All things shrooms

Some fuzzy


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Putting the tub into fruiting tomorrow… getting hydrophobic now. Will grab pic’s tomorrow. Gonna get some couch relax time and early bed finally. Have a great weekend ppls
. . .


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watch for the grey or green in the next 12 hours. whatever that is, is moving very fast and it's not rhyzomorphic. not the type of growth you're after.

seriously, man. do the poor man's tek i posted. you'll get what you're after much easier. trying to do it "budget" isn't budget on your path.

here, nor on the farm, i may not have clout for being a mycologist, but other places my reputation precedes me. so that being said, i'll say this. what you're doing is some tiktok shit like the "recipe" my nephew sent me for DMT extraction -- it's not going to work and will instead introduce health hazards.

do this shit right or don't at all. what you've invested in uncle ben's bags at this point could've bought a 25lb bag of wbs, a 18 rack of pint jars, a tyken paint suit, RTV and polyfill. and it would've saved at least 20cc of spores. time to pivot dude.

i'm not trying to be a dick but i hate seeing the struggle when the struggle is self induced. there's proven ways to do this, and they're more affordable than you'd think.
watch for the grey or green in the next 12 hours. whatever that is, is moving very fast and it's not rhyzomorphic. not the type of growth you're after.

seriously, man. do the poor man's tek i posted. you'll get what you're after much easier. trying to do it "budget" isn't budget on your path.

here, nor on the farm, i may not have clout for being a mycologist, but other places my reputation precedes me. so that being said, i'll say this. what you're doing is some tiktok shit like the "recipe" my nephew sent me for DMT extraction -- it's not going to work and will instead introduce health hazards.

do this shit right or don't at all. what you've invested in uncle ben's bags at this point could've bought a 25lb bag of wbs, a 18 rack of pint jars, a tyken paint suit, RTV and polyfill. and it would've saved at least 20cc of spores. time to pivot dude.

i'm not trying to be a dick but i hate seeing the struggle when the struggle is self induced. there's proven ways to do this, and they're more affordable than you'd think.
Thanks man Im starting to see how critical sterility is when trying to grow the right kind of mycellium

Looks like this brute forcing it shit isn't gonna work
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Yeah its this stage that most end up giving up on. As @tobh said there isn’t much room for deviation at this stage. I can see the uncle bens tek working. I know like myself you need to see things for yourself but @tobh is 100% right and i dont feel the oatmeal even has a chance to work. The cheap method that he explained with the water bath and wbs can work. But can’t stress enough how diligent you need to be at the mycelium stage. The oatmeal just doesn’t have the shape or properties to be successful

The substrate stage is more forgiving but still try to take every precaution because contam is one of those things that takes less than a day to ruin a tub. Ideally you want avoid tap water unless you are making sterile water yourself also.
Oh this was exactly 10 days. It was ready probably 2 days ago and for sure yesterday. It was colonized at 75f which is where i like to start but i will play around with this mycelium in the future. Fruiting is about 72f with natural light from a window about 8ft away this time. That will change after this but should be fine. They dont need anything more than ambient and some argue they dont even need that. The mycelium were done in complete darkness but i have done them with light cycles also and it makes no difference
Yeah its this stage that most end up giving up on. As @tobh said there isn’t much room for deviation at this stage.
seeing that lol
I can see the uncle bens tek working.
yea those should work.
I know like myself you need to see things for yourself
stubborn ;p
but @tobh is 100% right and i dont feel the oatmeal even has a chance to work.
gotcha, just something i had on hand to see if i could get to colonize.
The cheap method that he explained with the water bath and wbs can work. But can’t stress enough how diligent you need to be at the mycelium stage. The oatmeal just doesn’t have the shape or properties to be successful

The substrate stage is more forgiving but still try to take every precaution because contam is one of those things that takes less than a day to ruin a tub. Ideally you want avoid tap water unless you are making sterile water yourself also.

yea ill be trying other methods like you guys suggested next batches.

ill have to get some things
So what the hell am I growing here lol

I can't tell if that's gray or white

Doesn't really look gray to me.


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once my UB bag is fully colonized im good to manhandle it into a minitote with some coco ?
So what the hell am I growing here lol

I can't tell if that's gray or white

Doesn't really look gray to me.
Just let it go and see if you like. Looks like cobweb again…. Prob from the tap water but spores are everywhere. Just do NOT keep it anywhere near your other stuff.

Also could have been spores in the oatmeal itself
Just let it go and see if you like. Looks like cobweb again…. Prob from the tap water but spores are everywhere. Just do NOT keep it anywhere near your other stuff.

Also could have been spores in the oatmeal itself
ok will do.

i can treat the tap with hypo/h2o2 but idk how much ?
Just let it go and see if you like. Looks like cobweb again…. Prob from the tap water but spores are everywhere. Just do NOT keep it anywhere near your other stuff.

Also could have been spores in the oatmeal itself
i think i see the difference between the UB and this oatmeal shit.
Ahh can't really see but theres a white fuzz on one grain.


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