Bean's Stash Closet

You did nothing that would cause a plant that normally stretches 200% to not stretch. That is genetic.

My best piece of advice is to only buy from breeders or in original breeder packs. Been burned too many times personally.

I got some real ww here if you want to try it to see the difference.
Yeah man I'd love to take you up on that. I really have no clue when it comes to that end of it. I'm just looking for good smoke that grows the way I want in the closet. I really love the setup, having the plant elevated w the sort of countertop around everything is so handy for working on stuff.
24hrs after full res change to half strength bloom ratios+epsom. I chickened out after last few days of unusual shit going on w the water lol. It had stabilized but spooked me enough to do at least one full changeout this grow lol. I also brought the light up to 70%

I noticed the leaves growing thinner and more shiny starting around the outside of the canopy and working in. This plant has far more hairy, frosty bud growth at this stage than my other two grows.


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Looks like you have resin rails starting to form.

Do you consume bud or do concentrates? I ask because there is a good chance you will have tons of trichomes on what would normally be considered trim. Maybe not the greatest for smoking, but still plenty to extract there.
Looks like you have resin rails starting to form.

Do you consume bud or do concentrates? I ask because there is a good chance you will have tons of trichomes on what would normally be considered trim. Maybe not the greatest for smoking, but still plenty to extract there.
You're right, I'm even seeing trichomes on big fans. We smoke currently but want to move away from it w edibles or concentrates once I get a couple grows in the bank.
I question if it is really ww. Doesn’t really matter the plant is still happy and gonna be great, just saying.

I agree. I've grown WW and that doesn't look like what I grew although maybe the WW I grew wasn't WW?
This is what I have. Not sure what they did w their strain but It is growing how they described, near as I can tell.

Res is down 60ppm since Monday and its sucking up water, so far so good.


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Looks legit.

There is some controversy over who made WW originally. I think most agree it was Greenhouse Seeds. That is the version I ran. I saw very few pheno type differences, seems stable to me.

For me it has always leaned sativa and on the tall side.

But who cares, as long as it makes good smoke. Yours could be better!
Do you think you are dialed in enough for more light?

5.6 ph is low for bloom nutes. You can steer uptake a bit with ph.

Are you on the 500 scale for ppm?

You have buds under the canopy that will not develop as well as the ones in full light.


The top of the plant looks like it can take more light if you keep it dialed in like this.
I can definitely try pushing more light. I adjusted pH yesterday after it ate a bunch and its stabilizing closer to 6 now. I'm on the same scale but backed strength off somewhat a few weeks ago when I started seeing that tip burn.

I see what looks like start of maybe calcium deficiency showing in older fans in the form of faint orange or rust colored little spots out on some of the tips. It's not much but I can see it. I'll grab some pics tomorrow when it wakes up. I havent used cal mag but once and it was back before I flipped lights.
Looks legit.

There is some controversy over who made WW originally. I think most agree it was Greenhouse Seeds. That is the version I ran. I saw very few pheno type differences, seems stable to me.

For me it has always leaned sativa and on the tall side.

But who cares, as long as it makes good smoke. Yours could be better!
I think it was my second grow and i grew 4 plants successfully. 2 were White Widow and 2 were white rino. All 4 had similar strech where they doubled in height
This was 12" tall when I flipped it, now 24" after stretch. Viola, doubled. Lol.

Here is one of the fans with the rust spots forming. It's only on a couple of these old fans.


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I farted toward the intake vent while dumping in 50ppm cal mag. If it's too much N I was going to leave out gro next feeding and sub w cal mag(2-0-0) If I do this I'm not sure if I should also leave out the Epsom for 1 week. I dont have a lot of purple on the petioles and seems to be handling light ok.
I'd stick with just the cal mag for a day or 2. Let's see how it responds. My guess is that will take care of it, although that leaf will not heal. You are looking for new spots to (not) happen.
Ok thanks Moe. I'll keep an eye out and give it some more this weekend if it progresses. The buds are still growing rapidly. I'm holding it at 6.1-6.2pH for now.
Got the veg tent going with the clone I brought on in the 1gal paint can. Couple things left to do but it's mostly gtg. This was sort of the last step in getting my production line all up and running. Hopefully w 10gal bucket I wont need to mess w water too much for the next 3-4 weeks but we'll see. More learning opportunities.


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Got the veg tent going with the clone I brought on in the 1gal paint can. Couple things left to do but it's mostly gtg. This was sort of the last step in getting my production line all up and running. Hopefully w 10gal bucket I wont need to mess w water too much for the next 3-4 weeks but we'll see. More learning opportunities.
Oh I like this.
I am really liking the Brute grow~! (y)
Just an air pump for the clone until you move her in 3-4 weeks?
That's the plan! Soon as I harvest and reset the water, I'll stick the whole lid+clone in the rdwc. Lid is thick plastic and easily supports a plant + netpot, at least the sizes I'll be handling them.
One of the two clones I rooted in a tuperware w hydroton getting transplanted to soil.
Dude you are killing it. That clone has perfect bones. This is a very important stage of life. I start to detect cannabinoids within a couple weeks off clones this size.

You may have access to these tools at work:


With the refractometer you measure alcohol in wine or in our case brix. A measure of sugar production.

@Pipecarver that leaf is a 7. Been without co2 for 3 days. I’ll report back what the number is when they recover.

This plant was running 10.
I dunno Moe, in spite of my apologies for farting in her closet the calcium deficiency seems to have progressed to more large fans and she slowed down drinking somewhat so something is up. Plant seems ok overall, slightly less happy I guess. I backed off ppm by 100 to see if picks up overnight.
I dunno Moe, in spite of my apologies for farting in her closet the calcium deficiency seems to have progressed to more large fans and she slowed down drinking somewhat so something is up. Plant seems ok overall, slightly less happy I guess. I backed off ppm by 100 to see if picks up overnight.
Got a pic?
Got a pic?
Picture at post # 193,

Cool beans can you update us on what's in the water nutes and strength, what day you on?

Looking at your picture thats exactly the stage of progression Moe treated his. (Picture very similar)
Picture at post # 193,

Cool beans can you update us on what's in the water nutes and strength, what day you on?
I meant a new one. Showing the progression. Just want to make sure it is calcium.
Its sleeping now but I'll grab pics in the morning. I did a full res change on Monday. I switched to GH bloom ratios at half strength, plus 1/2tsp Epsom salt per gallon. Added 50ppm Calmag a couple days ago. I'm at 490-500ppm now.
Its sleeping now but I'll grab pics in the morning. I did a full res change on Monday. I switched to GH bloom ratios at half strength, plus 1/2tsp Epsom salt per gallon. Added 50ppm Calmag a couple days ago. I'm at 490-500ppm now.
Then it’s a misdiagnosis most likely. Ph stable?

Did you add light? If so back it down tomorrow.
This is the last pic of the issue

I’d like to see the new pic before I comment but if it is progressing with ph in the right zone and additional cal mag we have another issue. Backing the light down by itself will likely cover up new symptoms but will not actually get to the root imbalance. As soon as you turn the lights back up it will likely show up again.
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