Bean's Stash Closet

Dumping the whole rez can be looked at as unnatural but I do it three times a day. Ebb and Flow water for 30 minutes 3 times a day. It still produces high yields.
What actual is tip burn? Is it too high of PPM or the wrong percentage of NPK and such. I have my own data suggesting it is wrong percentages.
I think it's wrong percentages more than too high of ppm. Sheit, i don't feed high ppms

I get tip burn more often than I don't. This last grow with the white tips seemed to be more exagerated than most
I think it's wrong percentages more than too high of ppm. Sheit, i don't feed high ppms

I get tip burn more often than I don't. This last grow with the white tips seemed to be more exagerated than most
Still can't figure that one out. We need more ideas from great growers. Time to start inviting folks to take a peek.
"There are many charts out there and often they are drawn differently. Also note that Hydro is not the same as soil, and there are different charts for soil."

Would it be a good idea to have a section in the menu to put these charts etc.

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Take Phosphorus for example. If your PH is too low, you will essentially prevent the uptake. Anthem is right, it has to do with the ions in play.

Look at Calcium and Magnesium. If you are having a Cal deficiency, like at the beginning of flower, letting the PH drift up is a good thing. Let it drift too far and iron becomes a problem.

There are many charts out there and often they are drawn differently. Also note that Hydro is not the same as soil, and there are different charts for soil. The bottom line is the macro trends are true regardless of the specifics.

When you hear the term lockout - this is where it comes from.
You guys are hurting my head and scaring me again ! Lol what I do is so simple - full melt time I’ll feel better! Lol
You guys are hurting my head and scaring me again ! Lol what I do is so simple - full melt time I’ll feel better! Lol
Lol you can grow good weed in hydro and not know all this crap. This is just for us special people on the short bus.

This just gets to the whys and the tweaks.

Just set your ph to 5.8 and forget it. The rest will take care of itself. Trust me.
Today is week 3 since flip. I've been topping off with water and extra mix I reserved from last feeding, so I'll give it a few more days to burn through it before making any further adjustments. No tip burn or deficiencies noted. The pH settled back to 5.7 and still drinking about 3/4gal daily give or take.


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So nice man~! (y)
Cut it back fairly hard eariler this morning so I dialed the light back 1 tick for next 24hrs. Drinking and eating a lot so Im going to do another 25% ammend toward bloom ratios tomorrow and see what comes of it. Got my first whiff of her true stank and it's glorious.


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Our little aquaponic herb garden is doing pretty good too. It has been a really fun little side project in our grow area, its actually become kind of a family hangout lol. The hydro catnip we are growing makes the cat go nuts, its hilarious. He cries and begs for it like a little junky haha.

Love the aquaponics CB!! By far my favorite way to grow plants. Non stop action and fun! 🤘
Alright happy this morning but the defol seems to have taken a little momentum or perhaps its just getting done w stretching.
I wanted to try lower ppm as suggested so I ammended my res with with 3 gal of mix vs 4, and exchanged 6 gal total. Bloom ratios, epsom and no Armor Si. Now around 700ppm give or take. Landed right at 5.85pH, no adjustments needed. Stuck my arm down in the bucket and felt up the roots and they are still clean. Lots of added mass since I did the root spa too.
I also left the light level where it was but dropped it down 5-6 inches. Some outer sites are starting to angle in at the light so I need to get that baby down.
My gut is telling me the next week or so will be where things are most likely to start unraveling w my feed program or lack thereof, so I'm stoked to see what happens.


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I need to make a cheat sheet of who is doing what, or quit smoking weed so my memory is better. :oops:

I think you are running GH trio. Assuming you are, this is the time I would start backing down the grow and replacing it with micro. I'd say your girls are just a tough N light, and there is plenty of N in micro. As you get thru the stretch and buds are well on their way, we will be backing down N even more.

Remember total PPM is good to know, but the ratios of each macro and micro nutrient are more important than the actual PPM number. Getting the mix right is what separates good farmers from great ones.

If you continue to crush it like this, I predict 10 - 12 OZ dried.
You know, I almost skipped the Gro but figured I'm probably poking the tiger enough as is for my first attempt here lol.

Edit- My veggies are ready to pot up so I can start to harden them off a little before transplanting outside in a couple weeks. Love this time of year so much, everyone is out getting gardens ready lol.


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People often think that Grow is where you get all the N. Not so much.

See that calcium in Micro - that is your friend when you switch to flower and ramping up before the swtich.

P&K are coming from bloom, so you are not loosing out there.

That's my thinking, and I'd say it works well on 85% of the cultivars I have grown.
BTW - that EDTA and EDDHA crap - that's chelation.

What is chelated fertilizer? The word chelate is derived from the Greek word chelé, which refers to a lobster's claw. Hence, chelate refers to the pincer-like way in which a metal nutrient ion is encircled by the larger organic molecule (the claw), usually called a ligand or chelator.

Iron, for example, can only be taken up if a specific ion form.

As it relates to growing, a chelate is an agent that bonds to a micronutrient, thereby making the micronutrient more readily available for uptake in plant cells. It's what makes this synthetic, and we do not need the help of bacterium to break down nutrients to make them plant available. Better living thru chemistry.
My older fans and stuff under the canopy are dark green, I should probably snip one and get it in some natural light so you can further assess. Im not worried about it too much because they otherwise look healthy to my eyes.
My noob thought process was the gro seemed like a place I could try dialing back N a bit since their schedule was already shifting away from it, then monitor to see if any color started getting pulled out of those old fans, adjust if needed. I was also stoned and may have been reading the can of fish food, I dunno. Everything's fine.
This clone is climbing out of it pretty well in the 1 gal bucket. I was planning on vegging it in the tent in another 10gal Brute dwc but maybe try using Jack's stuff this time. I used it for my soil grows and had good luck. Rather not keep buying liquid fertilizers if I can mix myself. USPS often fails at delivering them still inside the bottle on the 1st try.


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Pic from later in the day after light and nute adjustment. Definitely angling fans up more but no curling that I could see. Soaking up the water.


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BTW - that EDTA and EDDHA crap - that's chelation.

What is chelated fertilizer? The word chelate is derived from the Greek word chelé, which refers to a lobster's claw. Hence, chelate refers to the pincer-like way in which a metal nutrient ion is encircled by the larger organic molecule (the claw), usually called a ligand or chelator.

Iron, for example, can only be taken up if a specific ion form.

As it relates to growing, a chelate is an agent that bonds to a micronutrient, thereby making the micronutrient more readily available for uptake in plant cells. It's what makes this synthetic, and we do not need the help of bacterium to break down nutrients to make them plant available. Better living thru chemistry.
Moe as I understand it EDTA's contain a lot of salt and are kind of a no no because of the salts.
My older fans and stuff under the canopy are dark green, I should probably snip one and get it in some natural light so you can further assess. Im not worried about it too much because they otherwise look healthy to my eyes.
My noob thought process was the gro seemed like a place I could try dialing back N a bit since their schedule was already shifting away from it, then monitor to see if any color started getting pulled out of those old fans, adjust if needed. I was also stoned and may have been reading the can of fish food, I dunno. Everything's fine.
Dialing back the N and stripping the lower green leaves at the same time could cause some problems. N is mobile and the plant might be a little low on N. If you leave the lower leaves for a week or so more that might help the plant bring more N up to the top of the plant.




People often think that Grow is where you get all the N. Not so much.

See that calcium in Micro - that is your friend when you switch to flower and ramping up before the swtich.

P&K are coming from bloom, so you are not loosing out there.

That's my thinking, and I'd say it works well on 85% of the cultivars I have grown.
Moe the grow has most of the K at transition as well. I use this stuff for Moms now just because it was cheap and easy. But it is looks pretty dam good the way they are tweaking it. Funny how they put the magnesium in every bottle.
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You know, I almost skipped the Gro but figured I'm probably poking the tiger enough as is for my first attempt here lol.

Edit- My veggies are ready to pot up so I can start to harden them off a little before transplanting outside in a couple weeks. Love this time of year so much, everyone is out getting gardens ready lol.
Bell Peppers and Tomateos are already starting to bear! Had to make quick work of the last picture. Bees are extremely aggressive since I brought the population down 2 days ago. Might have to kill off the hive. We have Africanized bees in California. One swarm and I am shit out of luck.
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