Snow and ice here this morning! Supposed to be sunny and 55* tomorrow!
I have an entire carload of stuff to unload this morning and no where to go with it in the house. I inherited my Sisters glass collection and now I have to go buy another cabinet for it.
Glad the kids moved a lot of stuff out of my storage buildings, cause I see me filling it right back up!
Here’s wishing upon ya all a fantastic day!
I plan on having one, got a joint of CreekWalker twisted up, Sirius radio blasting and a pot of some fragrant chili in the background. All is good good in the woods hood!
Snow and ice here this morning! Supposed to be sunny and 55* tomorrow!
I have an entire carload of stuff to unload this morning and no where to go with it in the house. I inherited my Sisters glass collection and now I have to go buy another cabinet for it.
Glad the kids moved a lot of stuff out of my storage buildings, cause I see me filling it right back up!
Here’s wishing upon ya all a fantastic day!
I plan on having one, got a joint of CreekWalker twisted up, Sirius radio blasting and a pot of some fragrant chili in the background. All is good good in the woods hood!
Good day, it used to be a football game now its a gross celebrity filled spectacle filled with too many commercials and idiotic commentary.

Nice day here today 7c for a bit but tomorrow starting at about 4pm we have a nor'easter blowing carrying a ton of snow, here comes another ft anyways maybe more. From what I see on Zoom earth we're going to be in it for 12 solid hrs.

Everything is cut and in drying my vegging girls are about ready to be transplanted into my Auto Pots and start the flowering cycle again. I still have to clean up my tent, clean all fans, clean all the trays and valves, clean my reservoir, lines and filters, clean my chiller and water pump...holly fk I got work to do....
Does that mean no kids? or no work?......both offer equal relief
50/50 kids/no kids 🤣
Headed up to my father in laws in Maine, dropping the kids off with him for a few days while my wife and i go out and have a few days to ourselves. Then we will soend the last half of the week with the kids and my FIL.
Should make for a good trip.

Maybe meet up with @Cool_Beans if hes around and no busy on the mountain.
I still have to clean up my tent, clean all fans, clean all the trays and valves, clean my reservoir, lines and filters, clean my chiller and water pump...holly fk I got work to do....
Ahhhh fek that, guess i dont want auto pots all that bad.
Ive got enough stuff to clean with 2 kids running around, im not gonna add to the list lol
50/50 kids/no kids 🤣
Headed up to my father in laws in Maine, dropping the kids off with him for a few days while my wife and i go out and have a few days to ourselves. Then we will soend the last half of the week with the kids and my FIL.
Should make for a good trip.

Maybe meet up with @Cool_Beans if hes around and no busy on the mountain.
Nice to get away from both once and a while, if your like me though when we went away for a few days all I though about was ,,hows the kids doing....

It takes a bit to get used to the free feeling then whamo back at it. Coming back from vacations was always a let down,landing in the cold, getting to your cold car, long drive home in the rain or snow as it always seemed to happen and the next vacation is so far away, it seems like it was just a dream.....

But I liked to dream and once back I was searching for another idea on where to go and how much it would cost. Southern vacations were the carrot to keep me going,
Nice to get away from both once and a while, if your like me though when we went away for a few days all I though about was ,,hows the kids doing....

It takes a bit to get used to the free feeling then whamo back at it. Coming back from vacations was always a let down,landing in the cold, getting to your cold car, long drive home in the rain or snow as it always seemed to happen and the next vacation is so far away, it seems like it was just a dream.....

But I liked to dream and once back I was searching for another idea on where to go and how much it would cost. Southern vacations were the carrot to keep me going,
Yeah whenever we get a break from them i always wonder how they are but it never interferes with me time lol.
My wife is bad tho and i have to twll her constantly that the kids are fine and having fun, occasionally i tell her to just cut her shit and enjoy herself for a change lol.
you guys getting snow tonight?... weather guessers are saying a few inches of white stuff in he morning... snow day!!!

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