All things shrooms

Yep! ive never driven on anything but weed and thatll just be what it is forever.
My good time is never worth someone elses life so i stay put once ive taken something.
Plus i couldnt imagine trying to drive on that shit.
My sister in law got arrested a while back for driving on LSD... god damn psycho she is.
Fuck that's madness. I accidentally drove on shrooms one time, but that's because I mistook that twilight period at the end of a trip for being done done, and of course, the trip came back on about halfway home. Luckily didn't cross paths with any LEO, which was rare for the area I was in. Swore I'd never do that shit again. I just had to commit, though, as it was like that scene in fear and loathing where stopping nor turning around was an option.
Fuck that's madness. I accidentally drove on shrooms one time, but that's because I mistook that twilight period at the end of a trip for being done done, and of course, the trip came back on about halfway home. Luckily didn't cross paths with any LEO, which was rare for the area I was in. Swore I'd never do that shit again. I just had to commit, though, as it was like that scene in fear and loathing where stopping nor turning around was an option.
i didn't know that was a normal thing, shit happened to me and i did run into the LEO. thankfully i wasn't peaking like in fear and loathing, that scene with the cop is intense for sure!

reminds me of when i went to go drive my friend home after tripping, i thought i was done, or 'done enough' lol.... almost instantly, or so it felt, right when go to leave town we end up in a checkpoint.

officer asks me to do the alphabet starting with some random letter instead of 'A'... i could not do it, instantly got told to pull over. so we are in the car, not shitting bricks too much cause i know i only had one beer if they want to do a breathalizer.

a different officer comes to the car, i am ready to blow but she doesn't even give me a breathalizer. instead asks me to follow her pen left to right with my eyes only and not move my head. halfway into it i think she is just fucking with me moving that shit so far off my peripheral and i'm still following it, i think i did well cause she told me i could go without getting out of the car or a breathalizer, but i'm sure my eyes looked funny cause it felt like i was tripping again right in the middle of all this
Lotta backroads around here I've driven on everything I've probably ever been on. I'm that sumbitch that knows better but can lose all better judgment if I get twisted enough.

Only things I think I never did was fetty, dmt, and krokadil lol

Thought I was doing coke on a float trip, hit a couple lines and they burned to snort I instantly knew it was meth...said to the guy sharing it yo this is meth..he's like nah its that's how I did H once on accident.

Real careful what I take from others ever since
My first solo acid trip I put the top down on my little beamer and hit the mountain roads around Taft California. Literally the only time in my life that I've screamed in excitement.

Shrooms always makes me feel like there's something wrong with my ride though... like the rear tires are flat or something. Like driving a boat.
My first solo acid trip I put the top down on my little beamer and hit the mountain roads around Taft California. Literally the only time in my life that I've screamed in excitement.

Shrooms always makes me feel like there's something wrong with my ride though... like the rear tires are flat or something. Like driving a boat.
I've driven a few times, on the come down though, couldn't even do it in the middle of one if I wanted to.
Lotta backroads around here I've driven on everything I've probably ever been on. I'm that sumbitch that knows better but can lose all better judgment if I get twisted enough.

Only things I think I never did was fetty, dmt, and krokadil lol

Thought I was doing coke on a float trip, hit a couple lines and they burned to snort I instantly knew it was meth...said to the guy sharing it yo this is meth..he's like nah its that's how I did H once on accident.

Real careful what I take from others ever since
fuck, that's as bad as the one time i did ketamine. thought it was blow. haah boy was i wrong. i quit trusting white powders after that.
fuck, that's as bad as the one time i did ketamine. thought it was blow. haah boy was i wrong. i quit trusting white powders after that.
I did that stuff about 4 or 5 times in my early friend had a house party and some guy just shows up selling K and then passed out and my friend just took all his shit...went to a cardinals baseball game couple days later and did some at the game with him...the following hour was weird, everything looked like an oil pastel piece. Some guy behind us got way too drunk and started barfing and the crowd started throwing popcorn and empty cups at him...that was just like a random Thursday in my youth haha 😆. I dabbled, never got addicted to anything past weed...all my other friends ended up in rehab. Been weed only over 10 years now
I did that stuff about 4 or 5 times in my early friend had a house party and some guy just shows up selling K and then passed out and my friend just took all his shit...went to a cardinals baseball game couple days later and did some at the game with him...the following hour was weird, everything looked like an oil pastel piece. Some guy behind us got way too drunk and started barfing and the crowd started throwing popcorn and empty cups at him...that was just like a random Thursday in my youth haha 😆. I dabbled, never got addicted to anything past weed...all my other friends ended up in rehab. Been weed only over 10 years now
same situation -- dude showed up with a big bag of K, and was breaking out lines for everyone. i was shitfaced drunk and thought, "shit, i could use some sober-me-up sugar," and did a rail that was a bit more than I should've taken. proceeded to get stuck on a chair staring at this tapestry my buddy had on the wall with om symbols on it, tripping balls, thinking, "well, fuck dumbass. what a pathetic way to die after years of abusing drugs." obviously i survived but after that night unless i paid for it i haven't done anything anyone has to offer. sure scared tf outta myself lol
Oh shit, moving quickly.

Bottom half is getting consumed upon about, not too much longer....

I suppose I just tear the bitch open and see what happens, maybe put it in a tote up there to control/maintain some RH?

Keep It Sterile Stupid.


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same situation -- dude showed up with a big bag of K, and was breaking out lines for everyone. i was shitfaced drunk and thought, "shit, i could use some sober-me-up sugar," and did a rail that was a bit more than I should've taken. proceeded to get stuck on a chair staring at this tapestry my buddy had on the wall with om symbols on it, tripping balls, thinking, "well, fuck dumbass. what a pathetic way to die after years of abusing drugs." obviously i survived but after that night unless i paid for it i haven't done anything anyone has to offer. sure scared tf outta myself lol
Lmao you fuckin scared your self straight thinking it was fucking cocaine so you railed fucking KETAMINE? A horse tranq.


On the other hand, I've been itching to try that one for years now lol

I love experimenting.
Lmao you fuckin scared your self straight thinking it was fucking cocaine so you railed fucking KETAMINE? A horse tranq.


On the other hand, I've been itching to try that one for years now lol

I love experimenting.
not really straight but sure was a wake up call. i wasn't exactly in the best mental health at that point, either, so in a sense it was a very logical decision. on the other hand, i'm fuckin glad it wasn't heroin or some other opiate or benzo. things could've gone a whole other direction quickly.

would i recommend trying it? fuck yes. it has some amazing benefits for depression and PTSD and can offer some very rapid improvements in mental health if used in the right setting. should it be done while intoxicated on anything else? probably not.
Finally got some little guys coming up, I think these are blue meanies. Look like little aborts. I'm really hoping the next week the big ones will start coming out

Is that white stuff on top of the aborts bad?PXL_20230928_113747389.jpg
Finally got some little guys coming up, I think these are blue meanies. Look like little aborts. I'm really hoping the next week the big ones will start coming out

Is that white stuff on top of the aborts bad?View attachment 23297
nah, that's normal. just a little bit of mycelium is all. as the fruit bodies get bigger, those little patches will dissipate unless they abort completely, in which case the caps will just turn super dark.
nah, that's normal. just a little bit of mycelium is all. as the fruit bodies get bigger, those little patches will dissipate unless they abort completely, in which case the caps will just turn super dark.
Thank you!

Btw is 75f better than 70 for cubenesis? The air in the tub is 73 at the top now, humidity 90-95.

I have a controller controlling a reptile fogger and a heating mat if < 70f. Just wondering the best settings I can set the controller to.
Thank you!

Btw is 75f better than 70 for cubenesis? The air in the tub is 73 at the top now, humidity 90-95.

I have a controller controlling a reptile fogger and a heating mat if < 70f. Just wondering the best settings I can set the controller to.
i've never monitored temps all that closely, tbh. cubensis doesn't really give a shit about the temps. it's not nearly as temperamental as more exotic varieties, active or otherwise.

that being said, you're fine where you're at. let er rip!
i've never monitored temps all that closely, tbh. cubensis doesn't really give a shit about the temps. it's not nearly as temperamental as more exotic varieties, active or otherwise.

that being said, you're fine where you're at. let er rip!
Btw do you use a casing layer and if so what is your mix?
Btw do you use a casing layer and if so what is your mix?
i've also never used casing layers with cubensis. IMO they aren't required for that variety. when i was running larger operations, it also helped keep costs down as i was basically running turn and burn operations on multiple monotubs, so as soon as the third flush was pulled from a tub, it was reset. casing would've just added to the workload and costs.

to answer your mix question, you want to use something the mycelium won't colonize. best way to do that is use a media that's more basic than the substrate. pan cyan growers talk a lot about using a 50/50 mix of vermiculite and peat moss with some lime added to raise the pH to ~8.0. this seems to be a reasonable mix that would perform for cubensis too, and only serves to provide moisture to the fruit bodies.
Alright so now they are getting bigger, but what makes the cap split like this? Internet told me low humidity so I bumped it from 90-95 to 95-98, but have a feeling it's not that.

Alright so now they are getting bigger, but what makes the cap split like this? Internet told me low humidity so I bumped it from 90-95 to 95-98, but have a feeling it's not that.

View attachment 24134
Humidity doesn’t look to low to me… you have fuzzy feet. Some mutations or genetics can be more prone. Typically it lower humidity or an environmental issue like temp but in some cases its just genetics.

Are you misting still? If so i would stop. Until you pick these then give it a good one before the next flush
Humidity doesn’t look to low to me… you have fuzzy feet. Some mutations or genetics can be more prone. Typically it lower humidity or an environmental issue like temp but in some cases its just genetics.

Are you misting still? If so i would stop. Until you pick these then give it a good one before the next flush
the prodigal son returns! glad to see ya bud!
Missed you brother…. And everyone for that matter. Been balls deep in work and still very much am but there is light at the end of the tunnel
Good, get a break in.

Half way consumed or so, probably open it and place it in a tote for RH control and let it fruit from the bag in another week or so.

Innoculated another one at like 3am this morning.

Seems using pore tape and opening it up for more air flow isn't end all be all.

Can do without it, sure it may increases the chance of healthy colonization but oh well.

Super simple


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Humidity doesn’t look to low to me… you have fuzzy feet. Some mutations or genetics can be more prone. Typically it lower humidity or an environmental issue like temp but in some cases its just genetics.

Are you misting still? If so i would stop. Until you pick these then give it a good one before the next flush
I'm not misting but have a reptile fogger hooked up to a humidity sensor. I'm thinking I need to turn it down then?

Right now it's set to turn on at 95 and off at 98, I had it at 90-95 a week ago, but I'm thinking maybe 85-90 might be the next range to try out.
I'm not misting but have a reptile fogger hooked up to a humidity sensor. I'm thinking I need to turn it down then?

Right now it's set to turn on at 95 and off at 98, I had it at 90-95 a week ago, but I'm thinking maybe 85-90 might be the next range to try out.
Yeah in fruiting 80-85 i find works well… remember its the evaporation thats helps trigger a nice even pinset
I'm not misting but have a reptile fogger hooked up to a humidity sensor. I'm thinking I need to turn it down then?

Right now it's set to turn on at 95 and off at 98, I had it at 90-95 a week ago, but I'm thinking maybe 85-90 might be the next range to try out.
Yeah sounds like if you turn it down to what aquas saying there should be more evaporation action able to happen
Yeah in fruiting 80-85 i find works well… remember its the evaporation thats helps trigger a nice even pinset
Awesome, thanks! It is set to this now.

As far as exotics, I'm not sure as I'm new to it. One of the blocks is blue meanie the other red boy.
Have no idea if these are harder to grow, but I am leaning on trying the golden teachers next cause I heard they are more forgiving. What is your main one, APE?
Awesome, thanks! It is set to this now.

As far as exotics, I'm not sure as I'm new to it. One of the blocks is blue meanie the other red boy.
Have no idea if these are harder to grow, but I am leaning on trying the golden teachers next cause I heard they are more forgiving. What is your main one, APE?
I think the blue meanies are "harder" GE are more "basic" and he was growing APEs last round, probably still is.
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