ViparSpectra KS3000 - 5x5 Solo Cup run #2

That would be great up to the point where the water starts to warm and gasses would escape.

I've run water chillers to water at 68* and didn't see any discernible improvements. I know that colder water will hold more oxy. It's keeping it in the solution and media long enough for the plants to be able to access it.
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"There is no one answer to the question of how long the DO stays in water. The answer will vary depending on the specific conditions""
This is what I wanted to know! (y)

So it seems DO can stay in your water for long periods of time. I was under the impression, because it's a gas, that it would escape almost immediately.

Good, fine bubble stone with cool water and water movement apart from the stone seems like a good recipe to elevate DO in nutrient solution.

Thanks O! Ya learned me sumpthin' taday!😁
This is what I wanted to know! (y)

So it seems DO can stay in your water for long periods of time. I was under the impression, because it's a gas, that it would escape almost immediately.

Good, fine bubble stone with cool water and water movement apart from the stone seems like a good recipe to elevate DO in nutrient solution.

Thanks O! Ya learned me sumpthin' taday!😁
np, appreciate ya, good ?s.

figured this helps to put it into perspective

  • In a stagnant pond on a hot day, the DO level can decrease to zero in a matter of hours.
  • In a flowing stream on a cool day, the DO level can stay relatively constant for days or even weeks.
  • In a lake with a lot of algae, the DO level can decrease to dangerous levels overnight.
  • In a well-aerated aquarium, the DO level can stay high for months or even years.
This is what I wanted to know! (y)

So it seems DO can stay in your water for long periods of time. I was under the impression, because it's a gas, that it would escape almost immediately.

Good, fine bubble stone with cool water and water movement apart from the stone seems like a good recipe to elevate DO in nutrient solution.

Thanks O! Ya learned me sumpthin' taday!😁
ya makes sense, you can add oxygen to the water, its going to bind? till it has something to interact with.

so itll hang out for a bit lol

once i get a DO probe ill easily factually test these
""The DO level of a gallon of tap water aerated with an airstone will depend on a number of factors, including the temperature of the water, the size of the airstone, and the amount of time that the water is aerated.

However, in general, you can expect the DO level to increase by 1-2 mg/L for every hour of aeration.

For example, if you start with a gallon of tap water with a DO level of 6 mg/L, and you aerate it with an airstone for 1 hour, you can expect the DO level to increase to 8 mg/L."""
""The DO level of a gallon of tap water aerated with an airstone will depend on a number of factors, including the temperature of the water, the size of the airstone, and the amount of time that the water is aerated.

However, in general, you can expect the DO level to increase by 1-2 mg/L for every hour of aeration.

For example, if you start with a gallon of tap water with a DO level of 6 mg/L, and you aerate it with an airstone for 1 hour, you can expect the DO level to increase to 8 mg/L.""
@Rootsruler so if this is right, over 24 hours of aerating a solution from 6mg it would increase to 30mg

ill verify once i get a DO probe lol
easiest and most effective way would be you hang the plant in mist, lol.

and the roots dangle.
then youre limited to atmo oxygen

then you need an o2 concentrator, something that produces o2, or a pressurized tank filled with o2.
im just trying to figure the best/easiest way to suspend the plants.

could maybe choke em out in a clothes line like figuration lol

but i was also thinking about a lattice structure.

What you're describing is aero/fog ponics..........
What you're describing is aero/fog ponics..........
fogponics would be the delivery method for the nutrients and water, open to atmo oxygen

basically yea lol

but also elevated o2 levels "fogponics"'

aeroponics is high pressure - specific nano size droplets to attach to the root hairs/system properly.
well i think moe got to atleast 90mg/l of DO if im not mistaken, and if not higher.

id suspect to a point obviously but whether that point is even achievable or realistic or needed, idk.

im looking into it
Awesome! I would venture to guess that even with a large airstone and surface agitation it would be difficult to get it as high as Moe in an ambient setting so nothing to worry about on that front.
Awesome! I would venture to guess that even with a large airstone and surface agitation it would be difficult to get it as high as Moe in an ambient setting so nothing to worry about on that front.

oh yea, no lol

that was with an o2 concentrator in his fogponic rig/chamber
"Aeration: This is the most effective way to increase the DO level in water. It can be done by pouring the water back and forth between two containers, using an aerator, or by creating waterfalls or other areas of turbulence."

- Google Bard
I do this every feed. Also “shoot” nutes into water with syringe to make air jet bubbles into mix. No idea if it helps but I’ve always done it.
I do this every feed. Also “shoot” nutes into water with syringe to make air jet bubbles into mix. No idea if it helps but I’ve always done it.
The response I keep trying to give isnt as open-shut
Awesome! I would venture to guess that even with a large airstone and surface agitation it would be difficult to get it as high as Moe in an ambient setting so nothing to worry about on that front.
Found something else



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The response I keep trying to give isnt as open-shut
I’m aware. But one does what one can with what one has.

I wondered if adding h202 to sitting water before or after adding nutes would help, damage, or do nothing before adding to soil.

For all I know the act of pouring onto the medium is enough to allow any added o2 to gas off. Or adding h2o2 to nutes has undesired effects I haven’t considered yet.

I’ve wondered about this since GNick noted he added h2o2 to water he pops seeds in.
I’m aware. But one does what one can with what one has.

I wondered if adding h202 to sitting water before or after adding nutes would help, damage, or do nothing before adding to soil.

For all I know the act of pouring onto the medium is enough to allow any added o2 to gas off. Or adding h2o2 to nutes has undesired effects I haven’t considered yet.

I’ve wondered about this since GNick noted he added h2o2 to water he pops seeds in.
that im not sure id have to research more

my brain isnt working right now ill have to come back
The response I keep trying to give isnt as open-shut
that will definite
I do this every feed. Also “shoot” nutes into water with syringe to make air jet bubbles into mix. No idea if it helps but I’ve always done it.
that will definitely increase DO

is it worth it? over the whole system, big picture.

if it can be sustained maybe


had trouble getting that out
.needed more light.

Thx ViperSpidar.


Let's see

If I wasn't so tired I'd put all my available lights in here just to see how bright 😎

Maybe tomorrow, fuck around and find out


Well if that one crooked ass fan.


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Man something is wrong with this new bag of 5-12-26 Im trying out, or my pH is off or so


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