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I'm new here but not to growing, happy to be among like minded people who care about helping others and growing some good bud. I can't grow for a while due to moving but wanted to let everyone know I'm here and happy to help. Thank you @Shaded for the heads up 🍻

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looking good there BBOB.
There are several bots scanning the site daily. But that's not what you are talking about.

Somebody is getting a good look. Kinda pitiful yet funny at the same time. I think we all know who it is.
yea hes in my discord apparently to, as he dmed a member on THCfarmer warning him before banning via stuff he saw on my discord server.
i was like the guy in the movie who is at a wild ass party and he like wakes up and everyone is gone and he's like wtf did everyone go. lol
Ummmm I woke up like that and didn’t even go the party! But, glad your here for sure. We need to steal dean1964, tremogen, and electro guy. I’m working on a raid lol.
He sez they have banned the words Bud and builder from pvt dm’s! Falling outta my damn chair laughing! You can’t say Bud on a weed forum 🤣😂😅🥲🤣😂
I dunno why but I keep getting this image of the dutch boy trying to keep the dam/dike from leaking by sticking his finger in the leak.

@Mr.GreenthumbOG , @tobh, @pk1 and myself were all exiled in one fell swoop, and made our pilgrimage here yesterday, and I have to say our avatars coming in back to back is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. What a bunch of vagrants.
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Pure comedy gold. I’ve taken on a new image for a fresh start here, So Nacho will be shelved for the moment.


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