All things shrooms

haha you're telling me. i was talking to an old friend of mine that remembers way back when i started growing about how given the equipment and methods i use now, it's amazing we ever were able to enjoy any fruits of those labors back then. so much unsanitary work in non-ideal environments, all the time. granted, i was in the high desert back then and mold counts were almost non-existent, my worst contams were bacterial, but trich would hit spent monotubs after the fifth flush almost every time.

now i just try not to fuck with anything if it doesn't need fucked with. kinda like cannabis. too much love is not a good thing. but, i'm genuinely curious because the martha is new, i've not done tubs like this before, new substrate mix, and i'm not 100% sure i had the substrate saturated quite enough so i'm just hoping when i pop those covers in four days that things look good and i didn't waste 10lbs of spawn lol
Yeah that gonna take some tinkering especially with that manure… pasteurized and not sterilized is IMO a key element unless you have a fast colonizer or very sterile environment.

I have carpets in my fruiting room… it just doesn’t cut it for slow growers. But these B+ and amazon are fucking bulletproof.

Once i see more if a return i will build a sterile room i have most of the material but it also requires more equipment so yeah
Yeah that gonna take some tinkering especially with that manure… pasteurized and not sterilized is IMO a key element unless you have a fast colonizer or very sterile environment.

I have carpets in my fruiting room… it just doesn’t cut it for slow growers. But these B+ and amazon are fucking bulletproof.

Once i see more if a return i will build a sterile room i have most of the material but it also requires more equipment so yeah
yeah, i don't have the manure yet, so this round is just straw + cvg but straw is so damn contam happy and i have a lot of mold around in my piece of the forest. that was a major reason i actually did the mixing of substrate and spawn in front of the flow hood. Never in my life have I done that step with such sterile conditions.

I also tried a new method of pasteurizing, which I'll not be doing again because it was just too much of a PITA. going back to pillow cases unless i can find some other porous material containment that will hold decent volumes of material until i can get a steam sterilizer built. I used myco bags in a water bath @ 145F for two hours. the buoyancy of the material was a challenge to keep weighed down and the pot had more dead space that i would've liked.

i designed a larger than common unit of the Bubba Barrel. Basically it's a large horse trough on its side, and a boiler barrel to produce the steam. figuring out the safety valve sizing and whatnot is still in the works, but i figure something of that size should be able to process 250lbs+ of material every 24 hours. if i manage to get to the scale i want to get to, that'll probably be enough to make it through a week at a time.

all in all, figuring shit out for future scale, and having a bit of fun in the meantime. gotta get grains soaking after work today so there are enough bags ready to go over the next week.
yeah, i don't have the manure yet, so this round is just straw + cvg but straw is so damn contam happy and i have a lot of mold around in my piece of the forest. that was a major reason i actually did the mixing of substrate and spawn in front of the flow hood. Never in my life have I done that step with such sterile conditions.

I also tried a new method of pasteurizing, which I'll not be doing again because it was just too much of a PITA. going back to pillow cases unless i can find some other porous material containment that will hold decent volumes of material until i can get a steam sterilizer built. I used myco bags in a water bath @ 145F for two hours. the buoyancy of the material was a challenge to keep weighed down and the pot had more dead space that i would've liked.

i designed a larger than common unit of the Bubba Barrel. Basically it's a large horse trough on its side, and a boiler barrel to produce the steam. figuring out the safety valve sizing and whatnot is still in the works, but i figure something of that size should be able to process 250lbs+ of material every 24 hours. if i manage to get to the scale i want to get to, that'll probably be enough to make it through a week at a time.

all in all, figuring shit out for future scale, and having a bit of fun in the meantime. gotta get grains soaking after work today so there are enough bags ready to go over the next week.
Yeah i still don’t. I mix my sub/spawn open air… which is probably the frustration i have with the super slow colonizing of the PE.

When i did horse manure i sterilized it after multiple pasteurized attempts…. The rest of the sub i pasteurized. Then mixed it.

The shit just seemed to contaminate unless I sterilized it separately. Even then i feel a fast colonizer is the absolute key to manure… just something to keep in mind over other traits if you want to avoid grey hair and balding lol
Yeah i still don’t. I mix my sub/spawn open air… which is probably the frustration i have with the super slow colonizing of the PE.

When i did horse manure i sterilized it after multiple pasteurized attempts…. The rest of the sub i pasteurized. Then mixed it.

The shit just seemed to contaminate unless I sterilized it separately. Even then i feel a fast colonizer is the absolute key to manure… just something to keep in mind over other traits if you want to avoid grey hair and balding lol
for sure. i never had problems with horse manure way back when. now the biggest problem i'm having is getting a hold of the shit in the first place. i've also always been pretty diligent about how i pasteurize. always for a minimum of two hours at minimum 140F, preferably closer to 150F, and never passing 160F. 160F is just too hot and does more harm than good. those thermophilic bacteria are super important for offering protection while the mycelium we want takes hold.
curiosity got the best of me, popped a corner up for a little peek at both tubs. colonization is fuckin ROCKIN boys. gonna decrease the full cover come off from four days out to Sunday. Probably won't be at full colonization but should be pretty damn close.
Moved on to some big tubs. May post pics when they start to fruit.

@Zen_seeker was it you i was going to get some spawn jars to a long time ago?

I finally up and running at a decent level now that i dropped the PE. If so i have jars ready to send
Cool 👍

PM me what you need.
haha so the pink buffalo bags definitely went bacterial. Checked em yesterday and those bags had swollen up like balloons and smelled god awful. so, back at square one for those guys. still have some LC so gonna knock up a couple grain bags and see about getting that back to actually doing something productive.

gonna introduce fruiting conditions for the JMF tubs today. also have a long list of shit to knock out in front of the flow hood. might even work in a PC session on some test tubes for slants. pics will come later.
Moved on to some big tubs. May post pics when they start to fruit.

@Zen_seeker was it you i was going to get some spawn jars to a long time ago?

I finally up and running at a decent level now that i dropped the PE. If so i have jars ready to send
a few of us haha

but ur in canada, eh
I like the grow tent. Best use I’ve seen for these little clear 3-4 shelf models. 👍
best thing is it cost less to build than buy the same damn thing from places like North Spore. Greenhouse was on sale for like $25, ultrasonic humidifier was $40. Had a spare 6" inline fan and ducting collecting dust, so kinda free, I guess? $10 on lava rocks to line the drip tray. $10 on a small MERV-13 filter. All in less than $100 not including the tubs.

I did modify the humidifier with a vacuum hose for a shop vac so that it sits outside of the greenhouse since get this. humidifiers don't last long in 90%+ humidity lol. if i were to do something like it again, I'd probably spend a bit extra on some real flanges for the humidifier tubing, and the exhaust fan connection.

at this point I'm passively shopping around for grow tents in some uncommon dimensions because they'll be more cost effective and won't require the same kind of modifications to become function for this purpose.
the challenge of actually dialing in the martha have begun. condensation is sticking around on the surface of the tubs, and the controller doesn't seem all that accurate. i have a second hygrometer in there and there is a pretty significant discrepancy between the controller and the hygrometer, and with that i think it's safe to say the hygrometer is probably right given the presence of condensation.

dialed back the controller quite a bit and am going to run the exhaust fan non-stop for the next couple hours to see if i can get the condensation to dissipate. not too worried about the tubs drying out but definitely don't want to be seeing any water pooling now that things are starting to knot up.
I wanna grow mushrooms, it's just looks confusing to me lol.
So I just live through yall
Mycology was my first love, I started growing these years before I started cannabis. It seems overwhelming at first but it really is simple and is low cost when your growing for yourself and the homies.
Mycology was my first love, I started growing these years before I started cannabis. It seems overwhelming at first but it really is simple and is low cost when your growing for yourself and the homies.
I'm not a science guy.
Half the stuff you guys say I don't even get lmao 🤣
same. i wasn't able to keep a house plant alive before i started growing mushrooms. everything changed after i started growing them. and now, there are so many low effort techniques that one can easily produce personal quantities with a tiny bit of shelf space in a closet and a couple hours of effort.
Too many big words for me to understand lol.
I don't even understand weed and I've been growing 6 years lol

it is easy if you ever wanted to try man. you don't need to go all out in bulk like these guys. you could do it small with jars. all it uses is brown rice and vermiculite. and no special equipment.

no lights, no electricity, just a spray bottle and some perlite to grow them. if i could do it, you sure could!

I'm sure I could, just got no idea how to get started, where to start or who to buy from lol
gotchu. mushroom man mycology has spores that are reliable. good PF Tek, and that'll give you the info you need for the simplest, most basic method to get started (almost everyone starts with the PF Tek). Then, in about six to eight weeks, come back to the forum and post about how amazing it is frying on your own supply haha
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