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So I'm fairly anal and particular when it comes to smash burgers.
I'll eat burgers done other ways but if I'm making them it's always a smasher.

American all the way when it comes to smash burgers. No-go on the Kraft singles but deli sliced American or Deluxe American is where it's at..
Guga's technique is a bit odd. You never tightly ball up a smashy and you don't buy the beef packaged or compressed.
Head to the butcher and buy the beef loose. Straight from the grinder with as little handling as possible then packaged in butcher paper. Even better if the butcher grinds it while you wait.
Form it loose into a rough ball that wants to fall apart more than stay together. Minimal handling is key and never go Dad burger with sauces. Just black pepper and that's it!
Get a cast iron press. Trust me on this, it's way better than trying to use a spatula. I like the 8 1/4" from Lodge because it can double as a panini press
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Put the loose wad of beef on screaming hot cast iron. Cover it with a sheet of parchment paper. Put the press on it and give it the business. Smash the living fuck out of it. There's nothing soft or gentle about this part and is why a press is better than a spatula.
Let it sear to black around the edges.
Put down your onions then flip the burger on top of the onions and sear it to black again and also add the cheese.
Fuck a brioche bun. The cheapest and thinnest plain ol normal burger bun is the call. The beef is the star of this show, not the bun. so you don't wanna mute the seared to black peppered beef and gooey 'Murican cheese flavor with sweet brioche.
That's how I make the best burgers known to mankind