Well shit. Its that day again. Gotta go to my grandparents at 930 and split another 2 cord of firewood.
Really wish hed just stop using the wood stove. Dudes almost 90, he has no reason to be going down to the basement every 2 hours to load a wood stove.
Gonna be time to sit and have that conversation no one wants to have but its time for them to think about selling the house and getting a ground floor apartment or buying a small little 1 bedroom flat. They dont need a 2 floor 4 bedroom house anymore.
Need,? Home is home & at 90 moving would be stressful I understand Gpa wanting to stay in his home....fkin apartments are for the birds.....might as well push him off a short pier than put him in an apartment........I'd go loony er and angrier stuck in a box full of A holes
you guys getting snow tonight?... weather guessers are saying a few inches of white stuff in he morning... snow day!!!

Just 30-40 miles north od G$ and I may get NOTHING now they say~!
Started at 2-8 inches Sunday Morning and been falling since.
Still called work off tomorrow~!:)
From 1”-6” was warned. We got a dusting that was gone in hours. More like the first week of spring here. But now they say Thursday is the big storm. 🤷‍♂️
Heading to Yosemite with my lady to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

I’m hoping the threatened inbound storm doesn’t cause us any difficulty.
If the storm will hold off long enough, we’re hoping to see the fire fall. A waterfall that catches sunset rays only during February. Fingers crossed for a good trip!
Need,? Home is home & at 90 moving would be stressful I understand Gpa wanting to stay in his home....fkin apartments are for the birds.....might as well push him off a short pier than put him in an apartment........I'd go loony er and angrier stuck in a box full of A holes
My grand kids would be terrified to come tell me it’s time for me to move! I hope they stay that way too!
Heading to Yosemite with my lady to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

I’m hoping the threatened inbound storm doesn’t cause us any difficulty.
If the storm will hold off long enough, we’re hoping to see the fire fall. A waterfall that catches sunset rays only during February. Fingers crossed for a good trip!
Don’t know if its still done, but years and years ago when we would go there as kids for vacation the fire fall was actual ambers.
Don’t know if its still done, but years and years ago when we would go there as kids for vacation the fire fall was actual ambers.
I’ve seen pictures of that, but never seen it first hand.

It’s too fire prone there now to even consider this.

In five years or less, someone will have a drone firefall show from glacier point to “improve” the old show.
Sad news today as the 'inventor' of my beloved pop tarts has died at age 96.
Toasting a cherry pop tart in his honor~!:cry:

50/50 kids/no kids 🤣
Headed up to my father in laws in Maine, dropping the kids off with him for a few days while my wife and i go out and have a few days to ourselves. Then we will soend the last half of the week with the kids and my FIL.
Should make for a good trip.

Maybe meet up with @Cool_Beans if hes around and no busy on the mountain.
February vacation week is our Hell Week so I'll be super busy but I can make time to say hello. Hit me up when you're around!
Hey Yiz Menz!
I’m playing in the dirt today! Up potting my ladies, which should have been done a week ago. But, hey, there’s life, right?
This means moving all the stuff from a dry storage shed into the dining room of my house. Here’s the area that’s it has enough unimpeded space to be able to roll my dirt to mix it. Did I mention that’s atop of white tile? Clean up is a bitch sometimes. After mixing the next pain in my old ass is hauling it all upstairs in bags to my veg room.
Takes me all day, but I get it done! When it gets to the point that I can no longer manage it ( like another thirty years) 🤪 Then I will move the whole grow to the lower floor and takeover the master suite down there. Which means company will either have to go upstairs or sleep in the she shed!
But for today, I measure, mix bag and haul.
Hey Yiz Menz!
I’m playing in the dirt today! Up potting my ladies, which should have been done a week ago. But, hey, there’s life, right?
This means moving all the stuff from a dry storage shed into the dining room of my house. Here’s the area that’s it has enough unimpeded space to be able to roll my dirt to mix it. Did I mention that’s atop of white tile? Clean up is a bitch sometimes. After mixing the next pain in my old ass is hauling it all upstairs in bags to my veg room.
Takes me all day, but I get it done! When it gets to the point that I can no longer manage it ( like another thirty years) 🤪 Then I will move the whole grow to the lower floor and takeover the master suite down there. Which means company will either have to go upstairs or sleep in the she shed!
But for today, I measure, mix bag and haul.
You are bad-a$$! There seems to be no slowing you down! I hope it goes smoothly and the plants are thrilled with the change.
I know that's your favorite part of the process for sure granny 😉.

Hope y'all been cool, I been just living on the edge overwhelmed per the norm, seems lately I thrive in it... started with the FIL passing, then my wives brothers trying to deebo her inheritance. Then my dad totals himself 2 surgeries later he's in a rehab home with more surgery on the way. Then the uncle my wife who was sort of helping her, I say that because he was playing like he was helping her but really helping himself....that dude had a massive heart attack, then another on the surgery table....made it out and in the haze of sedation admitted "he needs to do right this was a wake up call and it was gonna be his turn if he didn't do right". Yea he is trying to get about 30k in stuff out from under my wife.

oh and her millionaire brother has threatened to burn my house down now with my wife in it because she's "always been in the way". Fun times...he gonna bring out the no Fs given version of me, not good.

Anyway moral of the story feck people smoke buds
Well shit. Its that day again. Gotta go to my grandparents at 930 and split another 2 cord of firewood.
Really wish hed just stop using the wood stove. Dudes almost 90, he has no reason to be going down to the basement every 2 hours to load a wood stove.
Gonna be time to sit and have that conversation no one wants to have but its time for them to think about selling the house and getting a ground floor apartment or buying a small little 1 bedroom flat. They dont need a 2 floor 4 bedroom house anymore.
Put 'em into a tiny home. This way they still have their autonomy but they have way less shit they have to deal with as far as cleanup and stuff. Way cheaper to heat and cool the house too.

That's what I did for my GP's. They were in the same situation where they had been in their home for decades and didn't want to move. I worked with the Real Estate agent to get a gauge of what the probable selling price would be and used that as a budget. We bought an acre of land and built a tiny home for them out in the country but close enough to services that they could ride their bike trike to the grocery store and whatever else they needed. As they got older and couldn't ride their bike trike anymore I paid the next door neighbor to look in on them and take them on errands when they needed to if I wasn't available to do it for them.
Waiting for the snow~!
Got re certified today for aerial lifts and telehandlers~!
Aerial cert is lifetime now. They must figure you can only kill yourself and possibly 1 person with you~!
My life adds up to $3 an hour counting sleep which is still my favorite part~!🥴
Put 'em into a tiny home. This way they still have their autonomy but they have way less shit they have to deal with as far as cleanup and stuff. Way cheaper to heat and cool the house too.
Thats really what i wanna do, my grandmother cant move around much at all. When she does its with a walker or a motorized scooter.
They live in a raised ranch so she had no choi e but to go up 4 stairs no matter what door she goes in.
Shes fallen 9 times in the last 2 years, and my grandfather fell twice already since this year started😔
Id love for them to stay in their home theyve lived in for 59 years... but theyll die sooner and theyve got 3 great grandkids and 4 grandkids, 2 of which are relatively new, because my aunt decided to have kids really late in life.
I just dont wanna see them die 7 years sooner because they fall down the basement stairs and no one realizes.
Packing everything ill need for next week, making a list for the house sitter, setting up plant cams, and cleaning my house top to bottom so when i get home on the 26th i can just continue to relax.

But, its break time. 20240215_160953.jpg
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