All things shrooms

I cannot say for certain but the info provided by @Observer makes absolute sense to me… im not sure if the lectin will help like it may with cannabinoids but definitely food for thought

Thank you @ninjadip for bringing this up. Definitely something im going to test out and look into
If testing is involved, look into unprocessed/unrefined cocoa.

I've read that the processed stuff is absent of MAOIs. Of course I can't verify one way or the other. I know I used processed chocolate and felt the synergy. Going to add some raw cocoa next time to see if any difference.

Link to article in photo

Interaction between MAOIs and Psilocybin​

Both MAOIs (Monoamine oxidase inhibitors) found in cocoa and psilocybin interact with the brain's serotonergic system, although in different ways. This interaction can lead to potentially dangerous side effects, including serotonin syndrome.

  • Found naturally in some foods, including cocoa beans, aged cheeses, fermented soy products, and some alcoholic beverages.
  • Function by blocking the enzyme monoamine oxidase, which breaks down monoamine neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
  • This increased presence of monoamines can lead to significant mood and energy changes.

  • The psychoactive compound found in "magic mushrooms."
  • Works by mimicking the effects of serotonin on 5-HT2A receptors in the brain, leading to altered perceptions, hallucinations, and other psychedelic effects.
  • MAOIs prevent the breakdown of psilocybin, leading to higher concentrations of the drug in the brain and potentially intensifying its effects.
  • This increased activity can lead to:
    • Serotonin syndrome: a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by symptoms like high fever, muscle rigidity, rapid heart rate, and confusion.
    • Increased risk of other side effects like anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

some more info from Google BARD

Interaction between MAOIs and Psilocybin​

Both MAOIs (Monoamine oxidase inhibitors) found in cocoa and psilocybin interact with the brain's serotonergic system, although in different ways. This interaction can lead to potentially dangerous side effects, including serotonin syndrome.

  • Found naturally in some foods, including cocoa beans, aged cheeses, fermented soy products, and some alcoholic beverages.
  • Function by blocking the enzyme monoamine oxidase, which breaks down monoamine neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
  • This increased presence of monoamines can lead to significant mood and energy changes.

  • The psychoactive compound found in "magic mushrooms."
  • Works by mimicking the effects of serotonin on 5-HT2A receptors in the brain, leading to altered perceptions, hallucinations, and other psychedelic effects.
  • MAOIs prevent the breakdown of psilocybin, leading to higher concentrations of the drug in the brain and potentially intensifying its effects.
  • This increased activity can lead to:
    • Serotonin syndrome: a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by symptoms like high fever, muscle rigidity, rapid heart rate, and confusion.
    • Increased risk of other side effects like anxiety, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

some more info from Google BARD
Oh this is AI, "need to fact check data" lol

185grams of Brown Rice
156grams of 0ppm Water.

Attempt #3? #4? Of "pasteurizing" a jar for innoculation.


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All the way Live, what is going on here? I took mushrooms, a 1/2 hit of 4 way LSD. So I missed a Dark chocolate boost? SS stoned!!
I so want to experience the Bullshit mushrooms in or from the patties after a rain on a humid morning they would grow before your eyes, I am 6 4 or so,Ha SS
4 way hits of window pane, orange barrel, chocolate mescline, purple micro dot. Legit tripper SS,
Probably not even gonna feel the mushrooms after that haha. That's a legit trip alright. Windowpane was my favourite back in the 90's. Drove through a hurricane on a causeway high as balls on it once while listening to one of the greatest tripping songs ever written.

Probably not even gonna feel the mushrooms after that haha. That's a legit trip alright. Windowpane was my favourite back in the 90's. Drove through a hurricane on a causeway high as balls on it once while listening to one of the greatest tripping songs ever written.

I didn't do them all together, lol.SS grower
Have any of you guys made the mushroom goo? It's kinda like a weed concentrate? Looks like a tootsie roll.i think it's done with ethnol or water. My buddy had some a few summers ago just a little tiny bit mabey half the size of a pea caught me a crazy good high super clean . I tried making some ,it turned out but wasn't as potent. I Only tried makein it once i was thinking about trying to make it again .mabey I used to much heat when I evaped the alchol off I'm not sure.
Haven’t tried but you must also take it into account how quickly these compounds break down from heat, oxidation etc. imo the best way to preserve them is by drying and protecting from oxidation
Haven’t tried but you must also take it into account how quickly these compounds break down from heat, oxidation etc. imo the best way to preserve them is by drying and protecting from oxidation
ya he had to keep it in the stayed good all year. Didn't get any of the negative body effects that you sometimes get from eating a bunch of shrooms. They upset my stomach sometimes if I eat over a few grams. With that goo it was a clean smooth sailing buzz. I'm thinking I got it to hot during the extraction process. It looked and tasted right just not as potent as what my buddy had.
It's been a while since I have given a good update so here it goes.

First off, my wife and I decided to delay our Fall/Winter grow this year. We have an abundance of flower in the house. It's a bit of everything I have grown over the last 2 years. Even the older stuff is still good despite it's age ...

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So for now, I'm doing my best to look like a home hobby mycologist. I've got some psilocybe natalensis that are just beginning to fruit. I've had some struggles with my equipment which has allowed things to dry out and has slowed the process down. My opinion on AC Infinity products has take a huge hit. I've had a lot better luck using my older WiFi Inkbird controller.

View attachment 26251

One thing I've been doing since the middle of the summer is making a liquid culture of all my genetics when I purchase them. This makes a 10 ml spore or liquid culture syringe into an almost unlimited supply. I store the cultures in the refrigerator when not in use.

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I'm currently waiting on a batch of agar plates and I'll begin keeping a plate for each strain I run. I'm also waiting for the following to arrive:

– Pans Cyan Estero 10ml Research Syringe
– Pearly Gates 10ml Research Syringe
– Hillbilly 10ml Research Syringe
– Ghost 10ml Research Syringe
– Penis Envy 10ml Research Syringe

I'm also making up my own spawn grain bags/jars. I'm also making my own coco based substrate mix.

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So far, it seems like my extra large insta-pot has been up to the task of steam sterilization. The only drawback is I can only fit 4 quart jars in it at a time.
jesus man i gotta catch up on my knowledge here
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