Just 30-40 miles north od G$ and I may get NOTHING now they say~!
Started at 2-8 inches Sunday Morning and been falling since.
Still called work off tomorrow~!:)

i had a full detail scheduled and the client just text me cancelling... looks like i get a snow day too!!!

it's 43* here... what snow???
i had a full detail scheduled and the client just text me cancelling... looks like i get a snow day too!!!

it's 43* here... what snow???
Yeah i just went to look again and now its saying 50% chance of snow. Gives no info on snowfall total, and the radar is showing nothing but rain coming.

Only job you get paid to be wrong 99.9% of the time.
It was 60f and sunny here Saturday~!
I could have put the top down and cruised~!
The whole time the guessers saying major snow storm on Tuesday.
Blew out our job on Friday and knocked two down today.
Went to a private horse stable close to home today. Expected race horse but saw these~!
Stables nicer than some peoples homes~!

Yeah i just went to look again and now its saying 50% chance of snow. Gives no info on snowfall total, and the radar is showing nothing but rain coming.

Only job you get paid to be wrong 99.9% of the time.

i don't how they justify spending and installing millions of dollars worth of equipment and they all still predict everything from two old school balloons sent up everyday!!! wtf???

It was 60f and sunny here Saturday~!
I could have put the top down and cruised~!
The whole time the guessers saying major snow storm on Tuesday.
Blew out our job on Friday and knocked two down today.
Went to a private horse stable close to home today. Expected race horse but saw these~!
View attachment 44677
View attachment 44682
Stables nicer than some peoples homes~!

View attachment 44683

ahhh CHA-CHING!!!!!!! i bet they could use an expensive horse therapist... could be your next side hustle!!!! get em high. keep em trotin!!
My first thought seeing the black and white horses was you have horses that look like killer whales~! :oops:
Then I thought it was pretty cool and was hoping to see a matching great dane or cat.
Stoner thoughts~!:ROFLMAO:
My first thought seeing the black and white horses was you have horses that look like killer whales~! :oops:
Then I thought it was pretty cool and was hoping to see a matching great dane or cat.
Stoner thoughts~!:ROFLMAO:

i grew up around horses, that's a very pretty horse!!!! well groomed!! equestrianism is an extremely expensive hobby and some owners pay ridiculous prices to get ripped off by scam artists!!
HUGE money at that property.
"some of the most photographed horses" ??
Made the cover of Horse illustrated and their FB page has long list of grateful photographers.
They read as reasonable people;
Beth A Simpson
"That horse has more sense than the democrats"
I❤️NY ~!
i grew up around horses, that's a very pretty horse!!!! well groomed!! equestrianism is an extremely expensive hobby and some owners pay ridiculous prices to get ripped off by scam artists!!
Me too actually. Used to work at a boarding stable. Had to feed and clean a bunch of pipe stalls everyday to earn the board for my horse. My early teens.
Beth A Simpson
"That horse has more sense than the democrats"
I❤️NY ~!

sad but true.. i bet the horse could smell the stupid if he ever met one!!! :LOL:

Me too actually. Used to work at a boarding stable. Had to feed and clean a bunch of pipe stalls everyday to earn the board for my horse. My early teens.

not easy work, but rewarding!!! my dad had me on horses before i could get on myself. i still own a western saddle, but haven't had a horse in many years now. such spiritual animals!!
you guys getting snow tonight?... weather guessers are saying a few inches of white stuff in he morning... snow day!!!

Snow and ice here today. 55* and sunshine tomorrow!
This was a gift that arrived at my house this weekend. It’s a painting of a photograph from my wedding. My Lil Sis, wiping away my tears on my wedding day. Her Daughter, my Niece had it commissioned as a gift to me. How fitting it should arrive the weekend I closed her estate.
Some messages we just don’t have answers for..IMG_1761.jpeg
This was a gift that arrived at my house this weekend. It’s a painting of a photograph from my wedding. My Lil Sis, wiping away my tears on my wedding day. Her Daughter, my Niece had it commissioned as a gift to me. How fitting it should arrive the weekend I closed her estate.
Some messages we just don’t have answers for..View attachment 44705

the painter really caught her "awww" spirit of a proud sister!!
That wood work from the restaurant was awesome.
All the nice stuff I see and places I have been are inspiration for me when building.
I never shared my living room but it has double crown.
Both dentil and egg and dart with embossed oak leaves and acorns on the casings~!
My ceilings are wood. Upstairs is a cathedral ceiling it too is wood, so I have kept trim etc to a minimum. I’m also big on warm pastels it keeps my house from looking so dark with all the wood.
My first thought seeing the black and white horses was you have horses that look like killer whales~! :oops:
Then I thought it was pretty cool and was hoping to see a matching great dane or cat.
Stoner thoughts~!:ROFLMAO:
Not exactly a great dane or a gypsy horse but they look like shamu too~!
My new starts;
DSC_0732 - Copy.JPG
They all looked happier toady after up potting yesterday.
sad but true.. i bet the horse could smell the stupid if he ever met one!!! :LOL:

not easy work, but rewarding!!! my dad had me on horses before i could get on myself. i still own a western saddle, but haven't had a horse in many years now. such spiritual animals!!
Sometimes I miss riding. Don’t think I could do it today with my hips.
I've never used them so I may have a different opinion if I had, I disagree with the no difference between plastic and fabric......you don't get roots wrapping the sides or bottom with fabric....

Its much harder to break open old soil from fabric pots than in plastic. In plastic there is almost no roots down the center so the soil just busts out leaving a large root mass behind where as in fabric I have to bash the mass and pull the thing apart it doesn't just crumble away.

I don't know if it makes a difference above the ground but it sure does below
Same experience with fabric. Much more root growth and tight root balls.
Beaten by the queen of hearts, every time~!
He's a loser but he keeps on trying...
Sit down and take a look at yourself.:D
Beaten by the queen of hearts, every time~!
He's a loser but he keeps on trying...
Sit down and take a look at yourself.:D
I would but I don't want to lmao

Every time I do I startle myself since last shave went with this creepy ass mustache, I think my wife wants it refreshed for Valentine's Day 😂
I never rock a mustache ever 😆🥸
Told my wife it makes me look younger as it's the only part of my facial hair not loaded with grey .....she's got her eye on me 👀 lol
I got gray in the stash but can't go without it.
When I was born the DR. said I had the biggest lower lip he ever saw, but not to worry as my upper had it covered~!:p
I would look goofy without any face hair..
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