Bean's Stash Closet

Fish garden is doing decently well considering how dry it is down here and the tank isnt fully loaded yet. If AC infinity stocks humidifiers again I'll stick the one I have in my closet out here for the herbs.


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Looks like buds sites starting to set this morning. Next time I'm gonna push it harder in veg and try to fill out the trellis more before I flip. So far shes been happy just sitting there bushing out. It's all good. I'm hoping for sucessful harvest first, maxing space will come.


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Looks like buds sites starting to set this morning. Next time I'm gonna push it harder in veg and try to fill out the trellis more before I flip. So far shes been happy just sitting there bushing out. It's all good. I'm hoping for sucessful harvest first, maxing space will come.
You are doing great. You don't need to change a thing, only if you want to.

Far Red + blue in early veg will cause the plant to grow wider for example. The plant processes far red with the absence of red as being in the shade. It branches and grows laterally. In early veg, this can make for weak stems and stalks, so silica is important to have in the res.

Too much far red in early veg can be a problem. Only far red WILL cause problems. Far red only on seedlings is a death sentence for example. You need blue photons in there!

Lots to learn and experiment with, or you can just keep doing what you are doing, it's working!
Thanks Moe. I noticed on my Aerogarden the led array has more blue and red diodes than my other lights, which makes sense. Definitely get bushy little clones and seedlings from it.
Did some more light defoliation through the center to hopefully encourage some of the borderline tops to get above the canopy before she sets up. Main branches are starting to stiffen.


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Did some more light defoliation through the center to hopefully encourage some of the borderline tops to get above the canopy before she sets up. Main branches are starting to stiffen.
Looking good.

I'd edge up the PPFD a little bit each day for the next few days. Either let the plant grow into the light or if you are stretching it out under the net drop the light a couple inches per day. This light should be run in the 8" - 10" range above the canopy. It's a bar light thing.
Ok will do. I'll be two weeks in on Monday, not trying to slow it down or anything so I'll reup these same ratios for this week and keep on rolling.
Yes there are many ways to influence plant’s morphology using spectrum.

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Maybe something to consider for the next grow. If you are handy you can get some specific photons in there that trigger plant responses for not a lot of money. It is perhaps the most direct way to hack the plant. Do this... watch it change. Personally when I see a grower who is crushing it in veg and growing fast in RDWC, my first goto is spectrum to enhance harvest. Used to be CO2, but I've learned since then.

Spectrum and PPFD, considered from seedling, is easily the most important % of yield by any measure. More important than environment, nutrients, root treatments, CO2 - all of it.

Think of RDWC as a big tank of fuel - everything you need at all times - and lights are the gas pedal. Even if something is wrong with one of the parameters, you just back off the gas and slow it down to soil speed. Fix the problem. Speed back up.

If you are the kinda guy who likes to learn and head to the next level, I'd advise that you learn how light effects morphology first, and how it drives enzymes and hormone production second. It's a big bite of knowledge, but its where the good stuff is if you got RDWC down, which you do.

If not, that spider farmer will produce fine weed my dude, no worries at all.
Spider farmer will I’ve done it and so have you but if you can afford some nicer it does make a difference! Red where’s ur sf lights ? Lol same place mine are ! Lol
I dont really know enough about grow lights to spend a bunch on them yet. What would be a good upgrade to look at for that size space?
Spider farmer will I’ve done it and so have you but if you can afford some nicer it does make a difference! Red where’s ur sf lights ? Lol same place mine are ! Lol
Mosh did the spider farmers suck?
I gave 4 SF 2000s away.

They are OK not great.

I have not tried one of their bar lights. They kept screwing around with me on a sponsorship and I finally just walked away. I think they are a big improvement over the quantum board style, just no spectrum control at all. Cheaper that way.
Well I guess I learned my light sucks lol. And to think just yesterday I was perfectly happy w it.
Well I guess I learned my light sucks lol. And to think just yesterday I was perfectly happy w it.
The light doesn’t suck! There’s just better out there course it comes at a price! I flower with s hlg which is in my best tent - I use kingbrites which no control but still grow good bud ! And even a mars light - so good product can be produced - I have a sf 2000 just don’t like the spectrum and size of board that’s all -
Well I guess I learned my light sucks lol. And to think just yesterday I was perfectly happy w it.
No man sorry if I misled.

The ones I gave away were quantum boards. Like gen 1 sf lights. Not great just ok. But they were an upgrade to the blurples I had in there before that. And the blurples were an upgrade in ppfd over the floresant I had before that.

It’s all relative.

Here’s the funny thing. Like people wearing crocs again, seem like blurples are back in style for flowering. The distinct lack of green produces a higher thc in the flower stage. But they are not nearly as good at veg as your full spectrum se3000.

Everything is a compromise until you get to the $1500 plus per light kinda hardware. And then you need to know what you are doing to run those lights! Nothing is free!

I would absolutely find a spot on the basement for your light if I had one.
Its all good dudes I was just being early morning stoned smartass, I totally get it.

My general attitude is that there are typically diminishing returns with most things one pays a premium for, particularly in the enthusiast realm of hobbies. The few % of performance there is to potentially gain, isnt likely to be realized without some extensive know how to go with.
Yesterday did a reup on my nutes back to 850ppm or so, tweaked toward GH transition ratios. Added silica one last time, and same 1/2 tsp epsom per gal added. All the leaves look good.

Also, while the plant was still manageable I wanted to give it a root bath in hygrozyme(I only added it to the res before), feel the roots and also check surfaces inside the grow bucket etc. I havent seen the entire root system in weeks and it's damn amazing.
Hygrozyme bath was left very cloudy so I assume good root exfoliation occured, plant loved it. Perked right up within an hour back in the bucket which surprised me since I also defoliated some while it was out. I figured all this handling would at least irritate her? Nope.

I dumped some of the enzyme solution in the res and also dipped my clones as they are putting roots out now. I'm gonna keep a close eye this week to see how she likes the nute change.


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I'm still inching the light down Moe, slowly. It responds fairly quickly if I put it too close.
This strain seems to be on board with what I'm hoping to accomplish here. If I get it through ok and the smoke is nice I'll be pretty stoked to run it again I think.


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She responded well to the nutes and is chowing down. Nice little boost of growth above the trellis today. Res is clean and pH has been very stable.


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I'm surprised the water in the res is not darker at 860 ppm.

You are running GH, correct?

I tend to modify the instructions and use a lot less grow and at lot more micro than they suggest. Micro has lots of N, but it also has other important stuff like Sulphur. I can expand a bit more when I have time.
Yes GH. I'm using their ratios but not at their recommended ppm or schedule. I have Epsom in there too.
I topped off with tap water today and ppms are down around 810 . Definitely drinking and eating more this week and blasting off to somewhere lol. I have 50ppm from my tap in that # as well Moe.


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Another angle from the weed cam.
Plant looks perfect.

My only concern is if it would look just as good at 500ppm.

The nutes you use will have an impact on taste, color, finish.

You can definitely have too much of a good thing, like garlic. And nutes sometimes.

This this where your growing style will emerge. What will you do? Smoke grows trees on sneezes farts and a little cal mag. I’m in the low middle. I know successful growers that do over 1000.
I like the farts and cal mag plan lol. I cook the same way.

Right now I'm just feeling my way around and through things and happy the system itself has been performing without issue. Automating climate has been a big load off. I like that the skill ceiling is near infinite and there is much I can improve on. The custom light spectrums intrigue the shit out of me, so that'll be happening at some point.
You're doing great CB. Fun watching you going through some of the same things I went through.

My only concern is if it would look just as good at 500ppm.

First thing caught my eye was the darkish green you are seeing and I thought the same thing about your ppm's that Moe mentioned.

I went through this my last two grows and learned less is more. I left for two days with the ppm on the Grape Gas grow at about 470. It will likely be below 400 when I get home Saturday morning and I would amend but I plan to change out the res to bloom ratios at that time, gonna aim for that 500 mark and go higher if they show a deficiency. These plants are super happy, hope to find the time to update the journal this weekend but my priority is working on the forum and website so we'll see.

I have not had to correct much yet in deficiencies yet but I have had over feeding issues and it seems those effects do not go away once you have over fed them even if you dilute your res. That N tox is a bitch from what I can tell.

Here are a couple of photos I took this morning before I left.


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