finding out the reason, and what I found was like an epiphany of enlightenment. It also made me wish I had paid more attention during my previously mentioned science lessons, because I would have been using this stuff a long time ago.""


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ok, they second set of pictures didnt even show up on my phone, now they are here. wtf

ok lmao
Defol again.

This 300w is weak.

I mean, I guess it's just 300watts, lol.

I mean it's in a 5x5 meant for a 3x3 but

Suppose I could lower it even closer to the middle canopy, but I'm trying to get maximum coverage too.

Plan on getting a 3x3 for this, and putting my other 4panels/600w in 5x5


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H202 observations are very cool. Need to read it over again from offline when I get a minute. Wondering if adding to water before time to add nutes for feed would be of benefit and if so at what ml/gal.

H202 observations are very cool. Need to read it over again from offline when I get a minute. Wondering if adding to water before time to add nutes for feed would be of benefit and if so at what ml/gal.

wanted to understand the chemical compound more, found a few things from that other place.

more to read on it and test.


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Expect this to be full again in a few days or so.

Cleaned em up some more again

Removed fan leafs up top blocking sites and ones reducing penetration through canopy, grown inwards.


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Looks really good man.👍

Are the end totes with lids for young plants only? Don’t see how you drain without removing the lid?
Gotta have like two of everything for backup in

Aero/hydro systems.

For redundancy and ease of use

As in, having another tote on standby to move the plant-lids around to more conveniently drain the

Same goes for additional pumps and stones etc.

Shit fails after so long, etc.
I'm going to attempt manually crop steering, can use weight to determine water content.

Down the line
Defol again.

This 300w is weak.

I mean, I guess it's just 300watts, lol.

I mean it's in a 5x5 meant for a 3x3 but

Suppose I could lower it even closer to the middle canopy, but I'm trying to get maximum coverage too.

Plan on getting a 3x3 for this, and putting my other 4panels/600w in 5x5
ahh silly me, i could aslo just go from 11 hours or so to 13-14 hours on
Gotta have like two of everything for backup in

Aero/hydro systems.

For redundancy and ease of use

As in, having another tote on standby to move the plant-lids around to more conveniently drain the

Same goes for additional pumps and stones etc.

Shit fails after so long, etc.
I do backup clones to often. But I know the time I don’t is when I’ll need it. I just give them away if I go over.
Expect this to be full again in a few days or so.

Cleaned em up some more again

Removed fan leafs up top blocking sites and ones reducing penetration through canopy, grown inwards.
increased EC.
I just got my first set of clones in the mail the other day and was shocked by how well they shipped.
Never thought you could ship live plants lol.
I got a large square box from a friend and in it was 8 clones, only 1 died as I grew them, my fault probably. I sent the big box back to the friend but, looked and understood "How he did this" and learned from it. I have never tried to send clones myself. SSgrower
I got a large square box from a friend and in it was 8 clones, only 1 died as I grew them, my fault probably. I sent the big box back to the friend but, looked and understood "How he did this" and learned from it. I have never tried to send clones myself. SSgrower
yea seems to work easily in a sammy bag just not too many in one
H202 observations are very cool. Need to read it over again from offline when I get a minute. Wondering if adding to water before time to add nutes for feed would be of benefit and if so at what ml/gal.

I'm always on the hunt as to how to introduce more O2 into the media.

How long does it take for H2O2 to breakdown into a single oxy molecule?

Aquaman talked about how small amounts of H2O2 could be beneficial but anything above that will supress your rhizo community. If just waiting for the H2O2 will render it harmless then I don't see why people aren't doing this unless there is some science I'm missing.
I'm always on the hunt as to how to introduce more O2 into the media.

How long does it take for H2O2 to breakdown into a single oxy molecule?

Aquaman talked about how small amounts of H2O2 could be beneficial but anything above that will supress your rhizo community. If just waiting for the H2O2 will render it harmless then I don't see why people aren't doing this unless there is some science I'm missing.
as soon as the h2o2 molecule, or oxygen molecule hits/interacts with organic matter, a chemical reaction instantaneously occurs.
as soon as the h2o2 molecule, or oxygen molecule hits/interacts with organic matter, a chemical reaction instantaneously occurs.
Do you know what the ratios would be? The FloraNova nutrients I use have around 5% organic material in it.
and it continues going depending on how much free oxygen (peroxide used) and how much organic matter there is to continue the chemical process.

oxidizing and breaking compounds down.
""The H2O2 is very unstable in its current form and quickly breaks down once in the nutrient solution. Essentially, within a short space of time it’s present only in its component form, and in reaching this form it releases a single oxygen atom. This oxygen atom is ultra-reactive as well as aggressive.

the unstable single oxygen atom sets off, If it comes across another oxygen atom, it attaches itself to the other atom, forming a larger, more stable oxygen molecule, or ion. This gets taken in by the plant through the roots and benefits growth above as well as within the root zone.

If, however, the rambunctious oxygen atom comes across an organic molecule, such as a virus or fungal spore, as it waxes and wanes through your nutrient solution, it will attach itself to the pathogen and quite literally oxidize itself, as well as whatever organism it had attached itself to."""
"In general, a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide will release more oxygen. For example, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide will release about twice as much oxygen as a 1% solution."

According to google Bard.
and it continues going depending on how much free oxygen (peroxide used) and how much organic matter there is to continue the chemical process.

oxidizing and breaking compounds down.
How long does the O2 last in the media? It's a gas right? If organic matter is what converts H2O2 to O2 could you pour it into unplanted potting mix to raise o2 levels in the media?
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