Bean's Stash Closet


Crushing It.
Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 1, 2023
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I'm about 1 month in on this Dutch Master White Widow, transplanted into the closet 1st week of March and gave it 3 weeks in veg before flipping 1 week ago. It has needed defoliation almost weekly to keep the size down, very bushy and vigorous growth, esp after topping. Its shaping up nice though, and hopefully I left enough room for stretch.

I started it at 450ppm and have ramped up 100ppm weekly to about 800ppm now. I planned on continuing veg ratios into 2nd week of flower. GH Trio following the schedule(roughly) as well as epsom, power Si and recently gave it a dose of hygrozyme. It seems to like everything I've given it so far. I top off during the week with water then exchange 4 gallons with fresh mix on the weekends and bump the dose. Havent done a full res change yet. Tiny bit of burn on just a couple big fan tips, I did bump the light up a week or so ago though.
Since this is my first full run in this space, I was trying to be conservative w how big I let it get it veg. Roots are squeaky clean but slightly off colored, I think this may have been some light leakage coming from the netpot so I covered it with some black cloth.
The environmental controls have been excellent. It just does the thing and I dont worry about it too much.
I'm gonna be tucking as it stretches for the next week or so and see how it goes. Any and all advice is appreciated.

Cheers everyone!


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Our little aquaponic herb garden is doing pretty good too. It has been a really fun little side project in our grow area, its actually become kind of a family hangout lol. The hydro catnip we are growing makes the cat go nuts, its hilarious. He cries and begs for it like a little junky haha.


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Both great setups.(y)
Very interested to follow along with how the grow goes.
I almost went with rubbermaid 10gs. May still some day.
Thank you! I have no complaints so far. I was just talking with my wife about how lucky since day 1 the system itself has really been a non-issue and just works. It has been all about watching the plant and its food and the rest sort of goes on in the background. That pump you recommended has been flawless.
One thing I was unsure about- I've been using hydroguard for bacteria and added hygrozyme last feed. Ok to continue adding these weekly w my feeds or should there be an interval?
You can continue to use hydroguard but really by now you have a colony or you don’t. If you don’t, something is killing them and let’s get that sorted before you add more. If you do you are pouring money into your res without benefit.


If you were talking about orca my advice would be different. Hydroguard is a single strain of bacteria in spore form that has been deactivated via stress. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens only. It’s there or it is not. My guess is it is there and doing fine.

They will reach a natural equilibrium with their food supply which is exactly what you want. No need to add more spores or sugars of any kind those just introduce boom and bust cycles.

Enzymes can be easily overused as well. Especially since the plant will produce them too. You are potentially wasting money but adding more of either will do no harm.

My primary use for enzymes is as a root rejuvenator, I do not run them prophylacticly. How do the roots look? Any concerns anywhere?
Our little aquaponic herb garden is doing pretty good too. It has been a really fun little side project in our grow area, its actually become kind of a family hangout lol. The hydro catnip we are growing makes the cat go nuts, it’s hilarious. He cries and begs for it like a little junky haha.
The more I look at this the more intrigued I get. Is the fish waste enough for herbs or are you somehow adding nutes?

How does the water not get green?
Not really any concerns. They are slightly off colored right under the net cup, which I assumed was some light leakage but otherwise nice and white esp after the 1st dose of hygrozyme. I ask because the labels always tell you keep adding the stuff, but I was wanting more of a rejuv of the roots before going to flower like you are suggesting. My water temps never get above 70f, nothing is growing in any abundance on any surfaces. Biofilm, but that's normal in any water system.
The more I look at this the more intrigued I get. Is the fish waste enough for herbs or are you somehow adding nutes?

How does the water not get green?
It's the most amazing little circle of coexistence. The beneficial bacteria consume the fish shit and turn it into fertilizer for the plants, which in turn filter the water for the fish. Algea can't compete. I dont add nutrients, just fish food. We actually need more fish but I never add more than a few at a time.
Yes, I flipped a week ago yesterday. This weekend I was going to start amending in early flower ratios, but if it's still blowing up I might keep this mix rolling until it starts to slow down. What's your process for transitioning nutes? I was going to do my usual 25% weekly exchange but work in the new ratios and see what she says.
I would keep up on the veg nutes and cal mag for now. Once you start seeing flowers, switching to higher PK is next.

If you are going to see a calcium deficiency, now is when it will happen. This could be my eyes, but the 2nd pic looks overall more lime green than the first. New growth is a little pale. That is usually normal to a point, plants require photons and time to mature chloroplasts in new leaves. Too much and it is an indication you need N.

Depending on genetics and how much she stretches, you may need to make little adjustments. If you post up new pics daily like you are, I'll help you as best as I can.

More light was a good call IMO.

I don't think I would go any higher than the 800 you are at now, but ratios matter and we may need to tweak (not just add on top) if anything looks out of whack.
Ok sounds like a good plan. I have only been using Epsom vs cal mag but I did add one dose of cal mag middle of last week to make sure it had calcium ahead of transition, probably wont hurt to repeat this week since I wasnt planning on feeding again till this weekend.
You are making it look easy bro, outstanding.

If this were me I'd encourage a bit of stretch. You got room there and more photons to catch if you go wide.

Please remind me which SF light you have and if you have access to any supplemental spectrums. Like any additional fixtures you could potentially hang in there.

Keep on with the silica for now, lets make some branches. We will be stopping that in 2 weeks tho.
It's a Spider Farmer SE3000. I have some smaller 100w lights but they are nothing special or specific. Bestva pro-1000 or something. Do they make supplemental led bars of different spectrums? I could probably fit a couple in there flanking the SE3000.
Yes there are many ways to influence plant’s morphology using spectrum.


Maybe something to consider for the next grow. If you are handy you can get some specific photons in there that trigger plant responses for not a lot of money. It is perhaps the most direct way to hack the plant. Do this... watch it change. Personally when I see a grower who is crushing it in veg and growing fast in RDWC, my first goto is spectrum to enhance harvest. Used to be CO2, but I've learned since then.

Spectrum and PPFD, considered from seedling, is easily the most important % of yield by any measure. More important than environment, nutrients, root treatments, CO2 - all of it.

Think of RDWC as a big tank of fuel - everything you need at all times - and lights are the gas pedal. Even if something is wrong with one of the parameters, you just back off the gas and slow it down to soil speed. Fix the problem. Speed back up.

If you are the kinda guy who likes to learn and head to the next level, I'd advise that you learn how light effects morphology first, and how it drives enzymes and hormone production second. It's a big bite of knowledge, but its where the good stuff is if you got RDWC down, which you do.

If not, that spider farmer will produce fine weed my dude, no worries at all.
Oh yeah that'll be right up my alley for sure. I tend to obsess over my hobbies until there is no stone unturned. I think I'm probably in good company.

Thanks Moe. I dont know if I've said it before but it's the folks like yourself that make it easy for new growers like myself to just fuckin go for it and try things knowing there is that deep support available. I didnt think when I bought my 1st tent it would turn into building a custom closet and bucket system but here I am. It's why I jumped in here to help support you all in this endeavor with the new forum without hesitation. This is gonna be great.
Oh yeah that'll be right up my alley for sure. I tend to obsess over my hobbies until there is no stone unturned. I think I'm probably in good company.

Thanks Moe. I dont know if I've said it before but it's the folks like yourself that make it easy for new growers like myself to just fuckin go for it and try things knowing there is that deep support available. I didnt think when I bought my 1st tent it would turn into building a custom closet and bucket system but here I am. It's why I jumped in here to help support you all in this endeavor with the new forum without hesitation. This is gonna be great.
Awesome we will figure this out together.
Thanks SLG! Also,, want to thank you for the work you guys are doing to get this new forum up. Been there, done that.

Much thanks and love to Moe, who has lead this effort and done most of the work on this forum. I'm still getting up to speed on this system, how it works, etc and I turn around and Moe's bout got er done! Wow, great job brother! Line me out on anything I can do today, don't have to go to work until 5 tonight @Moe.Red.
Much thanks and love to Moe, who has lead this effort and done most of the work on this forum. I'm still getting up to speed on this system, how it works, etc and I turn around and Moe's bout got er done! Wow, great job brother! Line me out on anything I can do today, don't have to go to work until 5 tonight @Moe.Red.
Sorry bud just logging on for the first time today. Last night I got off the board early because 2 of my guys in one of my trucks coming home from KC fully loaded broke down in the middle of nowhere.

So last night had to go pick them up. Then today went out in a monsoon and 50MPH winds to fix the damn thing. It's an hour one way and near nothing.

3 Goddam trips later for parts and tools, I finaly get it pieced back together only to find when the belt broke it took other shit with it. And no one wants to touch this job out in the middle of nowhere.

So me and my foreman are out in the boonies, standing on ladders, getting drenched and freezing. Until about an hour ago. But at least I get to stop by caterpillar tomorrow at 7 to pick up parts and do it again lol.

The joys of chasing the dollar bills floating around out there. Sometimes you just gotta shovel the shit.

So tonight is HAOG via @Oldsog and tv. I'll work on the forum tomorrow. But I do appreciate the help man. You wanna check out hosts that meet the specs for a Xenforo install and make a recommendation? We can start getting that figured out now and plan to move in a couple weeks.

I gotta get you the link to the AI logo thing too, I'll ask my wife and post a link.
Sorry to hear about the breakdown, glad everyone is safe! Be careful tomorrow and best of luck getting everything repaired.

Don't worry about us, we'll hold down the fort and try to get something done!

I will reach out to Elementor pre-sales support and see what they have to say.
Still waking up but 11 days in and showing female since Wed I think. A few days ago I tied the main branches down a bit to open up the middle, but it just filled back in immediately lol. I also did some light spot defoliation here and there like the big fans underneath that weren't getting light anymore. I think you're right Moe, some supplemental light to get her to stretch a bit more would've been fun to play with here.

It hit critical mass last night and started pushing rh above 65% without the humidifier so I switched my exhaust from running on cycle to actively regulating the max rh and temp. Also adjusted rh down (1.15 vpd.)
Nutes are down about 100ppm from where I started the week, added back 3 gallons of fresh. I'm gonna wait til she wakes up and give a sip of cal mag today and plan on my usual 25% exchange of the res water on Sunday.


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