My buddy Charles with the lip that Jay-Z performed on.... seriously we joke this the first mofo to say some shit your way,poppin that lip lolol. It's bad quality I cropped it from his Facebook page but looks like Myspace era phone...shaking my lip...sml

He looked at me one day and said you got real big lips for a white boy, I'm like really Charles LMAO
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I got gray in the stash but can't go without it.
When I was born the DR. said I had the biggest lower lip he ever saw, but not to worry as my upper had it covered~!:p
I would look goofy without any face hair..
I've not seen my upper lip since I was 16 and after I retired I haven't cut any hair other than some raging eyebrows and nose
Granny, how are your new starts doing? mine are off to a good start and Steam says it's the power of the moon behind them!! i can't argue..

View attachment 44720
Mine are doing great as well! Your ladies are looking lovely! Many scoff at the idea, I say do a side by side grow and watch! 🙂
My buddy Charles with the lip that Jay-Z performed on.... seriously we joke this the first mofo to say some shit your way,poppin that lip lolol. It's bad quality I cropped it from his Facebook page but looks like Myspace era phone...shaking my lip...sml
View attachment 44776

He looked at me one day and said you got real big lips for a white boy, I'm like really Charles LMAO
Mornin yiz Menz!
A beautiful sunny morn in the Ozarks. Making a trip to town today as I had no mail yesterday and I’ve got to get this pkg shipped!
Yesterday our roads were dangerous and some even impassable, today it’s sunny with a high of 60* on the way. Nutty azz weather!
It’s also orchard pruning time around here. Means I’ll be playing in the trees! Peach and plum trees need a hard cut.
Fun fun fun!
Mornin yiz Menz!
A beautiful sunny morn in the Ozarks. Making a trip to town today as I had no mail yesterday and I’ve got to get this pkg shipped!
Yesterday our roads were dangerous and some even impassable, today it’s sunny with a high of 60* on the way. Nutty azz weather!
It’s also orchard pruning time around here. Means I’ll be playing in the trees! Peach and plum trees need a hard cut.
Fun fun fun!
We have a Nor'easter blowin our way today weather map says we'll be in it for 12 hrs...could get another foot of snow.....I'm good I still have some whisky left from the last storm.
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So, a strange thing today. The Hubby and I stopped by the grocery to pick up a couple of rib eyes, a couple of baking potatoes and some jalapeños for shrimp Diablo on the grill tomorrow for heart day and a total stranger paid our bill!
As we put our items up on the counter even with the divider the cashier just kept running the items with no break between us and the fellow in front of us. Hubby told her that was his stuff her answer was she knew.
A women then steps up, tells us the gov is screwing everybody this is her way of giving back, and she can well afford to do so! Then she paid the balance of our stuff and three people in front of us who’s groceries had all been rang up together.
She was having nothing else.
One of those things that make ya go, “huhhhh.” I’m still stymied.
It actually did make me nervous. I told the Hubby we will probably read a local bank was robbed or something! Lol
Not bad money like or ill-gotten gains, just the other shoe to drop like feeling.
Kind of like watching a magician, you have wonder if it was real or just the art of distraction?
we brought em home and they were still warm!!!!! crispy creme eat your heart out!!! :LOL:
I got cherry pop tarts and it did not snow here~!😁
Man we rarely fall on the good side of the line. 🥳
So, a strange thing today. The Hubby and I stopped by the grocery to pick up a couple of rib eyes, a couple of baking potatoes and some jalapeños for shrimp Diablo on the grill tomorrow for heart day and a total stranger paid our bill!
As we put our items up on the counter even with the divider the cashier just kept running the items with no break between us and the fellow in front of us. Hubby told her that was his stuff her answer was she knew.
A women then steps up, tells us the gov is screwing everybody this is her way of giving back, and she can well afford to do so! Then she paid the balance of our stuff and three people in front of us who’s groceries had all been rang up together.
She was having nothing else.
One of those things that make ya go, “huhhhh.” I’m still stymied.
I love stuff like this!

Once I had someone buy my coffee in front of me at McDonald’s and I remember that feeling of “wow the world ain’t complete shit” yeah it was a 1.79 but it was a nice gesture.
Now every so often I’ll do the same (this isn’t a flex), I’m not rich but 10-15 dollars ain’t gonna ruin my account and you never know how that small gesture will affect those you helped. Maybe it’s nothing and they’ll shrug it off, maybe they’ll just be happy and that happiness will spread to those they encounter that day, maybe that person was on the brink of ending it all and that small gesture brings hope back to them.
Who knows but if enough of us do small gestures this works truly would be a better place.
Now with that being said I can’t buy someone’s ribeyes 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t even buy myself ribeyes even though they’re the best🤤🤤
Happy Valentine’s Day y’all
Now with that being said I can’t buy someone’s ribeyes 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t even buy myself ribeyes even though they’re the best🤤🤤
I prefer a nice flat iron steak, the marbling and flavor is just so damn good. But, im not fekkin paying 38.99 a pound for some steak.... ill eat pork or chicken lmao.

Idk whats for dinner tonight, maybe the wife and i will go out somewhere fancy, lol.
Well shit. Its that day again. Gotta go to my grandparents at 930 and split another 2 cord of firewood.
Really wish hed just stop using the wood stove. Dudes almost 90, he has no reason to be going down to the basement every 2 hours to load a wood stove.
Gonna be time to sit and have that conversation no one wants to have but its time for them to think about selling the house and getting a ground floor apartment or buying a small little 1 bedroom flat. They dont need a 2 floor 4 bedroom house anymore.
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