Just a smoking lounge. They currently have a very big business, lots of greenhouses and provide garden plants, flowers etc to several retailers. No public sales.
The only legal licensing left in Missouri is called microgrows, with a max of sixty plants. Very hard to obtain licensing as it’s done on a lottery type scale.
He does provide our area with all the soils and amendments through a Garden Center, even does a list called Grannies Grows providing everything my method calls for. This is much appreciated as in my area it’s 80 miles one way to any of three towns large enough to provide what we need.
Locals that enjoy smoking more so than drinking. A middle aged crowd.
A cover charge each visit.
Here the plan is for each person to bring their own smoke. No illegal sales. He has wayyyy too much to lose by doing any illegal business.
Not really doing a bar type thing, you bring your own drinks

but we will have a juice bar and a kitchen. Many smokers that I know like myself do not drink at all. If drinking is one’s bag, they can go next door to his bar.
Catering more to a settled middle aged crowd, not so interested in the bar scene anymore. More so a place that we can gather and share our smoke and visit.
Sadly, a lot of the younger crowd in this area is into meth and illegal prescription drugs. The thing we want to “weed” out.
Thanks for taking the time to add your information!