CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

Mornin @GoodShit97 !
Im late this morning. Woke at day break said awwww hell nawww and went right back to sleep! 💤
I love mornings like those, this morning would've been one but my kids were up at 545 and my wife had to be to work at 8 so I've been up way to long for it being Sunday!
I love mornings like those, this morning would've been one but my kids were up at 545 and my wife had to be to work at 8 so I've been up way to long for it being Sunday!
I did that for years. I only had one child by birth, but I raised five! Flew out of bed, pots and pans a banging. Off to work after the bus ran, home to run again to cook and then ballgames, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, FFA and Beta meetings.
I used to think I could not wait until they graduated! I actually miss those hectic days, now. Well, until mornings like this..where I go hellllll nawwww, and go right back to sleep!
I did that for years. I only had one child by birth, but I raised five! Flew out of bed, pots and pans a banging. Off to work after the bus ran, home to run again to cook and then ballgames, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, FFA and Beta meetings.
I used to think I could not wait until they graduated! I actually miss those hectic days, now. Well, until mornings like this..where I go hellllll nawwww, and go right back to sleep!
We run a pretty busy life here too for the most part lol. Both my boys play baseball, my oldest also does wrestling and basketball. Neither have shown interest in boy/cub scouts so I haven't pushed it. They both want to join a bowling league so I have to find out that cost, cause it was expensive when I did it as a kid, but money is just an object 🤷🏻
It's the memories made that matter the most!
My hubby’s cat is pissed at him (he made her move outta his chair) so she has turned her back to him and is staring at the wall. 😂😅🥹 She has currently gone deaf as well as blind.
Lmaoooo, spoiled azz brat!
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