Welp. Its official.

Car is broke down, but now i know what it is. Junk catalytic converters are plugged up rattling around and ive got no power.

So ill be spending another 2 grand to put an exhaust on this car only 10 months after i just put one on it from the engine out the back.
Public speaking was never my strong suit, unless saying sit down counts~!
I got good at that.
Number drawer was about to show you up like a child or dog.
You know tell your friend about what ever and then they make you look a fool when you go to show your friend~!
Some days people cross our paths and leave us with thoughts about why this happened.
I met the author of this book today, a man much senior to my age, and he kindly provided me with a copy and a handwritten note he insisted on putting on the inside page. Literally approached my table, introduced himself and told me that he was drawn to me and compelled to share his book and life with me.
Severely sexually abused as a child, a war time vet, suffering severe PTSD and mental illness he lays out his life and how the love of a dog saved him.
Everything happens for a reason. How could he have possibly known that I speak out passionately against this very thing? How could he have known that I wear many hats doing battle against this very thing? How could he have known that I have been a victims advocate for many years?
Some days just leave me wondering just how tuned in others are. He read me quick.. it’s usually me reading others. Left me a bit addled. Feeling like there is a message in all of this. Now, if I can only figure it out..IMG_1739.jpegIMG_1740.jpeg
Some days people cross our paths and leave us with thoughts about why this happened.
I met the author of this book today, a man much senior to my age, and he kindly provided me with a copy and a handwritten note he insisted on putting on the inside page. Literally approached my table, introduced himself and told me that he was drawn to me and compelled to share his book and life with me.
Severely sexually abused as a child, a war time vet, suffering severe PTSD and mental illness he lays out his life and how the love of a dog saved him.
Everything happens for a reason. How could he have possibly known that I speak out passionately against this very thing? How could he have known that I wear many hats doing battle against this very thing? How could he have known that I have been a victims advocate for many years?
Some days just leave me wondering just how tuned in others are. He read me quick.. it’s usually me reading others. Left me a bit addled. Feeling like there is a message in all of this. Now, if I can only figure it out..View attachment 42909View attachment 42910
Well sit down with a few joints some hot chocolate and when you’re done reading that let us know how it is 🤗
With his world turned upside down from a tragic accident , Leon Wilson finds himself on a life changing road trip. Along the way he shares his many childhood memories of love, joy, and humorous situations. He also witnesses the devastating abuse of a little boy and his unwavering love for his rock, a dog named Bo. Leon finds himself intertwined in a web of love, lust and guilt. His faith, along with the memory and words of a lost friend, pushes him to do the right thing. Katie Jean is faced with a monumental decision while coping with every day farm life and dealing with a professed Christian’s dark side, where there seems to be no escape for her and her precious children. Leon, the tough ex-marine, was determined not to shed a single tear. However, he was soon questioning what the warm thing was running down his cheek
With his world turned upside down from a tragic accident , Leon Wilson finds himself on a life changing road trip. Along the way he shares his many childhood memories of love, joy, and humorous situations. He also witnesses the devastating abuse of a little boy and his unwavering love for his rock, a dog named Bo. Leon finds himself intertwined in a web of love, lust and guilt. His faith, along with the memory and words of a lost friend, pushes him to do the right thing. Katie Jean is faced with a monumental decision while coping with every day farm life and dealing with a professed Christian’s dark side, where there seems to be no escape for her and her precious children. Leon, the tough ex-marine, was determined not to shed a single tear. However, he was soon questioning what the warm thing was running down his cheek
Where did ya find this at Smoke?
The people of my town....

Was at dollar general tonight and the woman in front of me was talking to her boyfriend/husband about how she would be "so unbelievably happy if she could fart glitter"

What in the actual hell is wrong with people. Like cmon 🤦🏻
The people of my town....

Was at dollar general tonight and the woman in front of me was talking to her boyfriend/husband about how she would be "so unbelievably happy if she could fart glitter"

What in the actual hell is wrong with people. Like cmon 🤦🏻
I'd rather fart money. :cool: I'd be a trillionnaire.
Mornin GS! How’s the Lady doing?
Shes doing alright, with everything going on, better than me anyway.
Still working her ass off like always, finally got approved to go do her manager training so soon she will no longer be an Interim Manager and shell get another $2 an hr raise.
3 weeks of that, and then she goes in for surgery is the plan right now.

Fighting with my insurance company this morning because i have 100% full coverage on my car, including towing.
But theyre giving me the run around and wont send someone to come pick up my car to tow it to the shop... 😤😤
What the hell do i pay 180 dollars a month for then?!
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