All things shrooms

Looks like you got it right on you're first try?


I was close and then electricity went out.

About 3# actual attempts I've fucked around with too much.
That is only 2 of seven bags of the 90 second ready rice. The other 5 bags didn't seem to produce any mycelium. So while yes, I am pleased that I had 2 come through successfully, I'd hardly call myself a mycologist. lol. Call it beginner's luck.

My KSSS which I injected into all in one bags have only gotten so far with the spawning process and seem to have failed to continue to form spawn. This could be a bit deceiving though because I have no idea how much if its grown in the middle of the rye grains where I can't see its development.

I do have several vials of pans cyan cultures. Once my SAB arrives (should be tomorrow) I will begin the process with them. Wish me luck ... sometimes its better to be lucky than good .... I should have enough culture that if the first try isn't successful, the second or third should be. I'll keep trying until I have a crop of "blue meanies." That's the goal of all of this ... to grow some Hawaiian Pans Cyans. They look like they are a bit easier to grow than the Psilcybe Azurescens.

The question has come up a few times about "why not just eat more cubes?" However, the more mushrooms I eat means I deal with more nausea. I haven't thrown up on them yet but an easier tummy experience would be a better trip for me. From what I've read, less mushroom fiber is easier on the tummy.
Where is a “safe” “trustworthy” place to buy spawn?
Obviously this isn’t like marijuana seed sales and being in possibly less than legal state discretion is important. Honestly I’m a little nervous but would really like to attempt this….
Where is a “safe” “trustworthy” place to buy spawn?
Obviously this isn’t like marijuana seed sales and being in possibly less than legal state discretion is important. Honestly I’m a little nervous but would really like to attempt this….
In Canada… sporeslab. In the US maybe @tobh or one of the great ppl here in the thread know
Where is a “safe” “trustworthy” place to buy spawn?
Obviously this isn’t like marijuana seed sales and being in possibly less than legal state discretion is important. Honestly I’m a little nervous but would really like to attempt this….
Spores are legal in just about every state. California, Idaho and Georgia are the exceptions and most sources won't ship them there.

If you look around, some places will even ship magic mushroom liquid culture. I bought my KSSS here:
I order predominantly from Sporeworks now. I used to order from lilshopofspores but I don't trust their payment processing now. TBH any approved vendor listed on shroomery is a trustworthy place to order from as their vendors go through an extensive vetting process to ensure confidential and reliable transactions.

for some more exotic/rare varieties I've had to hunt and go through less scrupulous looking vendors but that's where using gift cards or other anonymous means of purchasing offer additional financial protection.
That is only 2 of seven bags of the 90 second ready rice. The other 5 bags didn't seem to produce any mycelium. So while yes, I am pleased that I had 2 come through successfully, I'd hardly call myself a mycologist. lol. Call it beginner's luck.

My KSSS which I injected into all in one bags have only gotten so far with the spawning process and seem to have failed to continue to form spawn. This could be a bit deceiving though because I have no idea how much if its grown in the middle of the rye grains where I can't see its development.

I do have several vials of pans cyan cultures. Once my SAB arrives (should be tomorrow) I will begin the process with them. Wish me luck ... sometimes its better to be lucky than good .... I should have enough culture that if the first try isn't successful, the second or third should be. I'll keep trying until I have a crop of "blue meanies." That's the goal of all of this ... to grow some Hawaiian Pans Cyans. They look like they are a bit easier to grow than the Psilcybe Azurescens.

The question has come up a few times about "why not just eat more cubes?" However, the more mushrooms I eat means I deal with more nausea. I haven't thrown up on them yet but an easier tummy experience would be a better trip for me. From what I've read, less mushroom fiber is easier on the tummy.
Sweet man still got some, we'll eventually get a flush lol

The ksss definitely seems the fastest/growing strain

Also try cold water extraction, tea
Sweet man still got some, we'll eventually get a flush lol

The ksss definitely seems the fastest/growing strain

Also try cold water extraction, tea
I looked into that. I also bought this book. It should be here by tomorrow:

I'm not sure what the best way to extract it is at this point. I haven't tried any method yet. I did try the lemon tek. Yes, it brings it on quicker but it really wasn't over-powering. The walls didn't wave and the trees didn't breathe. I told my wife we probably need to go longer than 2 weeks between to get the full effect.

Wish me luck with the Pans Cyans. I injected 4 rye-berry bags earlier this afternoon, right after the SAB arrived. I ordered the AC Infinity humidifier and I'll be moving the mushroom experiments over to my AC infinity tent where I can use my UIS controller.
I looked into that. I also bought this book. It should be here by tomorrow:

I'm not sure what the best way to extract it is at this point. I haven't tried any method yet. I did try the lemon tek. Yes, it brings it on quicker but it really wasn't over-powering. The walls didn't wave and the trees didn't breathe. I told my wife we probably need to go longer than 2 weeks between to get the full effect.

Wish me luck with the Pans Cyans. I injected 4 rye-berry bags earlier this afternoon, right after the SAB arrived. I ordered the AC Infinity humidifier and I'll be moving the mushroom experiments over to my AC infinity tent where I can use my UIS controller.
How many Gs did you use?

Try 5-7, if you want the walls to breathe with you 10-20gs haha
Starting to see more pinning and some caps… hopefully this picks up. I am doing a short simmer to hydrate my grains now and saving the water for liquid culture. So i will sterilize the broth and keep it for when i get some agar to add to help thicken it up a butIMG_0932.jpegIMG_0934.jpeg
Martha tent set up again. Building a panel to go in the window so I can run the exhaust directly out the window instead of dumping a ton of humidity into the garage. Should help quite a bit with the tent climate too PXL_20230709_221815426.jpg
A sealed jar that I won't fuck with lol.

Starting the "pasteurization" process

This is the video I'm following for this batch

Real attempt #4 or so lol



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Sweet man still got some, we'll eventually get a flush lol

The ksss definitely seems the fastest/growing strain

Also try cold water extraction, tea
Meant aggressive not growing lol
1 whole brown/ 185g
0.67 cup water / 158g

2hours In simmering/boiling water.

Unmodified sab

Torched the syringe tip, wiped shit down with alcohol.

B+ for the red one next

The jar got too full once the rice expanded.
But now I have another little batch.

Red container was sealed and shook with ISO inside and left to dry. The grains the red container arent as hydrated though so we shall see if it's moist enough.

Innoculating that one now.


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If this round doesn't work

I don't give up, lol.


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So my PE is confirmed a blobbery of caps and white clumps. Apparently this common on the first flush and many say the blobs are more potent and are normal.

The second flush should produce normal fruiting bodies…. Ill get a pic later but the blobs are sure not pretty looking.

Once they soften they are ready to harvest so still a bit of time left for that.

One thing for certain is these are by FAR the slowest fruiters i have grown yet. Most say they are worth the hassle but we shall see. If your OCD these may drive you nuts to grow
So my PE is confirmed a blobbery of caps and white clumps. Apparently this common on the first flush and many say the blobs are more potent and are normal.

The second flush should produce normal fruiting bodies…. Ill get a pic later but the blobs are sure not pretty looking.

Once they soften they are ready to harvest so still a bit of time left for that.

One thing for certain is these are by FAR the slowest fruiters i have grown yet. Most say they are worth the hassle but we shall see. If your OCD these may drive you nuts to grow
yeah blobs are normal. that's why a lot of cultivators will start from multispore on agar, and wait for the plate to fruit, then clone the fruiting body. basically they're trying to isolate a "traditional" fruiting culture. apparently APE is even worse.

i have APE plates that are the weirdest, most non-uniform mycelium i've ever seen. and they're sloooooooow.
Also these need more FAE than im used to. This is obvious as the concentration of pins are close to the FAE holes so i will adjust in future grows for this.

The second tub is started and 3rd batch of grains for the PE is on the go. The mycelium seem to be colonizing much better now. I think i had slighted over moistened the grains the first one.

Also have started 7 jars of GTs.

The second tub is wuite a bit bigger and was an experiment and likely to go worse than the first. But we will see. 4 days since mixing


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fwiw people much smarter than i have continuously stated that PE is more of an experimental cultivar simply because PE in of itself is a mutation so flushes and growth patterns can be unreliable without an isolated culture. Second flush, if you have the facilities, you should consider taking some clones on agar of a few fruit bodies. try to get yourself some of those of crazy uniform flushes
fwiw people much smarter than i have continuously stated that PE is more of an experimental cultivar simply because PE in of itself is a mutation so flushes and growth patterns can be unreliable without an isolated culture. Second flush, if you have the facilities, you should consider taking some clones on agar of a few fruit bodies. try to get yourself some of those of crazy uniform flushes
This is an isolate bro… not started from spore. From what I have found is the blobbing is more frequent when starting fruiting to early as i did a little.

Also using a half inch casing and some say even more after the sub is around 70% colonized will greatly reduce or eliminate the blobbing. But seems like consensus that the blobs are more potent than the regular fruiting bodies. I cannot say that from experience though as this is the forst time I’ve grown them
Got them here.

These have peaked my curiosity now though. An enigma strain called holy grail.

oh yeah, i forget you canucks have somewhat sensible drug regulations and can get live cultures. down here in the land of the "free" we can only acquire spores for microscopy purposes.
oh yeah, i forget you canucks have somewhat sensible drug regulations and can get live cultures. down here in the land of the "free" we can only acquire spores for microscopy purposes.
Wow that sucks bro… i did some pan cyan spores cause its all i could get. I then shipped some over to spores-lab when Jeff was there and had a deal he would give me anything i wanted… the spent a few months making an isolate of it but he is no longer there. But my genetics are.

Not easy to grow at all… yield is small but they are fucking potent.

oh yeah, i forget you canucks have somewhat sensible drug regulations and can get live cultures. down here in the land of the "free" we can only acquire spores for microscopy purposes.

That's what I thought originally ... but guess what, you CAN get magic mushrooms state-side in liquid culture. I ordered my KSSS as a liquid culture - . I'll be moving that over to a monotub probably tomorrow after work. I also bought pans cyan liquid culture -

@MiGrampa hows things progressing brother?

So far, good. I was beginning to get impatient but today my waiting was rewarded with this:

Mushroom 1.jpg

Mushroom 2.jpg

Here's the KSSS:

KSSS 1.jpgKSSS 2.jpg

It's beginning to show mycelium.

I also have the pans cyan going now too ...

Pans Cyan.jpg

That wraps it up for today ... lol
Also these need more FAE than im used to. This is obvious as the concentration of pins are close to the FAE holes so i will adjust in future grows for this.

The second tub is started and 3rd batch of grains for the PE is on the go. The mycelium seem to be colonizing much better now. I think i had slighted over moistened the grains the first one.

Also have started 7 jars of GTs.

The second tub is wuite a bit bigger and was an experiment and likely to go worse than the first. But we will see. 4 days since mixing
cant pull the polfill out a little or ?
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