he'll never retire... he'll be racing rascal scooters when he's old!!!
nah man that wasn't what pushed Anthem away at all... he actually found that to be very funny. we all did!!!!! hahaha
he actually had the gag gift idea way back when the chili war started here. we wanted me to send you something in a can of beans!!

i sent him a cannagar mold and as a thanks he sent me a couple clones and asked me to send that wrapped book to you. and the fucker even threw in $5 just to help send it!! i'm actually surprised he left, he was a annoyed with a couple things but most of his issues were personal things that he told me about and had nothing to even do with the forums... idk, i just hope he is well and finds happiness!!
I trimmed everything up again, then i rearranged them all so they're not stepping on each others buds. so now they're in belly grow mode and ready to get fat!!!!! a couple were light, i need to water heavier!!!
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i for one particularly enjoyed watching that cheddars card get obliterates!! that fucker sat on my desk for way to long and i moved it around way to much!!!!! glad to see it ash!!!
see it's this simple. when i get new chickens i take a colored zip tie and put it on their leg... then i later name them according to color.. (blue)berry.. (Black)berry.. dark blue is navy... green is ganja!! i had an orange tang, a blue bell, honey.. and a few others that got eaten by fox!!
the next time the chicken farm sends out an email with extras i'm gonna buy a few more. a buy em ready to lay at 16 weeks old.. i don't have the setup or patience to raise from chicks.