Stoney's Luv Shack

National anthem rocked~!😝
SVG whipped the Xfinity yesterday there. Nice road course and fun to watch.

I feel like I am falling behind just for not starting anything yet~!
I looked and again could have easily taken most of the GPs but let the slacker make decisions for me again.
Starting week 8 and just can't believe I am patient and have not a clue of what is next.
I hate having the lights out during daylight. I can't stay up late to save my life waking up at 3,4 or 5 everyday....
Makes it easier to let them have their time and easy to check in on them in the morning before work.
Those outdoor plants look real happy for sure. They should a great season ahead of them hopefully.

Go 5~!
National anthem rocked~!😝
SVG whipped the Xfinity yesterday there. Nice road course and fun to watch.

I feel like I am falling behind just for not starting anything yet~!
I looked and again could have easily taken most of the GPs but let the slacker make decisions for me again.
Starting week 8 and just can't believe I am patient and have not a clue of what is next.
I hate having the lights out during daylight. I can't stay up late to save my life waking up at 3,4 or 5 everyday....
Makes it easier to let them have their time and easy to check in on them in the morning before work.
Those outdoor plants look real happy for sure. They should a great season ahead of them hopefully.

Go 5~!

that wreck ruined a lot of teams days!!!

damn all kinds of drama on larsons pit speed for the test.. i hope they got it square because he was speeding through the whole test run.

new pavement, lets get em!!! edit... the 11 blew up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

falling behind?!?! look at all the buds you got!!!!!!! ya know it's okay for an indoor grow to have a couple rainy days a year too!!!! 😆 😆
Buddy seeing the 11 up in smoke just made me smile more than I have all week~!
1 Toyota gone. Tired of seeing them be pace car and have largest signage.:mad:
Would be nicer to see a few more develop issues.
11 won't be back today I don't think.😁
damn these guys are going for it this week!!!!!!! yellows galore!!!! 5 is still staying out!!!

i'm worried about the 1 car... he's fast on restarts!!


so when i get to jonesin for a grow i can always look at this cabinet instead!!!!!


1 is not as fast as 5 or 45.
He is moving up though.
45 is out of the picture he is so far ahead.
When it all cycles through it will be 5&45.

That's better than any grow right there~!
A bird in the hand.:cool:
1 is not as fast as 5 or 45.
He is moving up though.
45 is out of the picture he is so far ahead.
When it all cycles through it will be 5&45.
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That's better than any grow right there~!
A bird in the hand.:cool:

the 5 had a flat spot those first two stages... he felt something after the first yellow and thought it was a blister.. they stayed out for both stages so they didn't notice till now. and now the 45 has a funny feeling in the tire after the tangle with the 5.. they told him to stay too.

larson starts back in 22nd.. hope he says out of the shit!!!

gonna be a great finish for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my double eva-dry's have held nice so far, might have pulled a quart out of them by now.
SVG out there making friends on a Saturday in Wine Country 😋


Nice win by the #5 team! I'd spit that wine out too though.🤮
Brisky with a DNF but still had the best looking ride on track and it just got better with a bear bond ass end. Now I want that diecast.🥴
Truex gotta be feeling his feels right now.
LMAO @ JGR having such a bad day but gotta cool it because Briscoe might be next up in the 19 if Truex retires. And yeah my Toyota Taco will be that much cooler if that goes down☠️
SVG out there making friends on a Saturday in Wine Country 😋

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Nice win by the #5 team! I'd spit that wine out too though.🤮
Brisky with a DNF but still had the best looking ride on track and it just got better with a bear bond ass end. Now I want that diecast.🥴
Truex gotta be feeling his feels right now.
LMAO @ JGR having such a bad day but gotta cool it because Briscoe might be next up in the 19 if Truex retires. And yeah my Toyota Taco will be that much cooler if that goes down☠️

how come SVG didn't race in the cup race? do you know why?

that fake text about him doing burn outs behind Hill even in the neighborhood was funny as hell!!!!

Brisky sure had a bad deal man, i saw it was the 14 and was like nooooo, then i saw the ass end as was like ahhhhhh!!!
but yeah that sure would make for an awesome diecast!!!!


so you know about this kind of black hole...


and then there's this black hole....


but now i give you Thee black hole!!!!


reflection schmelection... it's overrated, who needs it!!! 🙃

i hope the wrinkles smooth out once it gets hot in there.. it's pretty thick compared to mylar so i'll try stretching it again once it settles and gets warm.

i gotta cut out the vents and i have some black thumbtacks on the way to finish it off.


Fuck yeah. Murder that shit out!!! Black out that floor too!!! ☠️💀☠️
Ya know I've been thinking about turning my clone tent inside out. I'm kinda feeling like the black should be inside.🙃
I remember Diesel Farmer and his grow was like wood paneling & High Times centerfolds on the walls. Up till then I always thought high reflectivity mattered. Sure didn't matter for him.
Kinda got to a point also of thinking if I'm trying to rely on the walls for light then I need better grow lights. But yeah I'm in the reflective walls are pointless club.
Yeah panda film is kinda like a tarp and eventually the creases go away. I've used that stuff hung like a shower curtain with a rod and the loops and everything. Pretty much set up like a tub shower but for growing pot.
Frosty buds up against black is gonne look sexy AF too 🌋
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Fuck yeah. Murder that shit out!!! Black out that floor too!!!

i got a piece already cut out but didn't want to get more footprints on it. i'm going to put brackets on the walls so i can move my shelf over and start the no veg under both gen1 lights versus the one gen2 light in the veg cab. plus i want to use my heater and that worked great with the heater under the shelf. i'm pretty much at max temp now in my basement at around 68* so i want the heater in there for lights out times.

I remember Diesel Farmer and his grow was like wood paneling & High Times centerfolds on the walls.

i was just thinking about his posters a couple days ago when i started cutting it out, i was looking at the wood walls and thought of DF and thought about putting nothing up.

Yeah panda film is kinda like a tarp and eventually the creases go away. I've used that stuff hung like a shower curtain with a rod and the loops and everything. Pretty much set up like a tub shower but for growing pot.

thats cool, i'm gonna stretch it again once i get the vents cut out and i also have to remove the stripper pole mount and slide the plastic behind it and then screw it back in. and thats about it man, i;m not gonna use the net for no veg i'll just use the yoyos in there if i need em. so i plan to start germination soon. i printed out a white wavy gravy wall and color coded it like Steam has. ya know i never changed that name wavy gravy wall!! haha it's even the name of the gcode on my sd card in the printer!!! haha makes me smile when i say it!!!
I interrupt this grow journal to report the following news:
Truex Jr. to announce retirement on Friday.
Briscoe to the 19 in 2025 and he's bringing Mahindra with him 😲
I interrupt this grow journal to report the following news:
Truex Jr. to announce retirement on Friday.
Briscoe to the 19 in 2025 and he's bringing Mahindra with him 😲

thats great news man!!!! I just pray that he doesn't get the 19's crew chief, i'm a small Small fan if ya know what i mean... once again truex get screwed by his team... james small waited till half way through the last lap to tell him to switch over to reserve line.. he should have told him right after the pit stop they were short.

i'm not much of a Gibbs fan in general.. i was when he coached the skins!!!
thats great news man!!!! I just pray that he doesn't get the 19's crew chief, i'm a small Small fan if ya know what i mean... once again truex get screwed by his team... james small waited till half way through the last lap to tell him to switch over to reserve line.. he should have told him right after the pit stop they were short.

i'm not much of a Gibbs fan in general.. i was when he coached the skins!!!

The 19 pit crew is near garbage for sure. That and the 8 you would think would have a stable of greats but they burn thru them so much they each have like bottom tier crews.
I know Brisky's team wants to follow him where he goes so we'll see. The chief matters most I agree. I feel like the reason the 5 is so good is 60% crew chief and 40% driver. Daniels is so good he makes that 5 car lethal every week!

I don't like the team but I like the resources the team is playing with. They're in lockstep with TRD and not treated like outcasts which is what Ford does when it gets it's feelings hurt.
As much as it pains me...I like him being around Hamlin. As long as the douche bag doesn't rub off and only the savvy driver stuff rubs off on Briscoe that's a good thing. He didn't get that with Harvick because the Harvick team was pretty much on their own and not really a part of the team at SHR.
Coach Gibbs, I'm not sure. I wanna like him but I don't trust church folk much. He plays that church guy up a ton but he's a shrewd fucker. His equipment is some of the best on track so there's an upgrade there.
Then there's Ty. Ewww. I'll ignore that for now but no way I can root for the whole team like I did SHR.
It's not done yet but JGR is the leader for Briscoe. Penske/Wood Bros/Ford will probably try to get him but doubtful. RFK and FRM might not be able to match the money JGR can throw at him either without help.
It figures though man. I switched from Ford to Toyota a few years ago so maybe that's just life. No regrets here!!! hahaha!
We may also see KFB go to 23IX in a shake up at RCR. Silly season is about to go nuclear💣
The 19 pit crew is near garbage for sure. That and the 8 you would think would have a stable of greats but they burn thru them so much they each have like bottom tier crews.

that what happens when you're in a big team like that, the boss just changes guys out as he feels. i see it with the 9 and the 48, not so much with the 5 or 24 but the 48 and 9 swap guys back and forth. and when playoff come they really shift guys around.. hardly ever pays off. those guys gell all year and now you throw in two new guys..

I know Brisky's team wants to follow him where he goes so we'll see. The chief matters most I agree. I feel like the reason the 5 is so good is 60% crew chief and 40% driver. Daniels is so good he makes that 5 car lethal every week!

it's everything man, that percentage has got to be more like 75-25 with Daniels.. every week man, check your belts, check your wheel. every single yellow and green, check your switches.. he leads larson step by step to just make sure nothing gets slipped up. they even get on larson when he doesn't confirm fans under green and stuff. not that he hounds him he just goes over every check and larson just confirms and they always seem to be on the same page and there is very little friction.

larson never won like this when he drove for the 42... crews mean so much and really puts the team in racing!!!!

I don't like the team but I like the resources the team is playing with. They're in lockstep with TRD and not treated like outcasts which is what Ford does when it gets it's feelings hurt.
As much as it pains me...I like him being around Hamlin. As long as the douche bag doesn't rub off and only the savvy driver stuff rubs off on Briscoe that's a good thing. He didn't get that with Harvick because the Harvick team was pretty much on their own and not really a part of the team at SHR.
Coach Gibbs, I'm not sure. I wanna like him but I don't trust church folk much. He plays that church guy up a ton but he's a shrewd fucker. His equipment is some of the best on track so there's an upgrade there.
Then there's Ty. Ewww. I'll ignore that for now but no way I can root for the whole team like I did SHR.
It's not done yet but JGR is the leader for Briscoe. Penske/Wood Bros/Ford will probably try to get him but doubtful. RFK and FRM might not be able to match the money JGR can throw at him either without help.
It figures though man. I switched from Ford to Toyota a few years ago so maybe that's just life. No regrets here!!! hahaha!
We may also see KFB go to 23IX in a shake up at RCR. Silly season is about to go nuclear💣

Briscoe would have so much more resources and could learn a bunch and nobody says he has to stay there.. it could very well be the stepping stone he needs to launch his career even further!!!! i could see him putting up with a few amens to get a few wins!!!
so i've decided the bedroom AC's are going in tonight.. it's 96.4 right now in the sun!! after this weekend it's not going to cool down at night anymore so in they go!!!!

also got some black tape and tacks to finish off my panda film. i also wanna add the shelf brackets.. i need to remember to grab a level from the garage.

It's about to get warm up here for sure.
Not Texas warm but good enough for me.
Calling for 90's all of nest week here~!

Like 95 outside in Tulsa , 75 inside, set on 73 ;/

the smell of terpenes evaporating AWAY ;/

We hit 102 today and now we're sitting in a Severe Thunderstorm Warning. Bout to drop some hail on us... fuckin kansas, man.

i guess it's warm here compared to you guys!! fuck that kind of heat makes me grumpy!!!!!

i'll be chillin in style this year... i normally just put a unit on our bedroom and my mothers bedroom and then a have a small one in the kitch/dining room and the living room has one built into the wall that cools the rest of the house for very hot days... but this year guys is my year!! check it out a friend donated me a used unit for my party room!!!!! ahhhh yeah!!!!! smokin and chillin this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so i got the three in and secure in less than an hour... my woman helped me with the cords, that pita part helps more than lifting it up does for me.. i hate when i gotta worry about cords and stuff when lifting them over my head!!

chillin at the shack y'all!!!!!!! (well i didn't turn them on yet...)
so i've decided the bedroom AC's are going in tonight.. it's 96.4 right now in the sun!! after this weekend it's not going to cool down at night anymore so in they go!!!!

also got some black tape and tacks to finish off my panda film. i also wanna add the shelf brackets.. i need to remember to grab a level from the garage.

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It's about to get warm up here for sure.
Not Texas warm but good enough for me.
Calling for 90's all of nest week here~!

Like 95 outside in Tulsa , 75 inside, set on 73 ;/

the smell of terpenes evaporating AWAY ;/

We hit 102 today and now we're sitting in a Severe Thunderstorm Warning. Bout to drop some hail on us... fuckin kansas, man.

i guess it's warm here compared to you guys!! fuck that kind of heat makes me grumpy!!!!!

i'll be chillin in style this year... i normally just put a unit on our bedroom and my mothers bedroom and then a have a small one in the kitch/dining room and the living room has one built into the wall that cools the rest of the house for very hot days... but this year guys is my year!! check it out a friend donated me a used unit for my party room!!!!! ahhhh yeah!!!!! smokin and chillin this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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so i got the three in and secure in less than an hour... my woman helped me with the cords, that pita part helps more than lifting it up does for me.. i hate when i gotta worry about cords and stuff when lifting them over my head!!

chillin at the shack y'all!!!!!!! (well i didn't turn them on yet...)

How’s ”The Gizz” SVG going over there.I’ve only watched one race this year…is he stirring you guys up 😁

He's one of my favorite drivers already. Became a fan after he won Chicago last year and it's been fun watching Gizburger do well state side.
Still has lots of learning on ovals but his road course work is incredible. The way he uses his brakes, making his car seem shorter and skinnier in turns, is really fun to watch. He makes moves nobody else can or even try.

He's developing a rivalry with Austin Hill in the Xfinity series.
It started earlier this year at COTA when Hill wrecked him because SVG was pretty much unpassable all day and it got to Hill. SVG shoulda won but getting wrecked allowed Larson to go screaming by and get that win.
Fast forward to last week at Sonoma...Same thing...SVG was fast and nobody could pass him. Hill tried to dump him again but SVG was ready for it and pushed Hill right back. It was no where near as bad as what Hill did to SVG at COTA but Hill being the punk little bitch he is, got in a twist over it and they actually raced another lap after the checker flag dropped. SVG was using the lap to do burnouts but Hill was still trying to race him so SVG couldn't do a burnout in Hills face.
The result.....


Hill giving SVG the one finger salute hahahaha!
For real though man...It's hard to not like SVG. He's just too good of a guy. Genuine personality, a little goofy, but a pure baddass on the track.
He's a fan favorite where ever he goes. That popularity is getting under Austin Hill's skin and it shows bad.
Hill is jealous for sure and SVG may even get a cup ride before Hill. Hill is also one of the most unlikable drivers in racing the way he whines and bitches about everybody but he's often the dirtiest bastard on the track and his shit is getting old fast. It's becoming an oil and vinegar rivalry and it's what the sport needs at this time.
Haha..good to hear he’s living it up.i followed him here and he was known for his passing ability and driving in the wet.kicked ass here winning 3 touring car championships and 3 Bathurst 1000 .is will brown also racing over there too.
How’s ”The Gizz” SVG going over there.I’ve only watched one race this year…is he stirring you guys up 😁

he's great man!! he really adds something to the sport and i feel he will only get better as time goes on!! and like Bandit was saying, SVG ain't afraid to mix it up and get in there!!!

Excuse me... the what?

:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: short for Gizburger... Da Gizz!!!!!

is will brown also racing over there too.

he made his first debut in cup series this past weekend... he started out 24th but got caught up in two accidents where he had nowhere to go at all. he finished three laps down and just couldn't get caught up. i was rootin for him though!!!!
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