Bean's Stash Closet

We made vegan "crab" cakes with lions mane last summer. Regardless of what it was imitating, absolutely delicious substitute.

I love Maitake (hen of the woods) in particular. Very versatile and great meaty texture. Chanterelles are something we use as long as he can bring them. Hours upon hours of carefully cleaning and shaving stems on chanterelles..
It’s morel season up there mmmmmm cost as much or 60/70 a lb down here if ya know somebody ! Lol
Today marks 4 weeks since flip to 12/12, 7 weeks total in the system. Did the weekly ammend this morning to bring it back to 780ppm range. It had consumed ~90ppm since last Wed. I subbed the gro w micro to see what happens. At this point I have ammended in approx half the system volume w bloom mix.


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All my clones rooted and seem to be doing well. Since it's that time of year, the two in the tupperware are going in soil pots to grow outside this summer.


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Looks 5x5 beans, just watch it close since you are in transition, and if you have any symptoms at all tag me in and I'll help you thru it.

I'm surprised at how little she stretched.
Sound good dude. A full changeout takes me less than 30min so Im watching close w one hand on the ripcord haha.
Bud sites really popped overnight. Big beautiful stink when I walked into the mechanical room this morning too.


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This morning I cut a bunch of big fans out to get better light penetration down the stems and increased light to 60%. Tomorrow I'll unhook the trellis and rotate the plant so I can start doing the same on the other side, plus ensure even browning lol.


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You might want to rethink unhooking and rotating the trellis to avoid a mishap
Ok, I was going to unhook it from the anchors and rotate the whole plant/lid but you're probably right.

Edit- you got me thinking dude. I wonder if I could fab up some kind of free standing circular trellis frame that could rotate w the lid for next time. Hmm.
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I built lst clips into my twist locks so the training comes out with the plant. Not a scrog but works to hold branches down. Can still take the whole plant out and work on it on the bench.
Yes, this is similar in concept. The 6 tie downs actually did most of the works in training. They are anchored on the lid, which stays w the plant.
Got another brute 10gal and air pump on the way so I can start vegging this beautiful little clone in my tent. Closet plant is really starting to stink up the basement. I dialed rh back to 50-52%.


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The table is set dude, cant wait to see what happens lol.
Hey I don't know if you noticed I sped ahead of you. That's the CO2. Overall size of the plant too. Amazing the boost it gives once everything else is dialed in. Your grow is going so well it would have benefited. Imagine having 20% more plant there. Your horizontal space could take it, and you have another 8 inches you could go higher. The difference in yield would be significant.

You could also fill the space more if you vegged longer. The problem with pheno hunting is you never know how big the plant will get during the stretch until you grow it once. If you grow this plant again, 2 more weeks of veg probably would have filled the space. Or same time with CO2.
Gas sounds cool, I dont think it would take much to accomplish w that size space. I think you're right about another week or two in veg, I was being conservative w it this time not knowing how much it would stretch. Next run I'm only doing 2 nodes vs 3, the center canopy was a cluster fuck most of the time and I cut most of it out anyway. Lot of wasted energy there. Im.still weeks ahead of my soil grows.
Thinking ahead to Monday feeding. I'm now 2 months with no full change out, only ammending. The plant is doing great but I'm having 2nd thoughts about how far I should push this water into flower. My concern is potentially holding it back in ways I can't easily gauge. At the same time I'd love to see this through for the challenge of it and would hate to upset the plant w a big change. Feel like I'm at a crossroads here where I need to make a call and Im a little conflicted.

WWBBD? (What would Bud Builders do?)
Im not sure I've ever done a change out while in veg and I'll go as long as 8 wks.

If it was mine i wouldn't change anything your doing until the water/plant tells you to
Thinking ahead to Monday feeding. I'm now 2 months with no full change out, only ammending. The plant is doing great but I'm having 2nd thoughts about how far I should push this water into flower. My concern is potentially holding it back in ways I can't easily gauge. At the same time I'd love to see this through for the challenge of it and would hate to upset the plant w a big change. Feel like I'm at a crossroads here where I need to make a call and Im a little conflicted.

WWBBD? (What would Bud Builders do?)
Nice now I gotta get a neoprene bracelet ! Lol
I dont know what is happening but she is down 50ppm overnight and over last few days pH leveled off at 5.6 then started rising slowly. Sitting at 5.9 right now. She is down nearly 150ppm for the week now.
I’m a little confused what happened to the stretch on this plant. I’ve grown dozens of white widow and they tend to be tall. Where were the seeds from?

I think you could go either way. The safe way is to change out the res and reset. If you are getting big swings in ph or ppm that is a good time to do it.

These days I’m keeping the res water for a whole grow. I’ve been at the other end and change out weekly. The both work. Keeping the same res water the whole time requires some skills and watching the plant closely but is more similar to nature. That’s why I do it. Trying to get maximum complexity in the plant. But an imbalance can cause issues too so it’s really up to you.

Safe bet is to swap out at least part of the res.
I got them from North Atlantic Seed Co, I think they were dutch passion or something. They described it as a more compact strain and that's what I was looking for. I wouldn't say big swings in pH, but the trend down reversed and I havent seen that yet. It is back at 5.85 now, ppm still dropping fast and its drinking. Buds are blowing up too.
For sure a healthy plant beans but not what I am used to in ww at all. I got my genetics from greenhouse seeds the original breeder. Mine were big tall fast growing and doubled in size on the stretch.

I’ve probably grown 20 of them over the years. Never seen this pheno.

I question if it is really ww. Doesn’t really matter the plant is still happy and gonna be great, just saying.
I've never grown it so I dont have anything to compare with. I got some bubba kush seeds too, and they gave me sunrise sherbert for freebies. Its also entirely possible I stunted its growth doing too much or not enough, no idea. I'm still at the thankful for each day it's not brown stage haha. I have 2 clones I'm going to put in soil and grow outside so I can see what it does without cropping etc.
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