All things shrooms

Coco + synthetic nutrients

Looks like something fuzzy is growing.


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Uncle Ben's white + coco

Some white fuzzies growing


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Yup its eating something see how it goes but I wouldn’t hold my breath
yeah, i dont think theres enough solution for food

but yeah just cool to see lol

feeding it will be interesting

i started with maybe around 500-750ppm solution just guessing with some sugar
Hopefully this one will colonize before any contam. Imo the rice really needs to be colonized before mixing but I can’t say that wont work
you mentioned h2o2 on white cob web mold? to kill it

how much h2o2 can the fungi tolerate? (the good stuff)
you mentioned h2o2 on white cob web mold? to kill it

how much h2o2 can the fungi tolerate? (the good stuff)
I guess it depends in the strain but i added it to my jars a couple times and it killed the cobweb but only stalled the mycelium. I documented it on the on place if you can find it
But the colonization of spawn needs to be ridiculously sterile. The bags should work but you need to wait for then to fully colonize before mixing with sub.
Better chance of colonization and less contam chance using straight spawn first then mixing with substrate?

I can try that too, rinse the tote that went bad, bleach it and use straight oatmeal or rice first and moist it then add my spores (?)

Simply put

Thanks man
Uncle Ben's tote - see a lot of white spots but

A couple little gray spots (?)


I wasn't that sterile In the process, I could definitely try to be more sterile next round.
here's what you can do that will be a hell of a lot easier than what you're doing now. Call it a Poor Man's Tek.

1. Get some wild bird seed (WBS). Cheap stuff, try to find some without sunflower seeds. Get some pint mason jars. make some holes in the lids, and cover one with RTV and the other pack with polyfill (pillow filling).
2. Soak the WBS for 12-24 hours. Fish out as many of the floaters as you can, stir the seed, fish out floaters. Repeat until you have almost no floaters. Drain, rinse real good, then put it in a pot and cover it with water. Bring it to a boil SLOWLY then simmer it until you start to see some of the grains burst.
3. Load up the jars about 3/4 of the way. Now, take the jars and put em in a pot, and add water up to about the grain level that's in the jars. Bring this pot to a rolling boil. Boil for one hour. Let cool overnight. Around the same time the next day, do this again at least 3x. What you're doing is allowing bacterial and mold endospores to germinate then killing off the fledgling contaminates.
4. Once #3 is done, in a sterile environment like a SAB, inoculate your jars with your spore solution. Put the jars in a warm dark place to fully colonize.

This will get you spawn much faster, and easier, than what you're doing right now @Observer. Spawn is the last place you can really take a short cut with growing mushrooms given contams will win almost every time if you're not using 100% confirmed sterile media and aseptic techniques. I know it's a bit more money investment but without a pressure cooker or autoclave, and laminar flowhood or dedicated SAB, you're fighting an uphill battle.
here's what you can do that will be a hell of a lot easier than what you're doing now. Call it a Poor Man's Tek.

1. Get some wild bird seed (WBS). Cheap stuff, try to find some without sunflower seeds. Get some pint mason jars. make some holes in the lids, and cover one with RTV and the other pack with polyfill (pillow filling).
2. Soak the WBS for 12-24 hours. Fish out as many of the floaters as you can, stir the seed, fish out floaters. Repeat until you have almost no floaters. Drain, rinse real good, then put it in a pot and cover it with water. Bring it to a boil SLOWLY then simmer it until you start to see some of the grains burst.
3. Load up the jars about 3/4 of the way. Now, take the jars and put em in a pot, and add water up to about the grain level that's in the jars. Bring this pot to a rolling boil. Boil for one hour. Let cool overnight. Around the same time the next day, do this again at least 3x. What you're doing is allowing bacterial and mold endospores to germinate then killing off the fledgling contaminates.
4. Once #3 is done, in a sterile environment like a SAB, inoculate your jars with your spore solution. Put the jars in a warm dark place to fully colonize.

This will get you spawn much faster, and easier, than what you're doing right now @Observer. Spawn is the last place you can really take a short cut with growing mushrooms given contams will win almost every time if you're not using 100% confirmed sterile media and aseptic techniques. I know it's a bit more money investment but without a pressure cooker or autoclave, and laminar flowhood or dedicated SAB, you're fighting an uphill battle.
Thanks tobh, I could also give this a try.
Better chance of colonization and less contam chance using straight spawn first then mixing with substrate?

I can try that too, rinse the tote that went bad, bleach it and use straight oatmeal or rice first and moist it then add my spores (?)

Simply put

Thanks man
Yup the hard part will be getting the moisture eight with oatmeal. Rice and grains are easier which is why most use whole grains.
here's what you can do that will be a hell of a lot easier than what you're doing now. Call it a Poor Man's Tek.

1. Get some wild bird seed (WBS). Cheap stuff, try to find some without sunflower seeds. Get some pint mason jars. make some holes in the lids, and cover one with RTV and the other pack with polyfill (pillow filling).
2. Soak the WBS for 12-24 hours. Fish out as many of the floaters as you can, stir the seed, fish out floaters. Repeat until you have almost no floaters. Drain, rinse real good, then put it in a pot and cover it with water. Bring it to a boil SLOWLY then simmer it until you start to see some of the grains burst.
3. Load up the jars about 3/4 of the way. Now, take the jars and put em in a pot, and add water up to about the grain level that's in the jars. Bring this pot to a rolling boil. Boil for one hour. Let cool overnight. Around the same time the next day, do this again at least 3x. What you're doing is allowing bacterial and mold endospores to germinate then killing off the fledgling contaminates.
4. Once #3 is done, in a sterile environment like a SAB, inoculate your jars with your spore solution. Put the jars in a warm dark place to fully colonize.

This will get you spawn much faster, and easier, than what you're doing right now @Observer. Spawn is the last place you can really take a short cut with growing mushrooms given contams will win almost every time if you're not using 100% confirmed sterile media and aseptic techniques. I know it's a bit more money investment but without a pressure cooker or autoclave, and laminar flowhood or dedicated SAB, you're fighting an uphill battle.
Exactly this…. I used to use bird seed also. Avoid sunflower seeds or pic them out.

I found filling the jars only halfway better because its so much smaller its more packed.
Albino A+ / UB BRWN rice inoculated

6/21 9:40pm


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I'ma have to order more KSSS just to have it back.

Loved how aggressive it was


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I'll try this shit a few times and then if it fails I'll do the methods you guys say to try

And tbf I'm sure that ac being off for 3 days didn't help lol
Good stuff hopefully in 7-10 days you have fully colonized bags bro…. I hope this works for you as it will really be an easy way for ppl to get started doing small batches
Good stuff hopefully in 7-10 days you have fully colonized bags bro…. I hope this works for you as it will really be an easy way for ppl to get started doing small batches
thanks man, i think theyll work in the middle closet this time.
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