All things shrooms

@Aqua Man straight coco, synthetics and a little bit of sucrose.

For this minitote experiment

See if anything grows.


One i did earlier.

2cc in this one, was gonna wait for results before I mentioned but fuk it, slightly excited for all this and seeing something grow now.


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I was thinking about doing that, but I wasn't sure about casing over the mycellium already growing.

It would probably be fine though, but didn't want to disturb it too much as I already can't keep my hands off it and looking under the lid lol
Just as bad. Can’t leave it alone if it’s interesting.

Speaking of which...what’s the red thing, lights?
The mycellium spots are warmer.

Read due to there metabolic processes they'll produce a little heat too



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The ksss exploded over night and then looked like some contam, checked the morning looks like the ksss took over it.

Was some gray and mold, but now just looks all white.
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The ksss exploded over night and then looked like some contam, checked the morning looks like the ksss took over it.

Was some gray and mold, but now just looks all white.
Very odd cus that contams usually always win. And i'm so sorry to hear about your electricity that's horrible. The weathers getting bad down there.
Colonizing very well under the casing and starting to bust up through in some parts. Looking like 7-10 days to colonize which is pretty decent.

The jars are about 7-10 days also from grain to grain…… about what im used to. Originally i thought the mycelium was fucking slow as molasses but i think it just needed to adapt to the different food source’s
So in just over an hour will be 4 days.

View attachment 8628View attachment 8629
Fuckin awesome man.

Can't wait to get back and have my electricity on and I'll start again.

Oh and the uncle Ben's bags I put in the minitote, there's some white rice growing white fuzzies now.

It's 80-90 in the apt

Thinking that extra heat aids in the growth of other bacteria?
Fuckin awesome man.

Can't wait to get back and have my electricity on and I'll start again.

Oh and the uncle Ben's bags I put in the minitote, there's some white rice growing white fuzzies now.

It's 80-90 in the apt

Thinking that extra heat aids in the growth of other bacteria?
Aid in growth of everything
Very odd cus that contams usually always win.
I figured that, which is odd, we funnily scooped a little of the bad looking parts out, of course there's some there still.

May be because there was just so much more KSSS and took over the resource battle? Idk lol.

But just after briefly looking this morning it looked like just the white stuff was growing

And i'm so sorry to hear about your electricity that's horrible. The weathers getting bad down there.
Thanks man, my parents houses electricity came on a few hours ago, seems mine in Tulsa is still out
Colonizing very well under the casing and starting to bust up through in some parts. Looking like 7-10 days to colonize which is pretty decent.

The jars are about 7-10 days also from grain to grain…… about what im used to.

Originally i thought the mycelium was fucking slow as molasses but i think it just needed to adapt to the different food source’s
Yea wondering what was the difference between my uncle Ben's bags in BR closet and then placing in tote in middle closet

Cause those are growing now.

Maybe I didn't have enough air flow or humidity in the bags or was too hot idk

Hopefully, if the oatmeal batch gets fucked, I'll have the uncle Ben's tote to fall back on, if it doesn't get contam, but it's growing white fuzzies as this morning on some of the white rice grains.

Insanely fast.

The ksss took over in what seemed like just 2-4 nights.
My girl ordered me a kit apparently as a gift, just won't be shipped out yet

It should have around 6-10 syringes!

Some GT and b+ /a+ var

And I brung the three I had to my parents to keep cool in fridge.
So growth is going well. Sub is almost fully colonized and the top is getting there. Prob about 3 more days to fruiting but will see. I consider anywhere from 7-10 days to be right on par. Today is 5 days and i doubt it will need anymore than 5 more days… im thinking about 3 maybe 4 more.


24 hrs later

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