Don't want to blow smoke by the ears they have blood vessels there and it hits them pretty hard, we smoked out a kitten back in the day that was my was an eternal dick head from that day on, feel bad lookin back on it
Don't want to blow smoke by the ears they have blood vessels there and it hits them pretty hard, we smoked out a kitten back in the day that was my was an eternal dick head from that day on, feel bad lookin back on it
I don’t blow smoke on him at all, and am always the one raising hell when others blow smoke on animals.
You are one hundred percent right about their ears tho. My other cat got spider bit near the ear, it was super hard to treat, only certain things that close to her ear. It neurologically destroyed her.
Let's start the day better than my sad kitten story. Every chance since then that I get to help out animals i do it. No matter how much I may dislike them, let a raccoon stay in my trash can a couple years back I tipped it over it ran out then right back was below zero so I just closed the lid left it on its side like a doggy door. It was in there for a few days getting easy meals brought to it lol
Oh gads, the coons! I had a Mama bring out four babies last week. My poor cats didn’t know what to think. I call em Trash Panda’s.
Nice morning here, cool with rain on the way.

I woke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off I sat and wondered?
Started hummin' a song from 1962
Ain't it funny how the night moves?
Oh gads, the coons! I had a Mama bring out four babies last week. My poor cats didn’t know what to think. I call em Trash Panda’s.
Nice morning here, cool with rain on the way.

I woke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off I sat and wondered?
Started hummin' a song from 1962
Ain't it funny how the night moves?
Morning CannaGranny!
52° here, cloudy and hazy again today. Got some decent rain last night though, everything is wet this morning. Even my driveway was a little spongy.
Morning CannaGranny!
52° here, cloudy and hazy again today. Got some decent rain last night though, everything is wet this morning. Even my driveway was a little spongy.
Morninnnnnn! We are supposed to get rain today. Myself, the lawn and the blackberries would appreciate it greatly!
Morninnnnnn! We are supposed to get rain today. Myself, the lawn and the blackberries would appreciate it greatly!
Right, we need more rain here too. I dont think its rained since the middle of April and we had a lot of 80-90° days. Every time the wind blew prior to yesterday, huge dust clouds followed and i dont live in a desert😑
What’s on everyone’s agenda today? I’m making medicine. Picking plantain to make a salve and lemon balm to make a honey extraction for winter time cough syrup. That should keep me busy and sorta kinda out of trouble!
What’s on everyone’s agenda today? I’m making medicine. Picking plantain to make a salve and lemon balm to make a honey extraction for winter time cough syrup. That should keep me busy and sorta kinda out of trouble!
That sounds like a fun day, not even kidding, i think id enjoy that.
I gotta change my rabbits cages and litter boxes, clean the fish tank, get the rest of my veggies planted cause im a slacker, get my house back together i have company coming tonight til Monday or Tuesday. Put these 5 or 6 dishes in my dishwasher, then ill have to go get my wife cause she had an oops and lost her license😑
That sounds like a fun day, not even kidding, i think id enjoy that.
I gotta change my rabbits cages and litter boxes, clean the fish tank, get the rest of my veggies planted cause im a slacker, get my house back together i have company coming tonight til Monday or Tuesday. Put these 5 or 6 dishes in my dishwasher, then ill have to go get my wife cause she had an oops and lost her license😑
Sounds like a busy day! This just kicks off my summer med making. Next will be the mint harvest and the echinacea. (Aka pale purple coneflower). The coneflowers are pure and natural antibiotics. Dig the roots up, wash and sun dry and then pound the roots to dust. Then on to golden seal (another natural antibiotic) and the ginseng season. A plethora of free and natural meds 🥰
Sounds like a busy day! This just kicks off my summer med making. Next will be the mint harvest and the echinacea. (Aka pale purple coneflower). The coneflowers are pure and natural antibiotics. Dig the roots up, wash and sun dry and then pound the roots to dust. Then on to golden seal (another natural antibiotic) and the ginseng season. A plethora of free and natural meds 🥰
If we have any of that stuff here, i wouldnt even know where to look lol.
I know we have psilocybin mushrooms that grow wild, but idk what im looking for there either🤣
Not much in New York that i know of, but i dont think i live in the right area either
What’s on everyone’s agenda today? I’m making medicine. Picking plantain to make a salve and lemon balm to make a honey extraction for winter time cough syrup. That should keep me busy and sorta kinda out of trouble!
We use plantain for poison ok not as good as jewel weed(touch me nots) but easier to find sometimes.i think we have more plantain in our yard than do you make the salve.
We use plantain for poison ok not as good as jewel weed(touch me nots) but easier to find sometimes.i think we have more plantain in our yard than do you make the salve.
Pick and wash your leaves allow them to completely dry out, then chop them up really fine. Fill your jar whatever size you chose, then cover in olive oil. I then take it to an eight hour period of a low setting on my crock pot, keeping the waterline just over the top of the product in my jar. I stop and give it a good shake when I think about it. After the eight hour water bath extraction I then pour off and strain the oil into a double boiler heat it up and add beeswax balls to thicken it, like an ointment. I have two ppl that have eczema that swears by this.
Alright, you motivated me to figure out dinner lol. I'm gonna grill up some boneless chicken thighs, ill get them in some teriyaki marinade around 2 and cook at like 630 probably. 😋
I’m just coming for dessert 🤪
I don’t mind cooking at all, what I dislike is trying to figure out what to cook. The Hubby and I trade up nights, which I appreciate. He is a full on Native/French Arcadian Cajun. I stole him from New Orleans 😂 So, our styles of cooking are very different.
I’m just coming for dessert 🤪
I don’t mind cooking at all, what I dislike is trying to figure out what to cook. The Hubby and I trade up nights, which I appreciate. He is a full on Native/French Arcadian Cajun. I stole him from New Orleans 😂 So, our styles of cooking are very different.
Thats fine, ill come for dinner then cause i enjoy a good cajun meal 😋😆
I do mostly all the cooking here and have the same issues, never know what to make.
My wife works 12 hour days 6 days a week so shes not really around much to cook.

Now im hungry.
Can we slow down the posting? Hoooooooly :oops:

Come back to this thread like and the world is ending, ice caps are melting, billionaire space cowboys running amuck, and Canada is going to reign supreme!

Seriously though get your hands off our fresh water. And @Franksta is right don't fuck with us, Hockey is our national sport and we all have many sticks to beat you with.
Can we slow down the posting? Hoooooooly :oops:

Come back to this thread like @Farmerdave and the world is ending, ice caps are melting, billionaire space cowboys running amuck, and Canada is going to reign supreme!

Seriously though get your hands off our fresh water.
you Canadians are having such a big sesh the smoke is wafting all over the US lmao
Can we slow down the posting? Hoooooooly :oops:

Come back to this thread like @Farmerdave and the world is ending, ice caps are melting, billionaire space cowboys running amuck, and Canada is going to reign supreme!

Seriously though get your hands off our fresh water. And @Franksta is right don't fuck with us, Hockey is our national sport and we all have many sticks to beat you with.
C’mon Whiz! Keep up! 🤪
We are curing the worlds ills one smoke at a time! Ok, maybe we are just discussing it. I see that as a win!
I can’t just hang out in my rocking chair baking cookies, allllll the time. Some days I have a strong desire to drink bourbon and change the world. One, I can resist..the other not so much😉
C’mon Whiz! Keep up! 🤪
We are curing the worlds ills one smoke at a time! Ok, maybe we are just discussing it. I see that as a win!
I can’t just hang out in my rocking chair baking cookies, allllll the time. Some days I have a strong desire to drink bourbon and change the world. One, I can resist..the other not so much😉

I'm done saving the world, at this point I just want to be left alone :cautious:

And stop raising my damn mortgage! Cost of living has gone up like 40-60% and my wage hasn't budged. Maybe I'll join you in the bourbon drinking but I tend to stay away from "spirits"

@ZombieRider sorry about that my wake n bakes get a little intense...
I'm done saving the world, at this point I just want to be left alone :cautious:

And stop raising my damn mortgage! Cost of living has gone up like 40-60% and my wage hasn't budged. Maybe I'll join you in the bourbon drinking but I tend to stay away from "spirits"

@ZombieRider sorry about that my wake n bakes get a little intense...
I actually don’t drink at all. 🙂
I’m there, no mortgage, live secluded, have no neighbors and don’t want any.
I keep up on what goes on around me. Worldwide. It all fits together like a neat little puzzle. I don’t like any of it.
Im a thorn in the side and a seed of the first time we saw a genocide in the US. Research the Trail of Tears.
I think this is what causes me the need to know the enemy and when it is they ride upon my camp.
Cool thing is, it’s all discussed in here by many with different points of view and done so kindly. That’s a start! A big one! It’s all open for discussion on da corner!
Gooooooooood morninnnnnnnn Slim Shadey! 🥰
I'm done saving the world, at this point I just want to be left alone :cautious:

And stop raising my damn mortgage! Cost of living has gone up like 40-60% and my wage hasn't budged. Maybe I'll join you in the bourbon drinking but I tend to stay away from "spirits"

@ZombieRider sorry about that my wake n bakes get a little intense...
Haha no worries bro. Sometimes a strong sativa early in the day makes me feel like im on adderall lmao
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