CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Between that and the fact they can pick and choose the test they want to release makes most of the info we are given propaganda IMO.
If not propaganda than just advertising.
Between that and the fact they can pick and choose the test they want to release makes most of the info we are given propaganda IMO.
If not propaganda than just advertising.
What advertising? All I see now are pharmaceutical ads! No Jeepers Creepers, no Teaching the World to sing, no my bologna has a first name. Very few anything other than “you’re sick, buy this!” Side effects cause sudden death, stroke, paralysis and anal will help you lose weight!
Ive no dog in this race BUT.. perhaps we could start here?

Or do you feel that NOAA ( National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) is a part of the media and conspiracy theories as well?
I actually can add no less than 20 articles discussing this very thing. My husband a retired Ship Capt of 35 years involved in oil, science and technical oceanic exploration all over the world has a lot to say on the subject as well.
Funny you should repeatedly break down the media into conservative outlets, even though there is actually only two..the rest meaning all major networks are liberal.
As for me I’m off to finish the honey.
You are all welcome to your opinions, just play nice 🙂
The report you posted pretty much confirms what I said.

"I'm sure ANY type of construction in our seas that isn't natural to the oceans will have an effect."

From your report:

"Scientists around the world are still investigating the potential impacts of offshore wind energy development on marine life."

My statement on oil rigs is well documented.

My pointing out conservative news outlets is not just some fanciful stab in the dark. I can look up how many times negative views on wind power are reported by conservative news outlets vs other outlets. I would put my money on the negative coverage coming from those same conservative outlets. I'm not lambasting them. I'm simply trying to say don't believe everything you hear on the news be it liberal or conservative.

In this case Freezeland made a comment that leans towards the view that offshore wind power kills marine life yet that doesn't seem to matter when it comes to offshore oil drilling or it would have been mentioned.
Went down to open the vent on my tent a little more and noticed I had left the light on above the washer and dryer for about 3.5 hours past lights off.... whoops....think I'll be ok? Only mishap in about 5 months of straight flowering.... maybe time to put that light on a timer as well 🤔
Went down to open the vent on my tent a little more and noticed I had left the light on above the washer and dryer for about 3.5 hours past lights off.... whoops....think I'll be ok? Only mishap in about 5 months of straight flowering.... maybe time to put that light on a timer as well 🤔

no worries man you'll be fine. good catch though, 3-4 hours isn't that much.
@ninjadip ain't seen ya in a minute dude hope all is well man I believe you had said you were moving and taking a big step up in your career ....just saying yo
Hey everyone!

I know i've been away for a good bit. All is well. I will write a detailed account of what is going on for all who desire.

I'm on a "cleansing" now, and seeing anything about weed does not make it easier. I am in CO now doing some very intense training.... Just started the training this Monday. I'm not as young as the other new people starting, most are fresh out of college at 22/23, and i'm 20 years on top of that, lol. I want to give myself the best chance i can by having a clear mind during this training, hence the 'cleansing'. Every day of training is equivalent to me to almost 2 weeks of college level curriculum. I was talking to my friend today who was like 'but you went to school for that right, so you already know it?' This company has their own propriety software, so it's their own beast, a massive beast....

I'm about to go on my fifth day of training tomorrow, and i've already had a couple, 'wtf, am i ever going to get all of this' freak out moments. I have 1 more week of training, then another 4 weeks of more intense/solitary/hands-on training after that. Finally today, I had a moment, where I was like 'I fucking know this at least', and that was when we finally opened Visual Studio and doing some coding. Coding I know, that's my gig.
It might sound like i'm complaining too much, but i'm going to stick with it. The trainers have assured me that almost no one, including themselves understood it after training, and didn't really "get it" until at least 2-3 months on the project site. So, I'm hoping i'll have that understanding eventually. For a little more insight into what i'll be doing, i will be working with a private company that is contracted to state agencies to redo their tax system using their software. I will be one of the people who go to these project sites to learn what the needs of that state agency are, their laws on tax code, then customize my company's COTS (commercial off the shelf) tax software to be specifically suited for that state/city/agency. The difficulty is immense, i must not only learn that specific state's tax laws in and out, i must also make sure the software doesn't break any, that is where the customization comes in. Obviously government officials aren't open to change either, so we have been warned that is something that we will face when on site.

There are a lot of safeguards when working with taxpayer data that must be adhered to that if not followed will easily lead to criminal charges and fines. Every single thing we do on the computers is recorded to comply with required IRS security audits of FTI(federal taxpayer information).
I'm on the edge of Denver here, and it's just wild to me. Never been to CO. It is definitely, very hard to breathe up here. Walking 10 minutes feels like I ran a mile. It is very beautiful up here though.

On the plus side, very plus side, this company is the best model i've ever seen on how to treat their employees. The culture here is something usually unheard of for any job. I could list the benefits but it would take 2 pages maybe to list it all. If anyone is looking for a job in IT or Customer Service or Testing/training, reach out to me and I will share the details and the company. This company didn't lay off anyone during the pandemic for one thing, and still hasn't done any layoffs following other tech labor trends. I've already met 3 of the founders of the company, drank beers with them, and this company is 3000 employees strong and has current contracts/projects in countries around the world. We have 4 people from New Zealand, 3 Jamaica, 3 Canada, 2 Puerto Rico, 1 Nigeria, 1 China, and then about 20 from all over the US starting training with me this week. Huge diversity.
They just continue to surprise me how well, how extremely well, they treat their employees. My wife was in the hospital yesterday, and they offered 3 times to fly me back home for free, let me be there for her, and then come back out and redo training, and that my job is not at jeopardy at all if i did that. Just blows my mind to offer me that on my third day..... Thankfully my wife is well, but just to offer that blows my mind. I believe I found the best job I could ever dreamed for, I am truly blessed. I am not trying to brag, just share my joy with you all. They love fresh graduates regardless of age, if anyone is in school or recently out of Uni (a kiwi word I picked up from my new New Zealand friends) and is interested in a job that would let you see the world or at least the US, relocating every 2-3 years, please let me know. I want to share this joy with others.

I miss all of you and give my love! After training they are sending me to their Maine project site. Eventually I will get back into growing, well at least smoking, but not until after training and maybe 1-2 months of being on site. I promise I will come back in earnest then, in the meantime I will periodically check up on my very supportive online family here.

This is the view from HQ where I am doing my training:
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Hey everyone!

I know i've been away for a good bit. All is well. I will write a detailed account of what is going on for all who desire.

I'm on a "cleansing" now, and seeing anything about weed does not make it easier. I am in CO now doing some very intense training.... Just started the training this Monday. I'm not as young as the other new people starting, most are fresh out of college at 22/23, and i'm 20 years on top of that, lol. I want to give myself the best chance i can by having a clear mind during this training, hence the 'cleansing'. Every day of training is equivalent to me to almost 2 weeks of college level curriculum. I was talking to my friend today who was like 'but you went to school for that right, so you already know it?' This company has their own propriety software, so it's their own beast, a massive beast....

I'm about to go on my fifth day of training tomorrow, and i've already had a couple, 'wtf, am i ever going to get all of this' freak out moments. I have 1 more week of training, then another 4 weeks of more intense/solitary/hands-on training after that. Finally today, I had a moment, where I was like 'I fucking know this at least', and that was when we finally opened Visual Studio and doing some coding. Coding I know, that's my gig.

It might sound like i'm complaining too much, but i'm going to stick with it. The trainers have assured me that almost no one, including themselves understood it after training, and didn't really "get it" until at least 2-3 months on the project site. So, I'm hoping i'll have that understanding eventually. For a little more insight into what i'll be doing, i will be working with a private company that is contracted to state agencies to redo their tax system using their software. I will be one of the people who go to these project sites to learn what the needs of that state agency are, their laws on tax code, then customize my company's COTS (commercial off the shelf) tax software to be specifically suited for that state/city/agency. The difficulty is immense, i must not only learn that specific state's tax laws in and out, i must also make sure the software doesn't break any, that is where the customization comes in. Obviously government officials aren't open to change either, so we have been warned that is something that we will face when on site.

There are a lot of safeguards when working with taxpayer data that must be adhered to that if not followed will easily lead to criminal charges and fines. Every single thing we do on the computers is recorded to comply with required IRS security audits of FTI(federal taxpayer information).
I'm on the edge of Denver here, and it's just wild to me. Never been to CO. It is definitely, very hard to breathe up here. Walking 10 minutes feels like I ran a mile. It is very beautiful up here though.

On the plus side, very plus side, this company is the best model i've ever seen on how to treat their employees. The culture here is something usually unheard of for any job. I could list the benefits but it would take 2 pages maybe to list it all. If anyone is looking for a job in IT or Customer Service or Testing/training, reach out to me and I will share the details and the company. This company didn't lay off anyone during the pandemic for one thing, and still hasn't done any layoffs following other tech labor trends. I've already met 3 of the founders of the company, drank beers with them, and this company is 3000 employees strong and has current contracts/projects in countries around the world. We have 4 people from New Zealand, 3 Jamaica, 3 Canada, 2 Puerto Rico, 1 Nigeria, 1 China, and then about 20 from all over the US starting training with me this week. Huge diversity.
They just continue to surprise me how well, how extremely well, they treat their employees. My wife was in the hospital yesterday, and they offered 3 times to fly me back home for free, let me be there for her, and then come back out and redo training, and that my job is not at jeopardy at all if i did that. Just blows my mind to offer me that on my third day..... Thankfully my wife is well, but just to offer that blows my mind. I believe I found the best job I could ever dreamed for, I am truly blessed. I am not trying to brag, just share my joy with you all. They love fresh graduates regardless of age, if anyone is in school or recently out of Uni (a kiwi word I picked up from my new New Zealand friends) and is interested in a job that would let you see the world or at least the US, relocating every 2-3 years, please let me know. I want to share this joy with others.

I miss all of you and give my love! After training they are sending me to their Maine project site. Eventually I will get back into growing, well at least smoking, but not until after training and maybe 1-2 months of being on site. I promise I will come back in earnest then, in the meantime I will periodically check up on my very supportive online family here.

This is the view from HQ where I am doing my training:
View attachment 43927
Don't let the difficulty be discouraging. You were hired for a reason.

I went through the same bit of uncertainty during my first 3 months at this new place. Every 2 weeks, a trainer comes to the plant and walks us through every system from water to steam and everything between. We draw it out, discuss what each valve is looking at and then teach it to the instructor. It wasn't until last week that I finally had some clarity and realized "I'm actually not a retard." Every week prior I just felt like I was getting more and more lost, but each visit we go over all previous lessons and something finally stuck. Like a huge weight off my shoulders and I think I'm finally falling in line. Coming to this job was the most humbling experience of my life and I'm grateful for that period of feeling lost.

Hey everyone!

I know i've been away for a good bit. All is well. I will write a detailed account of what is going on for all who desire.

I'm on a "cleansing" now, and seeing anything about weed does not make it easier. I am in CO now doing some very intense training.... Just started the training this Monday. I'm not as young as the other new people starting, most are fresh out of college at 22/23, and i'm 20 years on top of that, lol. I want to give myself the best chance i can by having a clear mind during this training, hence the 'cleansing'. Every day of training is equivalent to me to almost 2 weeks of college level curriculum. I was talking to my friend today who was like 'but you went to school for that right, so you already know it?' This company has their own propriety software, so it's their own beast, a massive beast....

I'm about to go on my fifth day of training tomorrow, and i've already had a couple, 'wtf, am i ever going to get all of this' freak out moments. I have 1 more week of training, then another 4 weeks of more intense/solitary/hands-on training after that. Finally today, I had a moment, where I was like 'I fucking know this at least', and that was when we finally opened Visual Studio and doing some coding. Coding I know, that's my gig.

It might sound like i'm complaining too much, but i'm going to stick with it. The trainers have assured me that almost no one, including themselves understood it after training, and didn't really "get it" until at least 2-3 months on the project site. So, I'm hoping i'll have that understanding eventually. For a little more insight into what i'll be doing, i will be working with a private company that is contracted to state agencies to redo their tax system using their software. I will be one of the people who go to these project sites to learn what the needs of that state agency are, their laws on tax code, then customize my company's COTS (commercial off the shelf) tax software to be specifically suited for that state/city/agency. The difficulty is immense, i must not only learn that specific state's tax laws in and out, i must also make sure the software doesn't break any, that is where the customization comes in. Obviously government officials aren't open to change either, so we have been warned that is something that we will face when on site.

There are a lot of safeguards when working with taxpayer data that must be adhered to that if not followed will easily lead to criminal charges and fines. Every single thing we do on the computers is recorded to comply with required IRS security audits of FTI(federal taxpayer information).
I'm on the edge of Denver here, and it's just wild to me. Never been to CO. It is definitely, very hard to breathe up here. Walking 10 minutes feels like I ran a mile. It is very beautiful up here though.

On the plus side, very plus side, this company is the best model i've ever seen on how to treat their employees. The culture here is something usually unheard of for any job. I could list the benefits but it would take 2 pages maybe to list it all. If anyone is looking for a job in IT or Customer Service or Testing/training, reach out to me and I will share the details and the company. This company didn't lay off anyone during the pandemic for one thing, and still hasn't done any layoffs following other tech labor trends. I've already met 3 of the founders of the company, drank beers with them, and this company is 3000 employees strong and has current contracts/projects in countries around the world. We have 4 people from New Zealand, 3 Jamaica, 3 Canada, 2 Puerto Rico, 1 Nigeria, 1 China, and then about 20 from all over the US starting training with me this week. Huge diversity.
They just continue to surprise me how well, how extremely well, they treat their employees. My wife was in the hospital yesterday, and they offered 3 times to fly me back home for free, let me be there for her, and then come back out and redo training, and that my job is not at jeopardy at all if i did that. Just blows my mind to offer me that on my third day..... Thankfully my wife is well, but just to offer that blows my mind. I believe I found the best job I could ever dreamed for, I am truly blessed. I am not trying to brag, just share my joy with you all. They love fresh graduates regardless of age, if anyone is in school or recently out of Uni (a kiwi word I picked up from my new New Zealand friends) and is interested in a job that would let you see the world or at least the US, relocating every 2-3 years, please let me know. I want to share this joy with others.

I miss all of you and give my love! After training they are sending me to their Maine project site. Eventually I will get back into growing, well at least smoking, but not until after training and maybe 1-2 months of being on site. I promise I will come back in earnest then, in the meantime I will periodically check up on my very supportive online family here.

This is the view from HQ where I am doing my training:
View attachment 43927
Enjoy your new journey, sounds like you already are. Good the Mrs is better
Don't let the difficulty be discouraging. You were hired for a reason.

I went through the same bit of uncertainty during my first 3 months at this new place. Every 2 weeks, a trainer comes to the plant and walks us through every system from water to steam and everything between. We draw it out, discuss what each valve is looking at and then teach it to the instructor. It wasn't until last week that I finally had some clarity and realized "I'm actually not a retard." Every week prior I just felt like I was getting more and more lost, but each visit we go over all previous lessons and something finally stuck. Like a huge weight off my shoulders and I think I'm finally falling in line. Coming to this job was the most humbling experience of my life and I'm grateful for that period of feeling lost.

That a steam plant. Good ol basic steam cycle.
If you're lucky you wont get anything. Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow so they say that means early spring🤷🏻🤦🏻😅

Il believe it when i see it.

It’s been too easy. Somethings coming. Lots of rain supposed to come today. 🤷‍♂️ Didn’t catch the weather this morning.

We’ve only had to shovel half a dozen times this year. Most because the rain would then freeze and make it ice.
That a steam plant. Good ol basic steam cycle.
Yessir. It's all pretty basic thermodynamics, but a little bit of plumbing and HVAC experience would've helped a lot. I'm just a run-of-the-mill electrician so it's been a steep learning curve. I love it, though.

But for the most part... we're just overpaid custodians that spend most of our time drinking coffee. We'll be short-handed this summer, though. When run season comes, we'll be working straight through it. Only days off will be during downtime and there's not much downtime in the summer. Last years longest stint, the guys worked 31 days straight with 2 days off and then another 20+. They all ended the year with roughly 1000 hours of OT. I'm ready for those paychecks but I'm gonna be tired, boss.
Yessir. It's all pretty basic thermodynamics, but a little bit of plumbing and HVAC experience would've helped a lot. I'm just a run-of-the-mill electrician so it's been a steep learning curve. I love it, though.

But for the most part... we're just overpaid custodians that spend most of our time drinking coffee. We'll be short-handed this summer, though. When run season comes, we'll be working straight through it. Only days off will be during downtime and there's not much downtime in the summer. Last years longest stint, the guys worked 31 days straight with 2 days off and then another 20+. They all ended the year with roughly 1000 hours of OT. I'm ready for those paychecks but I'm gonna be tired, boss.
I ran conventional steam propulsion plants when I was in the Navy. 600 and 1200 psi plants. But it’s pretty much all the same regardless of the operating pressure. Generation, expansion, condensation, feed.
I ran conventional steam propulsion plants when I was in the Navy. 600 and 1200 psi plants. But it’s pretty much all the same regardless of the operating pressure. Generation, expansion, condensation, feed.
We run 1800psi at 1005 degrees and are capable of 100MW but we're just an auxiliary plant that only runs when the load forcast is high or the wind forcast is low.

In an outage right now because we shredded some bearings in one of our feedwater pumps. Running at -12 degress froze up a line and when the second pump got called on, loud noises and lots of steam tripped the unit... million dollar whoops. Thankfully it was on the other crew's shift so my crew dodged the blame.
We run 1800psi at 1005 degrees and are capable of 100MW but we're just an auxiliary plant that only runs when the load forcast is high or the wind forcast is low.

In an outage right now because we shredded some bearings in one of our feedwater pumps. Running at -12 degress froze up a line and when the second pump got called on, loud noises and lots of steam tripped the unit... million dollar whoops. Thankfully it was on the other crew's shift so my crew dodged the blame.
Is it a boiler plant or gas turbine with HRSG’s for steam generation?

Thanks guys and everyone else I know that supports me but didn't want to flood the chat.

Today went really well, and def have more confidence than I did yesterday.

@GrumpAzz thanks for sharing how it's going at your new job, it does help. It is getting easier, or at least I'm understanding it more than just high level abstraction.

One thing I do have in aces compared to many of the other new people is communication. I have zero fear of public speaking, which as part of my consultant role is very critical. I love talking, getting to know people, and finding some way to make the group or individual laugh, smile, or at the very least relate to where I come from.

A little lit tonight, a group of us went to an escape room. It's crazy how wise these young coworkers are, I was a fool at 23. It was my first escape room, pretty cool.

Hope everyone has a good weekend
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