Some days.. today I took a trip to get some worm castings. I get to the place and I ask a much older than myself lady for two bags. The convo proceeded as follows:
” What are you going to do with that? It’s fifty lbs of it.”
“Grow stuff.”
”What kind of stuff?”
”Organic stuff.”
Having several one dollar bills from my travels of late. “Do you need some ones.”.
So, I peel off twenty five of them.
”WOW, you have a bunch of ones.”
”Yup, looks like Ive been playing poker.”
She then answers, “Or stripping!”.
In my mind, I’m thinking ummmm no bitch that would be tens and twenties 😂🤣😂 But the real me answers,
”I seriously doubt I could make enough to pay for worm poop.”
She answers, “ yeah, me too.”
Why the hell can’t I just go buy worm poop? 🤦‍♀️
Some days.. today I took a trip to get some worm castings. I get to the place and I ask a much older than myself lady for two bags. The convo proceeded as follows:
” What are you going to do with that? It’s fifty lbs of it.”
“Grow stuff.”
”What kind of stuff?”
”Organic stuff.”
Having several one dollar bills from my travels of late. “Do you need some ones.”.
So, I peel off twenty five of them.
”WOW, you have a bunch of ones.”
”Yup, looks like Ive been playing poker.”
She then answers, “Or stripping!”.
In my mind, I’m thinking ummmm no bitch that would be tens and twenties 😂🤣😂 But the real me answers,
”I seriously doubt I could make enough to pay for worm poop.”
She answers, “ yeah, me too.”
Why the hell can’t I just go buy worm poop? 🤦‍♀️

not to change the subject but is sounds like you need your own worms...

I need to recycle my soil.
I have every grow of soil still~! Most outdoors protected under rubber~! Some still in shop from last grow [slacker].🥴
I would guess 200-300 gallons of premium soil used once.
I need to recycle my soil.
I have every grow of soil still~! Most outdoors protected under rubber~! Some still in shop from last grow [slacker].🥴
I would guess 200-300 gallons of premium soil used once.

until now i have always reused my soil, my last batch of 200 gallons lasted over ten years of repeated use. i'd add stuff each time of coarse but the base was used over and over.. after a while the dried roots become like a coco noir hempy style.

i took it to the extreme but there is nothing wrong with reusing soil at all!!!!
Grow these outside this year?View attachment 45458 Im thinkin so, been sitting on em a while now.
Thinking these and 2 or 3 Triangle Skunk Shine i got from winning PoM!
The BMS are F1s from @Moshmen.
Some days.. today I took a trip to get some worm castings. I get to the place and I ask a much older than myself lady for two bags. The convo proceeded as follows:
” What are you going to do with that? It’s fifty lbs of it.”
“Grow stuff.”
”What kind of stuff?”
”Organic stuff.”
Having several one dollar bills from my travels of late. “Do you need some ones.”.
So, I peel off twenty five of them.
”WOW, you have a bunch of ones.”
”Yup, looks like Ive been playing poker.”
She then answers, “Or stripping!”.
In my mind, I’m thinking ummmm no bitch that would be tens and twenties 😂🤣😂 But the real me answers,
”I seriously doubt I could make enough to pay for worm poop.”
She answers, “ yeah, me too.”
Why the hell can’t I just go buy worm poop? 🤦‍♀️
why on earth is everything so complicated? You're lucky the world wide worm poop police didn't pop you for possession. Then you'd have to worm out of the charges. bit a boom...Funny no one asks me anything at the store here....er....
I need to recycle my soil.
I have every grow of soil still~! Most outdoors protected under rubber~! Some still in shop from last grow [slacker].🥴
I would guess 200-300 gallons of premium soil used once.
Your place would look amazing with some big living soil beds.my 30 gallons are 4 years old and just starting to get good. They produce some good co2 also if you can get the microbes popin.i hope to hand my soil down to my kids.
you mean there is sunny shine and warm sandy beaches somewhere in the world just waiting for us? Just a 5 hrs away?......with a swim up bar and buffet dining?.....all in $3000.00 + a week?......tempting.....do they take cats?
I’ve had exactly two vacations since 2005, the other was to Nova Scotia. You live in the most ridiculously expensive place I’ve ever visited.

If you want to be angry at me for getting a few days off in a non-frozen land, I will provide you a list of activities you can indulge in.
I’ve had exactly two vacations since 2005, the other was to Nova Scotia. You live in the most ridiculously expensive place I’ve ever visited.

If you want to be angry at me for getting a few days off in a non-frozen land, I will provide you a list of activities you can indulge in.
Ummm, while in jist.. PC would go in a heartbeat if they would allow him to take his cats! 🐈‍⬛
I need to recycle my soil.
I have every grow of soil still~! Most outdoors protected under rubber~! Some still in shop from last grow [slacker].🥴
I would guess 200-300 gallons of premium soil used once.
I used all of the soil I had stored in tubs atop of my flower gardens. When we were “attacked” by the vid, I couldn’t get soil anywhere! So, I saved it. I would reamend it each time with less and less perlite and reuse it.
@Stoneyluv I did raise worms one time. Truthfully, it’s a lot less probs to just buy the bag!
@SiamSam I just wish some days that ppl didn’t talk to me! I’m one of those ppl that everyone feels just fine about talking too. Never a time that I go out to the store whatever that someone does not approach me. My Husband will say who was that? I say I have no clue. He tells me it’s the craziest chit he has ever seen, I tell him, he should be me! Kids love me too. I get smiles and waves and even hugs! I’m not sure yet if this is a blessing or a curse! (I regard children as germ bags)..
I need to recycle my soil.
I have every grow of soil still~! Most outdoors protected under rubber~! Some still in shop from last grow [slacker].🥴
I would guess 200-300 gallons of premium soil used once.
I started dumping all my used pots of soil out in my garden.
My veggies had never been so happy until i started doing it.
I also dont buy soil for my outdoor pot either, i just scoop it from the garden and call it good.
Been busy this morning. Cleaned out the car, vacuumed everything, then sprayed and wiped MAXL interior detailer around. Car looks better now than it did when i bought it lol. Have everything loaded down minus a few last minute small things.

Gonna finish this doob and go under the trailer to add some heat tape to my pipes where they keep freezing.
Hitting the road about 5pm. 🙏🏼
Been busy this morning. Cleaned out the car, vacuumed everything, then sprayed and wiped MAXL interior detailer around. Car looks better now than it did when i bought it lol. Have everything loaded down minus a few last minute small things.

Gonna finish this doob and go under the trailer to add some heat tape to my pipes where they keep freezing.
Hitting the road about 5pm. 🙏🏼
Be safe budy.have fun
I used all of the soil I had stored in tubs atop of my flower gardens. When we were “attacked” by the vid, I couldn’t get soil anywhere! So, I saved it. I would reamend it each time with less and less perlite and reuse it.
@Stoneyluv I did raise worms one time. Truthfully, it’s a lot less probs to just buy the bag!
@SiamSam I just wish some days that ppl didn’t talk to me! I’m one of those ppl that everyone feels just fine about talking too. Never a time that I go out to the store whatever that someone does not approach me. My Husband will say who was that? I say I have no clue. He tells me it’s the craziest chit he has ever seen, I tell him, he should be me! Kids love me too. I get smiles and waves and even hugs! I’m not sure yet if this is a blessing or a curse! (I regard children as germ bags)..
It’s the indigenous goddess coming thru ! Blessing for sure imo.- although I get it I come from a small town where I was heavily involved the only way to get away was I moved to Florida ! lol so I get it!
Been busy this morning. Cleaned out the car, vacuumed everything, then sprayed and wiped MAXL interior detailer around. Car looks better now than it did when i bought it lol. Have everything loaded down minus a few last minute small things.

Gonna finish this doob and go under the trailer to add some heat tape to my pipes where they keep freezing.
Hitting the road about 5pm. 🙏🏼
Have a good trip and be safe
It’s the indigenous goddess coming thru ! Blessing for sure imo.- although I get it I come from a small town where I was heavily involved the only way to get away was I moved to Florida ! lol so I get it!
Truly, it does not matter where I go. There is no escaping it. Some days it is a blessing, other days, it’s straight up heart breaking. 💔 Seems they don’t mind what they tell me.
Only one scary incident. A wild eyed man followed me to the craft dept in Walmart. He then proceeded to tell me that he would be entering the prison system the next day and he had nothing to lose. He is telling me this as he continues to approach me, looking at my purse sitting in my cart. (He had no idea it actually was tied to the handle of the cart as that’s my habit) I snagged a pair of scissors tore them from the packaging and promised him a right fine stabbing if he came any closer. Others saw what was going on and he was removed from the store via security. I told security I would purchase the scissors after having had opened them. They told me no need to.
So, some days are worse than others!
Got on the road about 2 hours ahead of schedule. Just stopped the other side of troy for some food and a coffee.
Been in the car an hour at most and the kids are already asking "how much longer"

Wish them luck yall, they may have to walk to Maine lol!
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