I have 4 bulging possibly herniated discs...2 in the base of my spine 2 at the top near my skull. I got to a point the year before my son was born that my back just gave out and I was toast for like 2.5 months. Slept in a recliner if I went flat it was so painful to try to get up. Everytime I smoked and coughed it was so painful I barely would smoke. Me and my wife were on dabs at the time and using a rig they smack ya around so she was smokin all my dabs

Reason I quoted you though is I figured I'd explain a couple exercises they gave me at the chiropractor that really seemed to help.
1) I call the dry hump lol. Basically lay flat on your back, knees up feet flat on the ground (typical sit up position) and try to focus on your pelvis just moving mostly and using the lower back to hump upward. Slow steady ya know this one hurts at first.
2) stand by a wall for support. So you face forward with the wall to either your right or left side. Rest your forearm onto the wall (sort of leaning) then slowly move your hip in toward the arm that's resting on the wall and back out....do it to loosen up then switch sides and go the other way. This one doesn't hurt as bad at first and really helped loosen my back up.
Take it easy with them don't wanna get hurt but they are pretty light stretches that I paid quite a bit of money to learn lol, they help though