All things shrooms


Shit got fucked lol

Here's the uncle Ben's rice tote

Taking this one to my parents

Watering em


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Shit got fucked lol

Here's the uncle Ben's rice tote

Taking this one to my parents

Watering em
Yeah cob web mold and all that oooze is metabolites produced by the mycelium to try and fight it…. Its a gonner bro just toss that one.

Honestly they real key is sterile, sterile, sterile for mycelium until mixed with sub can be done in free air but wear a mask and limit how much air movement you create. Mix slow, wear gloves and best done in a sterile environment.

But the colonization of spawn needs to be ridiculously sterile. The bags should work but you need to wait for then to fully colonize before mixing with sub.

As you can see when they contam its fast and furious. If caught immediately you can treat cob web with h2o2 and recover…. I have done it a few times. But shit goes sideways really fast when it does
They starting to stretch for light..

Yo @Aqua Man

This is just coco and synthetic nutrients

And the ALBINO A+

Something is growing my man - white fuzzies

Coco & synthetics only


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Yeah cob web mold and all that oooze is metabolites produced by the mycelium to try and fight it…. Its a gonner bro just toss that one.

Honestly they real key is sterile, sterile, sterile for mycelium until mixed with sub can be done in free air but wear a mask and limit how much air movement you create. Mix slow, wear gloves and best done in a sterile environment.

But the colonization of spawn needs to be ridiculously sterile. The bags should work but you need to wait for then to fully colonize before mixing with sub.

As you can see when they contam its fast and furious. If caught immediately you can treat cob web with h2o2 and recover…. I have done it a few times. But shit goes sideways really fast when it does
Thanks man.

I'll be more sterile next attempt.

Surely the loss of AC didn't help much

But yeah I for sure agree.

Notice the growth on the oatmeal in your one tub? Thats because they are eating it. The coco provides very little. Its more for moisturize control
Slight iron deficiency or if a clone is just a bit to much light for right now but sure looks like it was a beautiful healthy cut bro
Yeah this deleted scene looks like a good contender for a solo cup run, it's growing tight nodes.

It was from a fem seed I think.

And it's only had the balcony sunlight for 48hours now

Electricity been out since Sunday 2am
Slight iron deficiency or if a clone is just a bit to much light for right now but sure looks like it was a beautiful healthy cut bro
Thanks bro, proud of the deleted scene and mimosa mints

See how they stack compared to the random seeds I pollen chucked for.

Hope electricity comes back on before Saturday...
Yeah cob web mold and all that oooze is metabolites produced by the mycelium to try and fight it…. Its a gonner bro just toss that one.

Honestly they real key is sterile, sterile, sterile for mycelium until mixed with sub can be done in free air but wear a mask and limit how much air movement you create. Mix slow, wear gloves and best done in a sterile environment.

But the colonization of spawn needs to be ridiculously sterile. The bags should work but you need to wait for then to fully colonize before mixing with sub.

As you can see when they contam its fast and furious. If caught immediately you can treat cob web with h2o2 and recover…. I have done it a few times. But shit goes sideways really fast when it does
Wasnt this fucked looking before lol.

So there was definitely mycellium growth? Just got contam to all fucked lol
Thanks Aqua
but no for real when you get a harvest typically most people flood their substrate. I guess I should of asked that. Do you flood your sub Aqua or do you just keep watering regularly?
I submerge for 12-24 hrs to rehydrate as once its colonized it’s extremely hydrophobic … like nothing you have seen before…
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