ViparSpectra KS3000 - 5x5 Solo Cup run #2

Can’t see all pics due to data. You talking lights? If so why 2/2? Different take on Moe’s 15/15?
He actually was saying 15 mins on 15 mins off for the misters or something.

And the last time I did 2/2. It seems to drive hormones crazy.

So I wander if it would help with cloning, and I wanted to see it's affects on a plant from the start.


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May start a new separate thread for my 2x4 tent Strainbrary

Gonna order a proper pH pen and PPM pen soon.

Been mixing my own nutrient solution in the dark for awhile now, colour test sucks.

And this ENVY 5-12-26 is shit, or changes the pH differently from what I was accustomed to with jacks 5-12-26.

2 purple punch moms

2 "good" strains from cali - i fucked up on keeping labeled.

1 Deleted scene

1 Mimosa Mint(s)

1 Mendo Kush clone (?)

1 Burkle (pre-98 bubba kush X GDP

3~gs 5-12-26 (ENVY "brand")
2~gs 15-0-0 (jacks)
1~gs epsom salt

Either my pH is fucked and or I need little more nitrogen.

Once I get these damn meters then I can narrow down my bottlenecks easier

Gonna get a CO2 meter too, curious how much is around and how much they are consuming.

Been pretty smooth sailing for the 2x4 otherwise, problems only arose when I ran out of jacks and wanted to try the next cheapest 5-12-26.

Micro-ratios are the same except a small difference in mG and Sulfur

Black planters are supposedly around 0.50 of a gallon, I do like these plant sizes for that pot size, and there is still a little room left for more roots.

I think 0.70 of a gallon or around there would be pretty good/optimal.


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May start a new separate thread for my 2x4 tent Strainbrary

Gonna order a proper pH pen and PPM pen soon.

Been mixing my own nutrient solution in the dark for awhile now, colour test sucks.

And this ENVY 5-12-26 is shit, or changes the pH differently from what I was accustomed to with jacks 5-12-26.

2 purple punch moms

2 "good" strains from cali - i fucked up on keeping labeled.

1 Deleted scene

1 Mimosa Mint(s)

1 Mendo Kush clone (?)

1 Burkle (pre-98 bubba kush X GDP

3~gs 5-12-26 (ENVY "brand")
2~gs 15-0-0 (jacks)
1~gs epsom salt

Either my pH is fucked and or I need little more nitrogen.

Once I get these damn meters then I can narrow down my bottlenecks easier

Gonna get a CO2 meter too, curious how much is around and how much they are consuming.

Been pretty smooth sailing for the 2x4 otherwise, problems only arose when I ran out of jacks and wanted to try the next cheapest 5-12-26.

Micro-ratios are the same except a small difference in mG and Sulfur

Black planters are supposedly around 0.50 of a gallon, I do like these plant sizes for that pot size, and there is still a little room left for more roots.

I think 0.70 of a gallon or around there would be pretty good/optimal.
I'd say it is pretty impressive. Especially when you consider that you have been eyeballing where your sitting at as far as you feeds ph and ec, your plants are still looking pretty healthy. Just wait til you know your inputs dead on, you'll be on top of it all again forsure!
Root density will be a key variable too perhaps

I believe a more-dense-root-mass is achievable In 100% Vermiculite compared to 100% Coir, so I'll probably be using Vermiculite instead for that 420 grow.

I will also need blue leaning spectrum.
How heavy-leaning "blue spec" I should use to maximize that short-node-spacing and benefit from "full spec", not sure.

Maybe not needed, but the Blue would definitely help keep them compact as possible.

Will absolutely want a automatic watering system in place, I could handwater the 420 solos but I need consistency and multiple waterings throughout the light cycle.

And the time it'll take to manually do it right, is the time I don't really have with a baby running around.

There's some more things but not going to talk about them yet

Combining all of these variables and "tricks", a 420 solo cup run in a 5x5 space , around 7g harvest each plant should be a theoretically possible scenario.

And I plan to pull it off just like I did the first 210 run but better.
Are you looking at the blue & red pucks?........I'm not sure these are still available but I like t5's 1693417514014.png

Then there's another issue
People also ask

Are T5 fluorescent tubes being phased out?

From the first of September 2023, T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes will be phased out altogether; this doesn't mean you can't find them in the shops but that they are no longer being made.May 25, 2023
I'd say it is pretty impressive. Especially when you consider that you have been eyeballing where your sitting at as far as you feeds ph and ec, your plants are still looking pretty healthy. Just wait til you know your inputs dead on, you'll be on top of it all again forsure!
Thanks man appreciate it lots.
Are you looking at the blue & red pucks?........I'm not sure these are still available but I like t5's View attachment 19344

Then there's another issue
People also ask

Are T5 fluorescent tubes being phased out?

From the first of September 2023, T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes will be phased out altogether; this doesn't mean you can't find them in the shops but that they are no longer being made.May 25, 2023
Yea those picks look cool, im also looking at Diodes
I'd say it is pretty impressive. Especially when you consider that you have been eyeballing where your sitting at as far as you feeds ph and ec, your plants are still looking pretty healthy. Just wait til you know your inputs dead on, you'll be on top of it all again forsure!
Also trying 100% vermiculite I'm thinking it could "perform" better than 100% coco.

Two or three of them are 90-100% verm

Didn't like the 100% perlite compared, but maybe If I watered correctly on time.

Nutrient solution just runs right through if drainage holes are too big = waste even more solution if not controlled amount of water - 100% perlite.

Use even less water at a time on Vermiculite as it holds more.
keep cutting leafs off, keep growing back. Quickly.

LEDs make them appear more yellow than reality.

BUT, they are definitely not as green as they should be.

i Think i got my new nute brand/pH mishap corrected but wont know for sure for the next few days and/or getting some proper pH/PPM meters, for the correct ranges, besides Reading the Plant.

i think i was in a under-lighting ergo under-feeding ergo under-lighting cycle.

gotta get my sleep schedule fixed, dont have these 3 LEDs on a timer so they got 14 1/2 hours of photons this last cycle. 12a-230pm

dont have these 3 LEDs on a timer either, need to get my sleep schedule fixed.

light was on 12am-230pm

14-1/2hrs too long.

but i think the canopy will develop somewhat decently once its in full flower.

i definitely fucked up and been oversleeping on the light schedule.

appears some reveg started/did happen then back to flower? IDFK. --- but the stress is good for trichomes it appears, seems the fan leafs are making trikes.

just want to move and finish this grow up and start again. so much BULLSHIT these last 2-3 months.


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keep cutting leafs off, keep growing back. Quickly.

LEDs make them appear more yellow than reality.

BUT, they are definitely not as green as they should be.

i Think i got my new nute brand/pH mishap corrected but wont know for sure for the next few days and/or getting some proper pH/PPM meters, for the correct ranges, besides Reading the Plant.

i think i was in a under-lighting ergo under-feeding ergo under-lighting cycle.

gotta get my sleep schedule fixed, dont have these 3 LEDs on a timer so they got 14 1/2 hours of photons this last cycle. 12a-230pm

dont have these 3 LEDs on a timer either, need to get my sleep schedule fixed.

light was on 12am-230pm

14-1/2hrs too long.

but i think the canopy will develop somewhat decently once its in full flower.

i definitely fucked up and been oversleeping on the light schedule.

appears some reveg started/did happen then back to flower? IDFK. --- but the stress is good for trichomes it appears, seems the fan leafs are making trikes.

just want to move and finish this grow up and start again. so much BULLSHIT these last 2-3 months.
Lol oops, the text deleted so I had to rewrite but guess some got saved 🤔
Are you looking at the blue & red pucks?........I'm not sure these are still available but I like t5's View attachment 19344

Then there's another issue
People also ask

Are T5 fluorescent tubes being phased out?

From the first of September 2023, T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes will be phased out altogether; this doesn't mean you can't find them in the shops but that they are no longer being made.May 25, 2023
Wow< I use a Ferry Morse 4K seedling lamp myself, what should I do now? Always something huh? SSgrower Thanks for the heads up
Wow< I use a Ferry Morse 4K seedling lamp myself, what should I do now? Always something huh? SSgrower Thanks for the heads up
Eh just depends how you want you're plants to grow mainly and scenario.

Like if you were growing with 2-3feet ceiling space all blues will help keep them shorter and compact more so than all reds for example and what you wanna do.

Far red does help wake the plant up and put it to sleep faster or something akin
Wow< I use a Ferry Morse 4K seedling lamp myself, what should I do now? Always something huh? SSgrower Thanks for the heads up
Not trying to promote them in any way, but i have been starting seeds under the XS1500 pro from ViparSpectra and i love it.
The dimmer goes down to 5% so it keeps power consumption down and still gives off plenty of light for starting seeds.

As they get bigger i either drop the light closer to them, or bump the power up to 25% but never go above that in my little 2x2x4.
Eh just depends how you want you're plants to grow mainly and scenario.

Like if you were growing with 2-3feet ceiling space all blues will help keep them shorter and compact more so than all reds for example and what you wanna do.

Far red does help wake the plant up and put it to sleep faster or something akin
I used the red at lights out only for 20 minutes actually 15 because I started the light 5 min before lights out. I was then able to put my lights on in the morning 30 min earlier so they got 12 1/2 hrs on......I believe it matured my plant 2 weeks earlier than normal. No proof but mom finished in 11 weeks and her little girl in 9 weeks.....I plan on another run with 2 of them in my 5 x5 ....if they do nothing else they are at least pretty.
Not trying to promote them in any way, but i have been starting seeds under the XS1500 pro from ViparSpectra and i love it.
The dimmer goes down to 5% so it keeps power consumption down and still gives off plenty of light for starting seeds.

As they get bigger i either drop the light closer to them, or bump the power up to 25% but never go above that in my little 2x2x4.
Do you have a light meter? I've a cheap led lux meter and regardless of how accurate they are it gives me base numbers to work with so I can keep my plants at numbers I record them. It shows me I need to raise or lower my plants / lights to where they get the intensity I want on the top leaves....sometimes a few inches makes a lot of difference on the readings..........When the recommended lux is 25,000.... 2-3" can give me a difference of 35,000.....or 15,000...........Its just a gadget but I like my toys.
Do you have a light meter? I've a cheap led lux meter and regardless of how accurate they are it gives me base numbers to work with so I can keep my plants at numbers I record them. It shows me I need to raise or lower my plants / lights to where they get the intensity I want on the top leaves....sometimes a few inches makes a lot of difference on the readings..........When the recommended lux is 25,000.... 2-3" can give me a difference of 35,000.....or 15,000...........Its just a gadget but I like my toys.
Ive wanted to get one but im so poor i cant right now lol.
Ive tried the photone app but thats about as accurate as my 3 year olds math... so i deleted it and dont bother anymore. I just go by what the plants say until im not sure anymore and then i ask for help here lol.
Ive wanted to get one but im so poor i cant right now lol.
Ive tried the photone app but thats about as accurate as my 3 year olds math... so i deleted it and dont bother anymore. I just go by what the plants say until im not sure anymore and then i ask for help here lol.
I hear you on the cash thing as I said a toy I think mine was $30 cdn 2-3 years ago and I use it 2.3.4. times a year
I hear you on the cash thing as I said a toy I think mine was $30 cdn 2-3 years ago and I use it 2.3.4. times a year
Oh i like my toys too lol. I cant seem to have enough. Even after getting something new i immediately want something else. Its a bad slope to be on sometimes lol.
Ill have to look at them, maybe Christmas.
He actually was saying 15 mins on 15 mins off for the misters or something.

And the last time I did 2/2. It seems to drive hormones crazy.

So I wander if it would help with cloning, and I wanted to see it's affects on a plant from the start.
I may be wrong here but when @Moe.Red said 10 min on 10 min off i believe he was talking about the cloner to control the heat from the internal pump.
Not trying to promote them in any way, but i have been starting seeds under the XS1500 pro from ViparSpectra and i love it.
The dimmer goes down to 5% so it keeps power consumption down and still gives off plenty of light for starting seeds.

As they get bigger i either drop the light closer to them, or bump the power up to 25% but never go above that in my little 2x2x4.
I definitely do like the 1500 pros, and the fact that you can turn the driver up - more voltage/wattage for the driver/LEDs but no doubt would ware em down sooner
Definitely had the E.C jacked lol.

Too high too soon but I made a new batch with less elements.

She'll grow out of it slowly I guess lol.

I think the smaller container was better, more sizable to the surface agitation / air stones.


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Trichomes all over this plant from fucking with the light cycle schedules, inducing stress and elevated hormone levels.


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