All things shrooms

i gotta read through this thread more, you guys got your stuff together!!!! i don't have a lot of experience with mushrooms but enough to make all the worst mistakes sometimes.. i only pick it up once every couple years so i gotta relearn some of the tech.

i used to just grow brf cakes but the last few times i did bulk mono tubs and i also tried some of those bags to grow some lion's mane in. i really liked the bags over the jars and want to try those again.

you guys are really inspiring!!!!

a pic from years ago...

View attachment 15493

Great job man
Oh, way off. Makes more sense on how it stayed in the holes. 🤣

Is cheese cloth or gauze good? Anything from hospital would be sterilized and I can usually get unless special.

Other wise i’ll go Jack the Ripper on a throw pillow. (Hate them anyway. 😈)
You can buy at Walmart cheap
guess i could get some polyfill soon, wouldnt hurt to add airflow for the germ huh

as long as kept in a still area.

figure a way to a punch a cleanish hole through the aluminum lid
Or a screwdriver they are 1/4 usually
Phillips I assume. Flat head is to wide a blade and Robinson would be just silly. 🤣

A lot of good posts the last while. Not to mention fantastic offers of assistance/startups.

I gave up on mushrooms years ago as I could never find enough info, followed by not finding trustworthy sources. Yet here we have both with detailed and specific instruction. Along with the experience and knowledge to do it safely and properly, at most price points.

Thanks gentlemen. We appreciate it. 👍😀
After a gasket issue presented itself while building pressure the first time, here we are. Cooling down in the clean air.

I don't normally do this, at least since I've had the flowhood, but I want to make sure as the pressure drops and the pot starts sucking in air instead of pushing it out, that the air it's taking in is clean because I have LC jars in there. Probably about an hour before I can open it up and pour plates.

Given the issues I've had with the gasket on this cooker, I highly recommend spending the money up front and getting a quality All American. You can get one a couple quarts bigger than the one pictured for ~$500 new, and it'll outlive you and your grandkids. I'll be getting one myself within the month because this PC is not gonna keep up with my demands.
And done. Lost 150ml of agar to boil over, thinking as a result of the gasket issue, so only ended up doing 14 plates. The empty one will be used for a spore print per a recommendation another mycologist gave me for when you pulled too many plates from a sterile sleeve.
And done. Lost 150ml of agar to boil over, thinking as a result of the gasket issue, so only ended up doing 14 plates. The empty one will be used for a spore print per a recommendation another mycologist gave me for when you pulled too many plates from a sterile sleeve.
View attachment 15522

making/pouring agar is my favorite part of the whole process. always made me feel more of a scientist than a grower! i'm curious if you have any cons on using coloring in your agar?

i really like your new clean air setup... i'm just a glovebox pion! hehe

making/pouring agar is my favorite part of the whole process. always made me feel more of a scientist than a grower! i'm curious if you have any cons on using coloring in your agar?

i really like your new clean air setup... i'm just a glovebox pion! hehe

I like playing with the coloring. At some point I'll get into adding antibiotics, but for now I just mess around with it, trying to figure out how it works.

This batch of agar likely will get tossed though. Dunno if it was the coloring or the temperature fluctuations or if I fucked up while mixing it, but there were some solids in it while I was pouring.

I've done activated charcoal plates too, and don't like em. You can't shine a light through the plate and get a clear visual of what's happening whereas with coloring you can. Coloring can be tricky though because it can impact the visibility of contaminants. So, you gotta pick your colors wisely.
I like playing with the coloring. At some point I'll get into adding antibiotics, but for now I just mess around with it, trying to figure out how it works.

This batch of agar likely will get tossed though. Dunno if it was the coloring or the temperature fluctuations or if I fucked up while mixing it, but there were some solids in it while I was pouring.

I've done activated charcoal plates too, and don't like em. You can't shine a light through the plate and get a clear visual of what's happening whereas with coloring you can. Coloring can be tricky though because it can impact the visibility of contaminants. So, you gotta pick your colors wisely.

wasn't sure when i saw yours natural color... eyes and ears open and askin questions first. didn't know if there was a reason i didn't know about. i never made red before.. i stuck to darker colors because it was easier to see growth. i'm a raiders fan so black is my favorite agar color! :)
I like playing with the coloring. At some point I'll get into adding antibiotics, but for now I just mess around with it, trying to figure out how it works.

This batch of agar likely will get tossed though. Dunno if it was the coloring or the temperature fluctuations or if I fucked up while mixing it, but there were some solids in it while I was pouring.

I've done activated charcoal plates too, and don't like em. You can't shine a light through the plate and get a clear visual of what's happening whereas with coloring you can. Coloring can be tricky though because it can impact the visibility of contaminants. So, you gotta pick your colors wisely.
Oh neat idea...dyeing the agar
I haven’t partaken with mushrooms in a couple years but 1/2g of the PE was enough to tell me that the hype of the PE is imo warranted.

I dont think i could be socially comfortable with more than 1 gram. However i think a nice 2-3g would be perfect for a home experience when you dont have to try and communicate with others
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