Mornin all you menz!
@Rootsruler, how are you doing? @SiamSam are you getting any relief? I’m better this morning. Three days of exercises ice and Tylenol. But, I am moving around better. Not running any races but nice to be able to just sit in a chair. I don’t think mine would have gotten so bad had I been able to get in the floor to do the stretches etc. but, I’m not getting in any hotel floor period. I already go in and disinfect the room to start with. Every light switch, knob and door handle, I put the remote control in a plastic ziplock (number two mode of infection) and pull the filters out of the AC and spray them down with Lysol. (Number one mode of infection). Nothing I can really do with the flooring, except wear shoes.
Sooooo, I’m a germaphobe with a slightly fecked up iliac crest! Kinda funny 😂
Ya forgot the bed ? Needs disinfected , use your imagination
I can see it now "maury I have 12 kids because well the ladies love me, started wearing cologne at 4"


My stepson got the you smell like cigarettes comments when he stays at his dad's house...we smoke outside because of the smell and tar
I smoked outside when I lived alone. Not reefer, but cigarettes and now my cigars. I don't know how people smoke inside.

I do smoke on the crapper though. Exhaust fan does it's job pretty well.
MRI- sound like a classic bulging or herniated disc?
The last disc is completely can see where it is supposed to be on the xray. Also have hernias on both sides. I'm with you on being afraid of surgery, Here i have seen a lot of stupid shit, have to say not the sharpest tools but gr8 looking.
The last disc is completely can see where it is supposed to be on the xray. Also have hernias on both sides. I'm with you on being afraid of surgery, Here i have seen a lot of stupid shit, have to say not the sharpest tools but gr8 looking.
I got hung on the iliac crest looking so crooked, that I missed the obliterated disc. I can tell you that heat causes me great pain. Feels good while it’s on there but once removed I’m in trouble.
Here’s hoping to see some improvement!
I got hung on the iliac crest looking so crooked, that I missed the obliterated disc. I can tell you that heat causes me great pain. Feels good while it’s on there but once removed I’m in trouble.
Here’s hoping to see some improvement!
TGIF...wondering if plasma enriched platelets in the crest area would help. Have seen 80% improvement in my wife's knee ...
TGIF...wondering if plasma enriched platelets in the crest area would help. Have seen 80% improvement in my wife's knee ...
Well, they are using a process somewhat like that for cancer treatments. Flooding the area with platelets and T cells.
Have they given you a treatment plan?
Main thing, is don’t let it get you down. Stress is a bitch on injuries. Stay positive and take every tiny win.
The last disc is completely can see where it is supposed to be on the xray. Also have hernias on both sides. I'm with you on being afraid of surgery, Here i have seen a lot of stupid shit, have to say not the sharpest tools but gr8 looking.
I have 4 bulging possibly herniated discs...2 in the base of my spine 2 at the top near my skull. I got to a point the year before my son was born that my back just gave out and I was toast for like 2.5 months. Slept in a recliner if I went flat it was so painful to try to get up. Everytime I smoked and coughed it was so painful I barely would smoke. Me and my wife were on dabs at the time and using a rig they smack ya around so she was smokin all my dabs 😧.

Reason I quoted you though is I figured I'd explain a couple exercises they gave me at the chiropractor that really seemed to help.

1) I call the dry hump lol. Basically lay flat on your back, knees up feet flat on the ground (typical sit up position) and try to focus on your pelvis just moving mostly and using the lower back to hump upward. Slow steady ya know this one hurts at first.

2) stand by a wall for support. So you face forward with the wall to either your right or left side. Rest your forearm onto the wall (sort of leaning) then slowly move your hip in toward the arm that's resting on the wall and back it to loosen up then switch sides and go the other way. This one doesn't hurt as bad at first and really helped loosen my back up.

Take it easy with them don't wanna get hurt but they are pretty light stretches that I paid quite a bit of money to learn lol, they help though
Basically lay flat on your back, knees up feet flat on the ground (typical sit up position) and try to focus on your pelvis just moving mostly and using the lower back to hump upward. Slow steady ya know this one hurts at first.
This absolutely kills my back for the first 15 minutes... but its loose after that for like 2 hours. Only difference is i pull my heels right in against my butt lol.
Just laying there like that hurts but it definitely does help just takes a bit to feel it lol.
I have 4 bulging possibly herniated discs...2 in the base of my spine 2 at the top near my skull. I got to a point the year before my son was born that my back just gave out and I was toast for like 2.5 months. Slept in a recliner if I went flat it was so painful to try to get up. Everytime I smoked and coughed it was so painful I barely would smoke. Me and my wife were on dabs at the time and using a rig they smack ya around so she was smokin all my dabs 😧.

Reason I quoted you though is I figured I'd explain a couple exercises they gave me at the chiropractor that really seemed to help.

1) I call the dry hump lol. Basically lay flat on your back, knees up feet flat on the ground (typical sit up position) and try to focus on your pelvis just moving mostly and using the lower back to hump upward. Slow steady ya know this one hurts at first.

2) stand by a wall for support. So you face forward with the wall to either your right or left side. Rest your forearm onto the wall (sort of leaning) then slowly move your hip in toward the arm that's resting on the wall and back it to loosen up then switch sides and go the other way. This one doesn't hurt as bad at first and really helped loosen my back up.

Take it easy with them don't wanna get hurt but they are pretty light stretches that I paid quite a bit of money to learn lol, they help though
Lmaooo @ your description. It’s called a pelvic floor lift. I was trying to find a way to tell him of this, yet I just could not formulate the right words! I think you took care of that. 😂😂😅😂
Forty eight balmy degrees on my front porch this morning!
Lmaooo @ your description. It’s called a pelvic floor lift. I was trying to find a way to tell him of this, yet I just could not formulate the right words! I think you took care of that. 😂😂😅😂
Forty eight balmy degrees on my front porch this morning!
Lol I can't help it I'm a walking face palm🤣🤣
Ya'll got me in here feeling guilty. I'm pretty lucky to be in the shape I'm in after nearly 20 years working construction.

I'm still just a youngin', though, at nearly 35.
Just feel blessed! I was 33 when I had an accident and wrecked my back. Been dealing ever since. They told me there was no fix. I broke several facet joints along the spine. That’s the “hooks” along the spine that attach the rib cage. I also twisted my pelvis and broke two vertebrae.
I did it their way until I became hooked on pharmaceuticals. That, to me was the hardest to overcome.
I met a chiropractor that got me back on my feet and had tended to me for the past 18 years. He took all the pokes and died last March. Been on my own since then.
I have 4 bulging possibly herniated discs...2 in the base of my spine 2 at the top near my skull. I got to a point the year before my son was born that my back just gave out and I was toast for like 2.5 months. Slept in a recliner if I went flat it was so painful to try to get up. Everytime I smoked and coughed it was so painful I barely would smoke. Me and my wife were on dabs at the time and using a rig they smack ya around so she was smokin all my dabs 😧.

Reason I quoted you though is I figured I'd explain a couple exercises they gave me at the chiropractor that really seemed to help.

1) I call the dry hump lol. Basically lay flat on your back, knees up feet flat on the ground (typical sit up position) and try to focus on your pelvis just moving mostly and using the lower back to hump upward. Slow steady ya know this one hurts at first.

2) stand by a wall for support. So you face forward with the wall to either your right or left side. Rest your forearm onto the wall (sort of leaning) then slowly move your hip in toward the arm that's resting on the wall and back it to loosen up then switch sides and go the other way. This one doesn't hurt as bad at first and really helped loosen my back up.

Take it easy with them don't wanna get hurt but they are pretty light stretches that I paid quite a bit of money to learn lol, they help though
These make sense, feel better today, no power in our neighborhood today. Asked the electric people if they would come and trim my tree near the wires. Sure enough 1 guy with a machete and the cherry picker crane took off branches until I was happy. Because the gate was closed I had to climb over And didnt kill myself. Going to the regenerative medical clinic for a free evaluation. @Franksta is my personal physician and have to get his .02.
These make sense, feel better today, no power in our neighborhood today. Asked the electric people if they would come and trim my tree near the wires. Sure enough 1 guy with a machete and the cherry picker crane took off branches until I was happy. Because the gate was closed I had to climb over And didnt kill myself. Going to the regenerative medical clinic for a free evaluation. @Franksta is my personal physician and have to get his .02.
Glad to hear your feeling a bit better even after climbing over the fence! Waiting on Frankster not Frankster? He may be in Bali this week! Hope you get good news from the clinic!
Well, they are using a process somewhat like that for cancer treatments. Flooding the area with platelets and T cells.
Have they given you a treatment plan?
Main thing, is don’t let it get you down. Stress is a bitch on injuries. Stay positive and take every tiny win.
I am 'they' the most concerned with my overall condition; get opinions from people who have been there then I decide. Keep doing the exercises and step only on 2 solid warmed up legs. Sunday is more acupuncture.
I have 4 bulging possibly herniated discs...2 in the base of my spine 2 at the top near my skull. I got to a point the year before my son was born that my back just gave out and I was toast for like 2.5 months. Slept in a recliner if I went flat it was so painful to try to get up. Everytime I smoked and coughed it was so painful I barely would smoke. Me and my wife were on dabs at the time and using a rig they smack ya around so she was smokin all my dabs 😧.

Reason I quoted you though is I figured I'd explain a couple exercises they gave me at the chiropractor that really seemed to help.

1) I call the dry hump lol. Basically lay flat on your back, knees up feet flat on the ground (typical sit up position) and try to focus on your pelvis just moving mostly and using the lower back to hump upward. Slow steady ya know this one hurts at first.

2) stand by a wall for support. So you face forward with the wall to either your right or left side. Rest your forearm onto the wall (sort of leaning) then slowly move your hip in toward the arm that's resting on the wall and back it to loosen up then switch sides and go the other way. This one doesn't hurt as bad at first and really helped loosen my back up.

Take it easy with them don't wanna get hurt but they are pretty light stretches that I paid quite a bit of money to learn lol, they help though
Great and appreciate the dry humping nomenclature.
Just feel blessed! I was 33 when I had an accident and wrecked my back. Been dealing ever since. They told me there was no fix. I broke several facet joints along the spine. That’s the “hooks” along the spine that attach the rib cage. I also twisted my pelvis and broke two vertebrae.
I did it their way until I became hooked on pharmaceuticals. That, to me was the hardest to overcome.
I met a chiropractor that got me back on my feet and had tended to me for the past 18 years. He took all the pokes and died last March. Been on my own since then.
I do feel blessed, no doubt. And don't get me wrong, I have some aches and pains from the job, but my back is in good shape. A few years ago, I broke a rib snowboarding and that's the only one that still bugs me on the regular.

I'm glad you were able to kick the painkillers. Those things are no joke and I've witnessed them drag several people down, even taking a couple out.
I use this for aches and pains it shakes you like a fish. It fixed the back and shoulder problems I had.this thing makes me feel like I'm 16.
Next round coming on! Week two since up potted from solo cups.
Oregon Grape
Blue Dream
Cement Shoes
Green Crack
Happy ladies 🥰 Off to the tents today, then they will really get it!View attachment 21424
Jelly about that cement shoes and blue dream!
Blue dream is one of my favs.
Jelly about that cement shoes and blue dream!
Blue dream is one of my favs.
I’m excited about the Oregon Grape. I loveeeee grape terps and taste. It’s supposedly a very old line.
I grew Blue Dream and Cement Shoes last round, and liked it so well that I repeated it this time.
I’m excited about the Oregon Grape. I loveeeee grape terps and taste. It’s supposedly a very old line.
I grew Blue Dream and Cement Shoes last round, and liked it so well that I repeated it this time.
I enjoy grape terps and taste too. I totally misread that as "orange grape" the first time i read it. Might need to lay off the joints this morning... 😆
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