All things shrooms

So I meant to do a small sample Saturday morning with some tea... It was like nothing, like 3 little aborts from the beginning. ..
They got on top of me quick... And much more than I anticipated or planned for, thankfully I had nowhere to go

Such a nice reset, so cool being able to do it at home
So I meant to do a small sample Saturday morning with some tea... It was like nothing, like 3 little aborts from the beginning. ..
They got on top of me quick... And much more than I anticipated or planned for, thankfully I had nowhere to go

Such a nice reset, so cool being able to do it at home
Aborts can be pretty dam potent
Finally got off my ass and prepped some grain. Nine quart jars and three roughly 2lb spawn bags worth, to be exact. Couldn't fit it all in the PC so doing a second, and maybe third, run today to get everything sterilized. Will let everything rest for a few days to ensure there's no contamination then knock em up with a variety of stuff I'll list out later.
then no nothin for her for xmas! two can play that game lol

jk. don't take marriage advice from me.
Nah i feel the same way about it bro. I do so much shit for her, and i had it all planned out to do it 6 feet up the wall on shelves behind my washer and dryer so the kids cant even get to it
Nah i feel the same way about it bro. I do so much shit for her, and i had it all planned out to do it 6 feet up the wall on shelves behind my washer and dryer so the kids cant even get to it
Yea a non issue

mines in a closet that's hard to open and on the top shelf 6ft or so, I have to reach for.
goddamn rain and wind are fucking with my pressure cooker. i still have another 30 minutes and the thing is having problems keeping temps up because of the shit. dammit.
Fresh mushrooms are way more potent than dried........and the smaller ones seem to be more potent than the larger. Fresh aborts are the best. Reading thru this thread is tempting me to startup a bunch again!
without any verifiable research, i remember back in high school when i started growing talks about aborts being as potent as full body fruits. again, don't have any empirical evidence of that.

fresh contains high concentrations of psilocin, so while not necessarily stronger, psilocin is more available to the body immediately vs psilocybin which the body metabolizes to psilocin. ime fresh is less bitter and makes for a more visual trip. plus, it sounds crazy impressive to tell people "oh yeah, i ate 40g." leaving the fresh part off is where the magic happens haha
last PC load in and preheating. won't be finished till 11pm but dammit, everything that needed PC'ed is getting done tonight. Bags look ok, a little more condensation than I expected but for my first time doing spawn bags I kinda expected that. TBH I'm taking it as a sign they were filled with steam, as they should be, and it'll all be reabsorbed into the grain.

or, in a week, i'll have some nice, disposable bacterial growth, and i'll stick with jars while playing with a small amount of bags until i can get em locked down.
Jars and bags. First time doing two things here. First time doing rye, and first time trying bags. Pretty sure I fucked the bags up but we'll see. Plan on knocking everything up Saturday, if the bags are fucked I'll know by then.

the half rings you see on the bags are from the ceramic bowl i used to keep the bags from inflating and sealing the vent. i'll find another tool for the job next time haha pretty sure it's only cosmetic.
A+ Colonizing.


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Mycellium bruising


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that looks ready to spawn, at least from that angle. have you mixed up the grains at all?
It seems 3/4 colonized I was just contemplating breaking and shaking it and then few days after time to open it and attempt spawning.

last PC run for this cycle is done. I need a bigger PC and I need to figure out a way to automate this shit. pretty sure the electric all americans have a timer on them so when pressure and temp gets hit, they'll hold it for the time set. up way too damn late deal with this crap. gotta give the cooker a few minutes to drop some lbs of pressure before i move it to the flow hood for cooling overnight.

for those that don't know, the reason i move the cooker in front of the flow hood for cooling is as the cooker transitions from pressurized to depressurized, it pulls in air. creates a vacuum, basically. what are we trying to avoid? contamination bearing air. so, right before pressure hits atmospheric i move the cooker in front of the flow hood so it's in a clean stream of air when the vacuum effect takes over in hopes of reducing chances of contamination just a little bit more.

is it mandatory or does it make a difference? i don't know. for years i just let cookers cool. but some newer heads I've been following swear by introducing this additional step of cleanliness and with this being my first grain run in at least two years I'm not taking chances. not with the price I paid for this rye haha.
It seems 3/4 colonized I was just contemplating breaking and shaking it and then few days after time to open it and attempt spawning.
that's what i'd do. that mycelium looks hella thick and healthy. spread that shit out, let it recover a few days then send it!
Sterilization done. The real clean part starts now.

the raised red pin on the left black handle is the pressure lock. almost to atmospheric pressure, but this timing ensures that when that drops, and the split second when it's pulling vacuum to get back to atmospheric pressure, it'll breathe clean air.

signing off shortly, have a great night folks!
Sterilization done. The real clean part starts now.

the raised red pin on the left black handle is the pressure lock. almost to atmospheric pressure, but this timing ensures that when that drops, and the split second when it's pulling vacuum to get back to atmospheric pressure, it'll breathe clean air.

signing off shortly, have a great night folks!
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Mail me some when theyre done
We dont need to tell my wife🤣🤣
What are we talking silk road 2.0? Lol

Just watched a cool special on that the other day, fascinating
there was actually a silk road 2.0 marketplace for all of about five minutes. iirc the operators pulled an exit scam and ran off with all the escrow funds.

also, paying attention to what Ross ulbricht did to get caught is a grade A lesson in opsec failures. for being such a smart dude, he sure fucked up in a big, really simple way.
This damn wife of mine is gonna let me get my mushroom stuff or her dreams of getting these 2 kittens are out the effin winderr.🤣

I dont even like cats 😑😤
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