Snow or rain mid month? Hoping snow

Just got a new phone and my weather tracking sucks at the moment I saw a bunch of gloomy rain for weeks on a weekly forecast
Shes doing alright, with everything going on, better than me anyway.
Still working her ass off like always, finally got approved to go do her manager training so soon she will no longer be an Interim Manager and shell get another $2 an hr raise.
3 weeks of that, and then she goes in for surgery is the plan right now.

Fighting with my insurance company this morning because i have 100% full coverage on my car, including towing.
But theyre giving me the run around and wont send someone to come pick up my car to tow it to the shop... 😤😤
What the hell do i pay 180 dollars a month for then?!
I often wonder that too. Why is the government forcing me to pay five times what my health insurance cost prior to the Obama meddling, for half the coverage I used to have? Which now makes medical care dangerous for me, as I’m target that will pay them to experiment.
Snow or rain mid month? Hoping snow

Just got a new phone and my weather tracking sucks at the moment I saw a bunch of gloomy rain for weeks on a weekly forecast
They are saying all of it, plus temps running 25-40 degrees below our normal temps.
I often wonder that too. Why is the government forcing me to pay five times what my health insurance cost prior to the Obama meddling, for half the coverage I used to have? Which now makes medical care dangerous for me, as I’m target that will pay them to experiment.
I finally got them to come get the dang thing
Me either! I’d rather hang out with you guys! No way I want my brain washed, I like the THC content that resides there! Lol
I dont watch the "news"
I really hate it.
Hate it even more when people screenshot articles or send me pictures of the crap on tv.

Ive never enjoyed the "news"
When i was little my dad always told me i should watch it to know whats going on in the world.

Guess who doesnt watch the news anymore either? My dad. Lol

Id much rather spend that time tending plants or smoking pot🤣
I dont watch the "news"
I really hate it.
Hate it even more when people screenshot articles or send me pictures of the crap on tv.

Ive never enjoyed the "news"
When i was little my dad always told me i should watch it to know whats going on in the world.

Guess who doesnt watch the news anymore either? My dad. Lol

Id much rather spend that time tending plants or smoking pot🤣
News used to be anti government and anti big Corp. Now they are nothing but propaganda outlets. Classified as entertainment and not news.
It's literally all about ad revenue.. everything. Sports, politics.. all of it.
They've never said the news was the truth. Its not like we see the statement that " This is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me big guy in the sky." Walter Cronkite had an air of honesty to him, those days are long gone. They're now pushing gov talking points and advertising for big business in fancy designer clothing....
Almost done with my chores! Got a gathering of back woods folks coming this evening. Meat on the grill, veggies and dips prepped. Just need to roll up the good stuff. Just country boyz n girls getting down on the farm!
I’ll send you all a vid greeting. 🥰
They've never said the news was the truth. Its not like we see the statement that " This is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me big guy in the sky." Walter Cronkite had an air of honesty to him, those days are long gone. They're now pushing gov talking points and advertising for big business in fancy designer clothing....
Lets say you are on the stand in a court of law.

Bailiff asks "Do you swear to tell the truth bla bla bla"

You answer no.

What then? Anybody ever try it? What are they gonna do, take away your birthday?
Lets say you are on the stand in a court of law.

Bailiff asks "Do you swear to tell the truth bla bla bla"

You answer no.

What then? Anybody ever try it? What are they gonna do, take away your birthday?
I’m up for jury duty on the 20th, I’ll try that out! 😂🤣😅😂
So I was at the mechanics shop with my car today and he said that my car was due for spark plugs to be replaced....I said Okay how much/ he said $65 I said okay lets do it, he says you have 4 they are $65 each.....Say fking What? I can give you them for $59....for a fking SPARK PLUG? plus 1 1/2 hrs to replace them.........let me think about it was my reply....
and here i was pissed a few months ago when i had to pay $6 each for mine!!! put em in myself with a buddy helping.. took us about four hours for six of them.. we took a lot of smoke breaks though!!!
The geese are heading home. Just heard the first migrators fly over heading north. Always a welcome sound this time of year. They migrate mostly at night so keep your ears peeled when outside enjoying your fine smoking product. Winter is coming to an end my friends.
and here i was pissed a few months ago when i had to pay $6 each for mine!!! put em in myself with a buddy helping.. took us about four hours for six of them.. we took a lot of smoke breaks though!!!
4 hours six plugs? How long without the smoke breaks, maybe 45 minutes?

You obviously don't work in the pits with those race cars.

Feckin subarus...

I used to love working on cars. I rebuilt several powerstrokes and upfitted them to run straight vegetable oil. Collected it from restaurants for free. I ran my whole farm on that or biodiesel I made myself. Wife even had an upfitted Excursion with a powerstroke and we ran all of it on zero trips to the gas station.

Now, when I say it all back, being the learned old wise age that I am, I shoulda just thrown my wallet at it. The tools I bought and all the extra crap I put on those trucks was way more expensive than the gas would have been. But it's a sickness..
Feckin subarus...

I used to love working on cars. I rebuilt several powerstrokes and upfitted them to run straight vegetable oil. Collected it from restaurants for free. I ran my whole farm on that or biodiesel I made myself. Wife even had an upfitted Excursion with a powerstroke and we ran all of it on zero trips to the gas station.

Now, when I say it all back, being the learned old wise age that I am, I shoulda just thrown my wallet at it. The tools I bought and all the extra crap I put on those trucks was way more expensive than the gas would have been. But it's a sickness..
I got a garage full of tools. Haven’t turned a wrench in 7 years now. I got tired of it and too old now. Easier to take it to the shop when needed. Don’t even do my own oil changes anymore.
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